Rumah >tutorial komputer >Penyelesaian masalah >Berapa banyak sinaran yang dipancarkan oleh komputer?
Adakah anda bimbang tentang potensi kesan kesihatan akibat sinaran komputer? Editor PHP Xigua membawakan anda panduan terperinci ini, yang meneroka secara mendalam sifat, jenis dan kesan sinaran komputer terhadap kesihatan manusia. Daripada penemuan penyelidikan dan pendapat pakar, kepada langkah perlindungan dan garis panduan keselamatan, kami akan memberikan anda maklumat yang komprehensif dan mudah difahami untuk membantu anda memahami sinaran komputer dan membuat keputusan termaklum untuk melindungi kesihatan anda.
Institusi penyelidikan telah menguji kekuatan medan elektromagnet komputer dan mendapati bahawa keamatan medan elektromagnet berhampiran skrin pendarfluor ialah 0.9, tetapi kira-kira 5 cm dari skrin, keamatan kurang daripada 0.1, dan lebih jauh hingga 30 cm ( ini ialah jarak biasa pengendali komputer antara badan dan skrin), keamatannya hampir tidak boleh diukur.
Komputer pengecas mengeluarkan banyak radiasi Selagi komputer sedang dicas, sesiapa yang berdiri dalam jarak seratus meter dari pengecas akan terjejas oleh sinaran dalam masa tiga puluh minit, seluruh badan akan mengalami ulser, berdarah, dan akhirnya mati .
Adakah anda percaya?
Soalan anda terlalu umum Jawapan yang tegas ialah: ia mungkin berbahaya atau mungkin tidak berbahaya
Apakah jenis kaedah berbahaya itu? Biar saya katakan begini, cahaya yang dipancarkan oleh skrin komputer adalah sinaran elektromagnet, bukan? Jika anda duduk di hadapan komputer selama 14 jam daripada 24 jam sehari, dan terus melakukan ini selama beberapa bulan, adalah menakjubkan jika mata anda tidak rabun jauh Ini adalah bahayanya
(Juga, duduk semua masa nampaknya tidak bagus)
Tetapi jika anda menggunakan komputer secara sederhana setiap hari, mengapa terdapat banyak keburukan
Radiasi daripada komputer ialah hos atau skrin paparan
Dengan perkembangan pesat teknologi moden, komputer telah menjadi salah satu alat yang amat diperlukan dalam kehidupan seharian kita. Walau bagaimanapun, sentiasa ada kebimbangan sama ada penggunaan komputer yang berpanjangan akan memberi kesan kepada kesihatan kita. Salah satu topik yang sering dibincangkan adalah kemudaratan yang disebabkan oleh sinaran komputer kepada kesihatan manusia Dalam hal ini, ramai orang keliru sama ada sinaran komputer datang dari hos atau skrin paparan.
Pertama sekali, kita perlu faham apa itu sinaran komputer. Sinaran komputer merujuk kepada sinaran yang dipancarkan apabila komputer berfungsi Sumber utama termasuk komputer hos, skrin paparan dan komponen lain. Walau bagaimanapun, masih terdapat beberapa kontroversi dalam komuniti saintifik mengenai kesan sinaran komputer terhadap kesihatan manusia. Sesetengah kajian telah menunjukkan bahawa pendedahan jangka panjang kepada sinaran komputer mungkin mempunyai kesan tertentu pada mata, kulit dan bahagian lain, tetapi tahap kesan tertentu memerlukan kajian lanjut untuk menentukan.
Apabila membincangkan sinaran komputer, orang ramai cenderung memberi tumpuan kepada hos dan paparan. Jadi, adakah sinaran komputer terutamanya datang daripada hos atau skrin paparan? Sebenarnya, kedua-dua komputer hos dan skrin paparan menghasilkan sinaran, tetapi jenis dan keamatan adalah berbeza.
Hos adalah komponen teras komputer, termasuk bekalan kuasa, pemproses, cakera keras, dan lain-lain. Komponen ini akan menghasilkan sinaran elektromagnet apabila berfungsi. Dalam keadaan biasa, sinaran hos agak lemah dan tertumpu terutamanya dalam julat sekitar hos, jadi kesan kepada pengguna mungkin agak kecil.
