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Bagaimana untuk mengekalkan bateri komputer riba yang baru saya beli?

2024-08-11 10:22:07890semak imbas

Untuk memanjangkan hayat perkhidmatan bateri komputer riba yang baru dibeli, adalah sangat penting untuk mengekalkannya dengan betul. Editor PHP Baicao membawakan anda panduan penyelenggaraan bateri buku nota, memperkenalkan pelbagai kemahiran penyelenggaraan praktikal dan langkah berjaga-jaga untuk membantu anda mengekalkan kesihatan bateri dengan berkesan.

Bagaimana untuk mengekalkan bateri komputer riba yang baru saya beli?

1. Bagaimana nak maintain bateri laptop yang baru dibeli?

Sebagai penjual buku nota terpakai profesional, kehilangan bateri sentiasa menjadi pening kepala Bateri yang baik tidak dapat dipisahkan daripada kehilangan, tetapi tabiat penggunaan yang baik akan menjadikan bateri tahan lebih lama dan lebih perlahan!

1 Masalah terbesar apabila menggunakan komputer apabila dicas penuh ialah "pasif storan" (pasif storan bermakna apabila mengecas, ia menunjukkan bahawa ia dicas sepenuhnya, voltan turun dengan cepat semasa digunakan, dan kapasiti berkurangan berbanding dengan biasa. keadaan). Pasif storan berlaku apabila komputer dicas sepenuhnya Masalah yang paling serius ialah penggunaan jangka panjang komputer semasa dipasang dan dicas sepenuhnya akan menyebabkan kepasifan juga akan mempercepatkan proses pemasifan dan penuaan bateri. Tetapi jika ia hanya digunakan pada kuasa penuh untuk kegunaan pejabat, tidak akan ada masalah, kerana sekarang bateri mempunyai litar kawalan sendiri, yang agak lengkap, jadi tidak perlu terlalu risau. Adalah lebih baik jika anda boleh mengecas dan menyahcas bateri sekali seminggu!

2 Jika kita tidak menggunakan bateri komputer dengan kerap, adalah idea yang baik untuk mengeluarkan bateri. Sudah tentu, anda juga harus memberi perhatian kepada fakta bahawa kuasa bateri tidak boleh terlalu tinggi apabila dikeluarkan (ia adalah sama seperti apabila ia dikeluarkan dari mesin apabila dicas sepenuhnya), atau terlalu rendah (bateri akan dicas sendiri. ). Penyimpanan dengan kuasa rendah dengan mudah boleh menyebabkan undervoltage akibat nyahcas sendiri, yang boleh menyebabkan kerosakan besar pada bateri.

3 Setelah mengatakan bahawa terdapat banyak perkara positif, apakah kaedah pengecasan saintifik? Pertama sekali, apabila menggunakan bateri, cuba kurangkan kedalaman cas dan nyahcas sebanyak mungkin. Iaitu, semakin rendah kedalaman nyahcas bateri, semakin banyak cas yang boleh dicapai oleh bateri. Sebagai contoh, jika paras bateri menurun daripada 90% kepada 80%, kami akan mengecasnya. Kedua, bateri tidak boleh dicas berlebihan dan harus disimpan pada kira-kira 40% sebanyak mungkin Pada masa yang sama, suhu bateri tidak boleh terlalu tinggi. Apabila suhu bateri rendah dan kuasa bateri dikekalkan pada kira-kira 40%, kehilangan kapasiti bateri dalam tempoh satu tahun adalah sangat terhad. Sebaliknya, jika bateri dicas sepenuhnya 100% dan dalam persekitaran suhu yang sangat tinggi, kehilangan kapasiti bateri akan menjadi sangat jelas.

Sudah tentu, kita tidak boleh mengawalnya dengan begitu tepat apabila menggunakannya, dan tiada siapa yang boleh mempunyai begitu banyak tenaga untuk mengawasi bateri. Oleh itu, anda hanya perlu mengingati perkara berikut:

Pertama: Apabila bateri digunakan dengan kerap, kita boleh mengecasnya pada masa yang sesuai.

