Rumah >tutorial komputer >Penyelesaian masalah >Bagaimana untuk memilih filem perlindungan sinaran komputer untuk melindungi kesihatan mata dengan berkesan
Filem perlindungan sinaran komputer adalah langkah kesihatan yang tidak boleh diabaikan dalam era digital hari ini. Berhadapan dengan rangkaian produk yang mempesonakan, ramai orang bermasalah dengan cara membuat pilihan yang bijak. Artikel ini akan menyelidiki jenis, keberkesanan, teknik pemilihan dan langkah berjaga-jaga penggunaan filem perlindungan sinaran komputer. Melalui pengenalan yang komprehensif, editor PHP Youzi akan memberikan anda panduan yang jelas untuk membantu anda melindungi kesihatan mata anda dengan berkesan daripada sinaran berbahaya. . bilangan Semakin ramai orang mula memberi perhatian terhadap kesan sinaran komputer terhadap kesihatan mata. Filem perlindungan sinaran komputer telah menarik banyak perhatian kerana penyekatan sinaran yang berkesan dan fungsi perlindungan mata. Walau bagaimanapun, berhadapan dengan pelbagai filem perlindungan sinaran komputer yang mempesonakan di pasaran, bagaimanakah anda harus memilih? Berikut akan memberi anda pengenalan terperinci tentang cara memilih filem perlindungan sinaran komputer yang sesuai untuk melindungi kesihatan mata anda.
Fahami kesan sinaran komputer pada mata
2. Kesan penapisan: Filem perlindungan sinaran komputer berkualiti tinggi bukan sahaja dapat menyekat sinaran komputer, tetapi juga menapis sinaran ultraungu dan cahaya biru yang berbahaya untuk mengurangkan kerengsaan mata.
Penggunaan filem perlindungan sinaran komputer yang betul
Memahami kesan sinaran komputer pada mata, memilih filem perlindungan sinaran komputer yang sesuai, dan menggunakan serta menyelenggaranya dengan betul adalah penting untuk melindungi kesihatan mata. Kami berharap melalui kaedah ini, anda dapat melindungi mata anda dengan berkesan dan mengurangkan kerosakan yang disebabkan oleh sinaran komputer pada mata anda.
Terima kasih kerana membaca artikel ini, saya harap ia dapat membantu anda lebih memahami dan memilih filem perlindungan sinaran komputer yang sesuai. 2. Mana-mana objek memancarkan radiasi Adakah filem perlindungan sinaran komputer berkesan? Pelekat perlindungan sinaran mesti dilekatkan pada bahagian belakang telefon untuk melindungi secara berkesan daripada sinaran. Kerana sinaran telefon bimbit terutamanya terpancar dari sandaran. Dalam proses pengeluaran bahan mentah PET, medium kompaun ditambah, dan permukaan diafragma disalut dengan salutan kalis sinaran (mengandungi unsur nanometal, yang bertindak sebagai konduktor). Boleh memainkan peranan tertentu dalam menapis pantulan. Ini kerana kebanyakan sinaran daripada komputer, TV, dsb. berasal dari gelombang elektromagnet dari skrin LCD Gelombang ini mempunyai panjang gelombang dan amplitud tertentu Lapisan perlindungan sinaran adalah berdasarkan fenomena turun naik dan gangguan cahaya, yang menyebabkan perbezaan antara permukaan hadapan dan belakang filem, gelombang elektromagnet dengan panjang gelombang yang berbeza mengganggu antara satu sama lain dan mengimbangi bahagian sinaran, mencapai kesan menghalang dan mengurangkan sinaran. 3 Adakah filem perlindungan sinaran komputer dan cermin mata perlindungan sinaran mempunyai sebarang kesan? Pada masa ini, semua komputer mempunyai skrin LCD, dan jumlah sinaran adalah sangat kecil pada asasnya tidak membahayakan tubuh manusia, dan ia selamat selagi jaraknya melebihi 30 sentimeter. Cermin mata kalis sinaran hanya boleh melemahkan sinaran, tetapi tidak dapat melindunginya sepenuhnya. Kanta sintetik berkesan, tetapi berharga sekitar beberapa ratus yuan. 4. Adakah bekas komputer kalis sinaran? Perlindungan sinaran adalah berdasarkan prinsip "Sangkar Faraday"------kulit luar konduktor "melindungi" dalamannya daripada pengaruh medan elektrik luaran Fenomena ini dipanggil pelindung elektrostatik. Jadi perlindungan sinaran casis bergantung kepada sama ada bahagian boleh tanggal dan bahagian tidak boleh tanggal membentuk konduktor lengkap, iaitu, keseluruhan cangkang mesti mempunyai kekonduksian yang baik, dan sentuhan antara bahagian boleh tanggal dan bukan bahagian boleh tanggal mestilah baik dan tidak terlindung. Jadi sama ada plat keluli dicat, reka bentuk sambungan manik dan duri pada panel sisi, dan reka bentuk serpihan anti-EMI antara muka adalah semua faktor utama yang mempengaruhi perlindungan sinaran casis. Bagi diameter lubang pelesapan haba, ia biasanya 2-3MM dan tidak menjejaskan perlindungan sinaran (sebenarnya terdapat piawaian untuk lubang). Selain itu, sebenarnya, perlindungan sinaran komputer adalah untuk menjadikan komponen elektronik berfungsi dengan lebih stabil, dan tidak mempunyai kaitan langsung dengan kesihatan manusia.