Sebaliknya, skrin paparan adalah komponen yang pengguna bersentuhan dengan lama, jadi sinarannya mungkin memberi kesan yang lebih langsung kepada pengguna. Sinaran yang dijana oleh skrin paparan terutamanya datang daripada unit pemancar cahaya paparan, seperti skrin pendarfluor atau skrin LCD. Terutamanya apabila menggunakan monitor yang lebih lama, keamatan sinaran mungkin lebih tinggi, memerlukan pengguna melindungi mata mereka dan melaraskan masa penggunaan dengan sewajarnya.
Walaupun potensi kesan sinaran komputer terhadap kesihatan tidak dapat dielakkan sepenuhnya, terdapat langkah yang boleh kita ambil untuk mengurangkan kesan ini. Berikut adalah beberapa cadangan:
Kekalkan postur yang baik: Apabila menggunakan komputer, mengekalkan postur duduk yang baik dan jarak mata yang sederhana dari skrin paparan boleh mengurangkan kesan buruk pada mata dan badan. Berehat biasa: Menggunakan komputer untuk masa yang lama akan memenatkan mata anda Adalah disyorkan untuk berehat secara tetap untuk memberi mata anda berehat. Gunakan fungsi perlindungan mata: Sesetengah skrin paparan moden mempunyai fungsi perlindungan mata, yang boleh mengurangkan kerengsaan sinaran pada mata dengan berkesan. Pilih monitor sinaran rendah: Apabila membeli peralatan komputer, anda boleh memilih monitor sinaran rendah untuk mengurangkan kesan pada badan.Secara amnya, sinaran komputer datang daripada hos dan skrin paparan, tetapi tahap impak bergantung pada masa dan postur individu menggunakan komputer dan tahap sinaran peranti itu sendiri. Dengan mengambil langkah perlindungan yang sesuai dan menggunakan komputer secara saintifik dan rasional, kita boleh mengurangkan potensi kesan sinaran komputer terhadap kesihatan dan melindungi mata dan badan kita.
Semestinya tidak mungkin Cermin mata hitam itu sendiri dipakai untuk mengelakkan kerosakan pada mata di bawah cahaya yang kuat, dan cahaya yang dibawa oleh komputer dan telefon bimbit tidak begitu kuat jika anda menggunakan telefon bimbit dan komputer Jika anda masih memakai cermin mata hitam mengandung, ia hanya akan menyebabkan kerosakan rabun pada mata anda
In fact, the radiation protection methods of mobile phones and computers are different. For mobile phones, do not put them under the pillow when sleeping at night. You can use headphones when answering calls. As long as they are not copycat or high-defense mobile phones, the radiation they carry is not large. Yes, but computers are different. Due to their large size, they need to put on a radiation protection film, and the protective film can still protect the screen to a certain extent. Like the OK8 radiation protection film I put on, it can protect against radiation. , can prevent dust and scratches, the benefits are huge...
The light from mobile phone and computer screens is not ultraviolet light. It may contain ultraviolet spectrum components, but that is absolutely insignificant. However, if these devices are used at close range for a long time, it may cause visual fatigue to the human eyes and cause myopia.
Ultraviolet refers to the general term for radiation with wavelengths from 10nm to 400nm in the electromagnetic spectrum, which cannot cause human vision. In 1801, German physicist Ritter discovered that a section outside the violet end of the sunlight spectrum could sensitize photographic films containing silver bromide, thus discovering the existence of ultraviolet light. Ultraviolet rays can be used for sterilization. Too much ultraviolet rays entering the body can cause skin cancer.
Nowadays, in this era of developed network information, there are more and more computer workers, and this industry is becoming more and more popular. Many people are faced with going to work and getting off work from 9 to 5 every day. I sit in front of the computer all the time. Not only my eyes can't stand it, but the radiation from the computer is even more serious. Even during lunch, I sit in front of the computer desk and do some hastily. After a long time, my face becomes oily, dry, and itchy. Even people with bad skin can develop acne, which is really distressing. Does computer radiation affect acne?