Kedua: Apabila bateri digunakan sekali-sekala, kita boleh menyahcas bateri beberapa kali dengan kerap.

Ketiga: Apabila bateri tidak digunakan dengan kerap, kita hanya perlu menutup bateri apabila 80% daripada bateri digunakan, cabut plag bateri dan simpan di tempat yang sejuk dengan suhu rendah, aktifkan elektrod yang dipasifkan, dan mengecasnya pada masa yang sama Sediakan elektrik yang diperlukan untuk nyahcas sendiri dalam tempoh penyimpanan seterusnya.

ps: Bateri litium tidak mempunyai kesan memori Mereka lebih takut pengecasan berlebihan atau terlalu dicas Pada masa ini, bateri semasa mempunyai litar kawalan sendiri, dan kami tidak akan menghadapi masalah besar secara normal guna.

Ringkasan: Jika kaedah yang disenaraikan di atas adalah di luar kemudahan, tidak perlu melakukannya Lagipun, komputer riba hanya alat produktiviti anda boleh menggunakannya seperti yang anda mahukan dan tidak perlu menyediakannya , TB boleh beli bateri dan setakat itu ratusan ringgit

2. Bagaimana nak maintain bateri laptop?

1. Dalam Pengurusan Kuasa Windows, tetapkan pelan penggunaan kuasa kepada "Sentiasa hidup" dan matikan pilihan berikut Semua menu yang berkaitan dengan mematikan peranti ditetapkan kepada "Jangan sekali-kali".

2. Keluarkan bateri dan biarkan selama setengah bulan hingga sebulan, supaya bateri akan kehabisan dan bekalan kuasa akan digunakan untuk mengekalkan operasi modul mikropemproses. Apabila modul dicas semula, ia akan kembali secara automatik kepada keadaan asalnya yang lebih baharu.

3. Tanggalkan bateri, cabut litar kawalan daripada bateri, dan nyahcas papan litar. Kaedah buatan untuk memulihkan keadaan awal dengan memaksa tetapan semula litar.

4. Dalam tab "Penggera", tetapkan "Penggera Kuasa Rendah" kepada 10%. semasa "Bersedia" ke tahap paling rendah.

5 Sahkan bahawa semua tetingkap telah ditutup dan semua data dari kerja sebelumnya telah disimpan. Periksa sama ada cas bateri melebihi 80%, cabut plag sumber kuasa dan semua peranti luaran. Pada masa ini, tunggu sehingga komputer riba dinyahcas secara automatik. Selepas dinyahcas, komputer riba akan dimatikan secara automatik dan dipalamkan untuk mengecas komputer riba. Pastikan anda menunggu sehingga penuh sebelum menghidupkan kuasa, dan tetapkan semula tetapan sebelum menentukur.

6 Apabila anda menggunakan komputer untuk masa yang lama, cuba laraskan bateri kepada penjimatan tenaga dan bukannya kecekapan tinggi, supaya bateri dapat diselenggara dengan lebih baik.

3. Bagaimana untuk mengekalkan bateri komputer riba?

1. Hayat bateri komputer riba perlu dikekalkan dari awal penggunaan. Apabila anda mula-mula membeli komputer riba, anda harus menghabiskan bateri dan kemudian mengecasnya sepenuhnya, kemudian mengulanginya tiga kali, yang akan membantu mengaktifkan bateri dengan lebih baik.

2 Jika boleh, cuba gunakan bekalan kuasa luaran Ini akan mengurangkan peluang penggunaan bateri, dan bateri akan diselenggara dengan lebih baik dan mempunyai hayat yang lebih lama.

3. Avoid charging for too long. The battery has a certain memory effect. Charging for too long will cause damage to the battery.

4. When using the battery, you must protect it from exposure to sunlight, moisture, corrosion from chemical liquids, and avoid contact between battery contacts and metal objects.