As for various advertisements, they always exaggerate, confuse concepts, and mislead buyers. This is a marketing tool. Although it is despised by consumers, businesses still enjoy it because it is easier to talk about it than to make good products. Radiation protection is based on the "Faraday cage" principle - the outer shell of a conductor "protects" its interior from the influence of external electric fields. This phenomenon is called electrostatic shielding.
So the radiation protection of the chassis depends on whether the detachable part and the non-detachable part form a complete conductor, that is to say, the entire shell must have good conductivity, and the contact between the detachable part and the non-detachable part must be good and not insulated.
So whether the steel plate is painted, the design of the beading and tenon joints of the side panels, and the anti-EMI shrapnel design of the interface are all key factors that affect the radiation protection of the chassis. As for the diameter of the heat dissipation hole, it is generally 2-3MM and does not affect radiation protection (there are actually standards for holes).
In addition, in fact, computer radiation protection is to make electronic components work more stably, and has little to do with human health. Computer radiation is very small and has little impact on the human body.
As for various advertisements, they always exaggerate, confuse concepts, and mislead buyers. This is a marketing tool. Although it is despised by consumers, businesses still enjoy it because it is easier to talk about it than to make good products.
Basically, metal chassis have radiation protection function. Because electromagnetic waves cannot penetrate steel. Small holes certainly leak radiation, but they take up very little surface area of the case.
Methods to enhance radiation protection: 1. Install the side panels of the chassis. 2. There must be a grounding wire for the power socket, which is the chassis grounding. 3. Use an LCD screen, which has much less radiation than CRT. 4. Choose a high-quality chassis, a high-quality power supply, and a good chassis. The iron sheet is thick and the sealing is good, so it does not affect heat dissipation. A good power supply can reduce a lot of radiation. Basically, metal chassis have radiation protection function. Because electromagnetic waves cannot penetrate steel. Small holes certainly leak radiation, but they take up very little surface area of the case.
Methods to enhance radiation protection: 1. Install the side panels of the chassis. 2. There must be a grounding wire for the power socket, which is the chassis grounding. 3. Use an LCD screen, which has much less radiation than CRT. 4. Choose a high-quality chassis, a high-quality power supply, and a good chassis. The iron sheet is thick and the sealing is good, so it does not affect heat dissipation. A good power supply can reduce a lot of radiation. Whether the radiation protection function of the chassis is excellent mainly depends on the board it uses. Most of the chassis on the market currently use galvanized steel sheets, and most ASUS chassis products use 0.8mm high-quality electrolytic galvanized steel sheets. Hazardous substances are eliminated in the electroplating and welding production processes. At the same time, it has strong adsorption to electromagnetic waves, especially low-frequency electromagnetic waves, thus achieving twice the result with half the effort in electromagnetic radiation protection. It also standardizes the use of materials in brighteners and pigment additives. Minimize radiation.
EMI bullet point radiation protection
The EMI bullet design on the chassis can also improve the radiation protection capability of the chassis. It is understood that good electromagnetic shielding means minimizing the openings and gaps in the shell, and all removable parts must be Can be connected to the chassis. To achieve this, we need to rely on the EMI shrapnel design, which can integrate the chassis frame and other components to prevent the leakage of electromagnetic waves. ASUS chassis base, front panel, top cover, rear panel edge, and even the power interface are all designed with EMI anti-electromagnetic radiation bullet points, and the bullet points are very dense, and the spacing of the bullet points is designed according to the thickness of the material to make it consistent with the The internal mechanisms are closely integrated to prevent the leakage of electromagnetic radiation to the greatest extent, making it truly radiation-proof and more environmentally friendly.