Computer radiation has nothing to do with acne, but when using computers, you should pay attention to the four major hazards of computer radiation:
1. Computer radiation pollution will affect the human body’s circulatory system, immunity, reproductive and metabolic functions, and in severe cases, it can induce cancer, And it will accelerate the proliferation of cancer cells in the human body.
2. The main manifestations of affecting people's reproductive system are the reduction of men's sperm quality, spontaneous abortion and fetal malformations in pregnant women.
3. The cardiovascular system that affects people is manifested as palpitations, insomnia, menstrual disorders in some women, bradycardia, reduced cardiac blood volume, sinus arrhythmia, leukopenia, decreased immune function, etc.
4. It has adverse effects on people’s visual system. Since the eyes are the sensitive organs of the human body to electromagnetic radiation, excessive electromagnetic radiation pollution will also affect the visual system. The main manifestations are decreased vision and cataracts.
Skin care guide for facing the computer
1. Pay attention to indoor ventilation. Computer monitors can produce a carcinogen called brominated dibenzofurans. Therefore, it is best to install a ventilation fan or electric fan in the room where the computer is placed. If not, pay special attention to ventilation when surfing the Internet.
2. Cactus absorbs radiation. Many people know this method, especially office workers, who will put a pot of cactus on their desk, which can effectively absorb computer radiation.
3. When using a computer, adjust the brightness of the screen. Generally speaking, the brighter the screen, the stronger the electromagnetic radiation. Vice versa. 4. The position of the computer is very important. Try not to let the back of the screen face people, because the computer radiates the strongest radiation from the back, followed by the left and right sides, and the front of the screen radiates the weakest.
5. The skin of the face and hands should always be kept clean, because there is a lot of static electricity on the surface of the computer screen, and the accumulated dust can be transferred to the exposed skin of the face and hands. Over time, ugly spots are prone to occur. Rashes, pigmentation, and in severe cases may even cause skin lesions.
6. If computer operators work in front of the fluorescent screen for too long, the rhodopsin on the retina will be consumed, and rhodopsin is mainly synthesized from vitamin A. Therefore, computer operators should eat more carrots, cabbage, bean sprouts, tofu, red dates, oranges, milk, eggs, animal liver, lean meat and other foods to supplement vitamin A and protein in the human body. You can drink more tea at ordinary times, because tea contains active substances such as tea polyphenols, which can absorb and resist radioactive substances.
Pregnant women are afraid of computer radiation but play with mobile phones every day? Isn't it useful to wear radiation protection clothing?
Computers or mobile phones, who has greater radiation?
1. Let’s first look at the classification of radiation
In fact, radiation is everywhere in our lives. You can't guard against it. But don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying we shouldn’t take precautions. What we need to guard against is ionizing radiation.
Radiation can generally be classified as ionizing radiation or non-ionizing radiation according to its energy level and its ability to ionize substances.
The most common types of ionizing radiation include nuclear radiation, radioactive metals, hospital X-rays, subway luggage security scanners, etc. This type of radiation can ionize atoms. Long-term exposure can change the composition of DNA, endanger human health, and even cause cancer. Therefore, pregnant women must avoid these radiations.
The most common types of non-ionizing radiation are solar radiation, radiation from computers, mobile phones, induction cookers, etc. The radiation from these devices that we come into contact with in daily life is very small and generally does little harm to the human body. However, if exposed to this radiation for a long time, it will also be harmful to the fetus.
2. Computers or mobile phones, which one emits more radiation?
(1) 컴퓨터는 얼마나 많은 방사선을 방출합니까?
관련 데이터에 따르면 화면과 가까운 거리에서 컴퓨터 디스플레이 화면의 방사선은 1μT이고, 20cm 떨어진 곳에서 방사선 감쇠는 0.18μT입니다. 0.4μT 이상의 방사선은 인체에 해로운 강한 방사선으로 간주되며 장기간 노출되면 백혈병으로 쉽게 이어질 수 있습니다. 방사선량이 0.4μT 이하이면 비교적 안전합니다.