5. In addition to recharging after running out of power 3 times before starting, do not recharge the battery below 10% during normal use, otherwise the service life of the battery will be shortened.

6. If the laptop battery is not used for a long time, there is no need to unplug the battery. You only need to use the battery once a month to ensure that the battery is in good storage condition and will not damage the battery.

4. Laptop battery maintenance: 5 practical suggestions to extend battery life

Understand battery life

For most laptop users, battery life is a very important consideration. Generally speaking, the life of a laptop battery will begin to decline after 300 to 500 full charges and discharges. Mastering this basic rule can help us better maintain the battery.

Avoid overcharging

Overcharging is one of the main causes of shortened battery life. Connecting to the power source for a long time and continuous charging will cause the battery capacity to decrease sharply. To prevent this from happening, we can unplug the charger when the battery is close to 100%.

Avoid over-discharging

Similarly, over-discharging can also damage the battery. While an occasional full discharge can help calibrate the battery's condition, long periods of full discharge will accelerate battery aging. The best practice is to start charging when the battery is below 20% to avoid complete depletion of battery.

Ambient temperature

Temperature also has a great impact on battery life. Temperatures that are too high or too low can have a negative impact on the battery. Therefore, try to avoid using your laptop in extreme temperatures as this will help extend battery life.

Reasonable use

Reasonable usage habits are also crucial to maintaining the battery. For example, reducing the need for graphics processing and video playback can save battery energy; installing some tools to help manage battery is also a good choice.

This article can help readers better understand how to maintain laptop batteries, extend battery life, and reduce the inconvenience caused by battery aging.

5. Do you have any tips for maintaining laptop batteries?

1. (The most important thing) Don’t use batteries if it can be plugged in.

2. Keep the battery power between 30% and 80%

Let me focus on explaining the second point. Keeping it between 30% and 80% does not mean that the battery is used up to 30% like you usually use a mobile phone, and then Plug it in and charge it to 80%, and repeat. Instead, you need to set the battery charging threshold in the laptop BIOS so that when it reaches 80%, it will stop charging the battery and instead use the power supply directly. The advantage of this is that it will not increase battery cycles, and it will not keep the battery in a high-power state for a long time. These two points can effectively prevent battery aging and bulging.

6. How to maintain computer battery?

To be honest, I actually read the sentence of the topic leader three times before I understood what it meant.

When it comes to how to maintain laptop batteries, there are basically the following principles:

1. You can unplug the battery when it is frequently plugged in and used

2. When the battery is not used for a long time, it should be fully discharged and then fully charged every 30 days or so. 1 time

3. Don’t drain the battery when using it frequently. It can be charged before there is about 20-30% left.

But I still want to say that whether it is for office or gaming, a laptop is a tool after all. Don’t It has become a burden for maintenance, and I have stopped eating because of choking. Use it as you want, just pay a little attention, and don't let it influence you.

7. How to maintain the battery of ASUS laptop?

1. For lithium-ion batteries, no activation is required, just use them directly.

2. When there is no external power supply, if the card in the slot is temporarily unavailable for the current working state, it is recommended to remove the card first to extend the battery life.

3. Avoid exposing the laptop and battery to the sun. The best working environment for the battery and laptop is 10-30 degrees.

4. Do not let the battery come into contact with water or other liquids.

5. Please do not unplug the external power supply during the charging process of the battery until it is fully charged; when using a laptop in an environment that can provide stable power supply, it is incorrect to remove the battery to extend battery life.

6. Please do not attempt to disassemble or modify the battery. Doing so may cause the battery to explode or leak internal liquid. Batteries not specified by Lenovo, and disassembled or modified batteries are not covered by the warranty.

7. Do not throw batteries into landfill garbage. When disposing of batteries, please follow local laws or regulations.

8. For models with removable batteries: If the computer will not be used for a long time, it is recommended to unplug the battery and store the battery separately. Batteries should be stored at room temperature (-10-35 degrees) and charged to 30% to 50%. It is recommended to charge the battery every 1 month or so to prevent excessive discharge.