High closeness of the chassis panel
Another important aspect to prevent electromagnetic radiation is the overall design of the rack, that is, the closeness of the chassis itself, which is mainly reflected in the closeness of the chassis panel, front and rear side baffles, etc. ASUS Computer's Taipei laboratory, which has many years of R&D experience, is at the forefront of the industry in precision mold manufacturing. The combination of the seamless front panel, optical drive bay and rear panel is ASUS's meticulous effort to create a radiation-proof copper wall to prevent electromagnetic radiation from leaking out.
High-density small-aperture opening design of vents
In the electromagnetic wave wavelength formula c=λf, because the wavelength of electromagnetic waves is related to frequency, since frequency and wavelength are inversely proportional, the higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength. When the maximum diameter of the hole is greater than 1/20 of the wavelength of the electromagnetic wave, the space electromagnetic waves in the chassis have a chance to leak out from the hole. Therefore, the shorter the wavelength, the larger the hole, and the more serious the electromagnetic radiation leakage, so in The chassis design will replace one large hole with a combination of several small holes. ASUS adopts a high-density, small-aperture opening design for vents, which not only ensures strong heat dissipation inside the chassis, but also prevents the leakage of electromagnetic radiation to the greatest extent.
Good grounding performance of the base
Utilizes its unique chassis manufacturing process and combines the chassis' galvanized steel base to make it have good grounding performance. Therefore, the electromagnetic waves generated by the electronic components inside the box can be quickly directed to the ground. From the above content, we can see that from the board to the frame design, from the EMI shrapnel to the humanized design, the ASUS chassis perfectly performs 360° radiation protection, and uses advanced technology and excellent workmanship to ensure that the ASUS chassis is fully radiation-proof. , thereby ensuring that users are protected from radiation problems and making our PC lives healthier! Radiation protection? ? So cool. Radiation. Everything with a temperature has radiation. Unless it is below absolute zero, do you think it is possible to prevent it? Electromagnetic radiation is not a big deal, just pay attention to ventilation. Does it need to make it look like the end of the world? However, it is true that the design is conducive to heat dissipation. I suggest you to understand what radiation is and you will know how to do it
is mainly attached to the screen of the monitor! If there is still some leftover, stick it to the outer shell of the main chassis. After using a computer, more than 70% of radiation ionized particles will be adsorbed on people's faces and exposed skin, causing radiation damage to the human body. Therefore, be sure to wash your face and hands after playing on the computer! Can reduce 70% of harm
When choosing computer radiation protection film, it is best to choose well-known brands, such as 3M, Belkin, Epson, etc. The radiation-proof films of these brands have been rigorously tested and can effectively reduce the impact of computer radiation on the human body.
In addition, you should also pay attention to choosing products that comply with national standards, such as radiation protection films that comply with GB/T 18801-2015 standards. In addition, according to personal needs, you can choose an anti-radiation film with anti-blue light function to further reduce damage to your eyes. The most important thing is to use the computer correctly, maintain good posture and take appropriate rest to better protect yourself from computer radiation.
has a certain effect.
Are computer radiation protection screens useful? Because most of the electromagnetic radiation from computers is between shortwave and microwave, so no screen can withstand it. However, computer radiation protection screens still have a certain effect. They can absorb at least 85% of computer radiation. It also plays a great role in protecting human health, but when purchasing, don’t be greedy and buy a few hundred yuan, otherwise it will not protect against radiation.
Today on the market, the best material to resist radiation is lead, but ordinary protective screens are so thin and contain very little lead. Computer radiation protection screens have a certain effect on radiation protection, but they do not provide 100% of the best protection. Therefore, in daily life, you should always improve your bad habits and remember to drink more water, tea, etc. In this way, the computer radiation protection screen can protect your skin from radiation damage.
The computer host is protected by a metal shell, which can shield electromagnetic radiation.
It can only be said that the harm caused by your psychological burden is greater than the so-called computer radiation
Search online for brands that many people buy and spend thousands of them Just wear it on your body to reduce the psychological burden
I did this when my wife was pregnant. I saw that she was always frowning and worried, so I simply bought a more expensive one with high-frequency circuits and radio frequency. Having been dealing with amplifiers for several years, I know that these clothes are useless for the so-called radiation protection, but I still bought it for no other reason. My wife, don’t worry
The so-called computer radiation protection is just a gimmick and feels a bit deceptive.
It is better to adjust the brightness and contrast to a suitable level, which is better for the eyes.
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