그러니 컴퓨터에 너무 가까이 접근하지 마시고, 컴퓨터 앞에 너무 오래 앉아있지도 마세요. 글쎄요, 이것에 대해서는 제 아내의 말이 맞는 것 같습니다.
(2) 휴대폰은 얼마나 많은 방사선을 방출하나요?
국가 규정에 따르면 1단계 기준(인체에 영향을 주지 않는 안전 기준)은 고주파 방사선이 10μW/cm2 미만이어야 하고, 저주파 방사선이 이보다 낮아야 합니다. 10V/m 이상. 2차 기준(인체에 유해한 영향을 미칠 수 있는 중간대)은 고주파 방사선이 40μW/cm2 이하, 저주파 방사선이 25V/m 이하로 규정된다.
그리고 휴대폰은 얼마나 많은 방사선을 방출하나요? 일반적으로 저주파는 11.91V/m, 고주파는 55.29μW/cm2로 여전히 인체에 유해하다고 볼 수 있습니다.
(3) 일반적으로 휴대폰의 방사선은 컴퓨터의 방사선보다 더 큽니다.
휴대폰은 발산 방사선을 방출하고 방사선이 높은 펄스 방사선이기 때문입니다. 가장 중요한 것은 휴대폰이 상대적으로 사람의 신체에 가까이 있고, 오랫동안 근처에 유지되며, 항상 전원이 켜져 있는 모드이므로 사람의 방사선에 더 큰 해를 끼친다는 것입니다.
휴대폰과 컴퓨터에서 발생하는 방사선에 대한 다음 비교 차트를 볼 수 있습니다.
휴대폰, 라우터, 복사기에서 발생하는 방사선
각종 컴퓨터 부품에서 발생하는 방사선
휴대폰에서 발생하는 방사선은 여전히 남아 있음을 알 수 있습니다. 컴퓨터보다 높습니다. 이는 우리가 일반적으로 이해하는 것과는 다소 다릅니다. 즉, 임산부는 휴대폰 사용 빈도를 줄이도록 노력해야 합니다. 이제 우리 삶의 모든 측면이 휴대폰과 분리될 수 없고 큰 해를 끼치지 않을 수도 있지만, 아기를 위해 우리는 여전히 최대한 주의를 기울여야 합니다!
02 방사선 방호복이 유용할까요?
방사선 보호복은 어떤 재료로 만들어지나요?
방사선 보호복은 일반적으로 금속 섬유로 만들어집니다. 전자기 차폐의 원리는 일반적으로 10-3000MHz의 전자파에 대한 차폐 효과가 있지만 이온화에는 효과가 없습니다. 방사선.
근데 정말 효과가 있나요? 사실 서스펜더 스타일의 스커트만 입으면 방사선에 전혀 저항할 수 없습니다. 왜냐하면 방사선은 널리 퍼져 있기 때문입니다. 휴대폰과 마찬가지로 신호 범위 내에 있는 한 어디에 놓아도 신호를 수신할 수 있습니다.
물론 특정 효과가 있을 수 있다는 점은 부정할 수 없습니다. 하지만 사실 가장 중요한 방법은 컴퓨터와 휴대폰의 사용을 최소화하는 것입니다. 결국, 이런 것들과 너무 많이 접촉하게 되면 방사선이 태아에게 미치는 영향은 나빠질 것입니다.
마스크를 착용하면 일부 방사성 입자가 몸에 들어가
내부 피폭을 일으키는 것을 방지할 수 있습니다.
방사선 마스크는 편안하고 통기성이 있으며 방사선을 차단하며 오염으로부터 자신을 보호합니다. 마스크 스타일의 디자인으로 심플하고 실용적이며
어느 장소에서나 착용하기 적합합니다. 착용하기 쉬운 신축성있는 스트랩 끈 디자인.
사실 임산부는 크게 걱정하지 않으셔도 됩니다. 컴퓨터를 장시간 마주하면 방사선량이 높아질 수 있으니 방사선 방지 임부복을 구매하셔도 되지만, 방사선 방지 마스크는 선택 사항입니다.
Atas ialah kandungan terperinci Berapa banyak sinaran yang dipancarkan oleh komputer?. Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila ikut artikel berkaitan lain di laman web China PHP!