8. How to maintain the laptop after replacing it with a new battery?

1. Charge the laptop battery correctly.

Nowadays laptop batteries are all lithium batteries. There is no need to completely drain them before recharging them. This is not good for the battery and will actually cause damage.

Correct maintenance method: It is best to charge the battery every time the remaining power is between 10% and 20%. The number of battery charge and discharge is fixed, which is good for the battery.

2. When the notebook is connected to DC power supply, it is best to remove the battery.

When the notebook is connected to the DC power supply, it will not cause any harm to the battery if it is not unplugged, because the battery will not receive any power injection after it is fully charged, and all power will be transferred directly to the notebook's power supply system.

Correct maintenance method: When the laptop is running at high speed, internal overheating is harmful to the battery. It is best to remove the battery and use DC power.

3. Laptop battery working environment

Do not use laptop batteries in the sun or at sub-zero temperatures. This will not only greatly reduce the battery life of the laptop, but also damage the life of the laptop battery. Try to only use laptop battery power in a cool place with suitable temperature.

4. It is best not to use laptop batteries when you can use DC power.

After one use, the battery life will be shortened. Minimize the number and duration of battery use.

5. If the laptop battery is not used for a long time, it can be charged to 40%-50%. Remove the laptop battery, place it in a sealed plastic bag, and store it in a dry environment. Laptop batteries that have been disassembled for a long time should also be fully charged and discharged at least once a month.

6. It is best to turn off the computer when charging and do not unplug the power supply during charging. Replace your laptop battery every two months.

7. Use the dedicated charging equipment provided with the notebook and do not use other power devices to charge the notebook.

8. Avoid human impact, disassembly, falling, heating or short circuit.

9. How should you maintain the battery of a newly purchased laptop? Battery comes first?

1. When using a new battery, you don’t need to charge it first, because it has residual power before leaving the factory, so put it into the laptop for use first, and then use it until the laptop prompts that the battery is low, then connect the external power supply and start charging for the first time.

Nowadays, the batteries sold by regular manufacturers are not activated, so there is no need to charge it three times, each time for 12 hours or more, as everyone thinks.

But at least the first time you charge it, you can charge it for a little longer. Almost when the charging indicator light on the laptop goes out, it shows that it is fully charged (different manufacturers are different, some manufacturers always light up to indicate full) and then charge two more times. Three hours is enough.

In addition, it is very important that during the first two charging times, it is best not to use the computer and do not use it while charging. 2. In the process of using the battery, if the battery uses a certain amount of power, it is best to recharge it after using it up. That is to say, do not recharge the battery before it has been used up. For example, a 6-cell battery should be able to stand by for 3 and a half hours. If you have used it for an hour without plugging in the adapter (charger), there should be 60 to 70% of the power at this time. At this time, do not plug in the charger and start charging. It is best to put the 70% Recharge after use up. Recharging midway has the greatest impact on the life of the battery. Having said so much, in fact, in a simple sentence, do not charge a battery that is half used, wait until it is used to about 10% before charging again.

3. Some people take off the laptop battery when using the adapter. They think it should be protected first and then used when going out. This is also not advisable. If you don’t use the battery for a long time, it will also be bad for the battery. In addition, it will be harmful to the battery. Laptops are also bad.

Because the electric ions in the battery need to flow frequently to keep the battery core active. If the electric ions in the battery are not allowed to flow for a long time, the battery contents will gradually fail, unable to store power normally, and it will not be fully charged with electrons. . 4. The battery's standby time is a variable, which means it is not a fixed manufacturer's nominal time, because the manufacturer's standby time of several hours generally just refers to the theory of not doing anything after turning on the phone, and then waiting for the battery to run out. In actual use, usually just typing and surfing the Internet, it can be close to the manufacturer's nominal time, but if you watch movies or play games, this time will be reduced, because when watching movies and playing games, the CPU and graphics card of the two computers Large electricity consumers on the Internet will begin to work at full load, and their electricity consumption will increase.

If you only use simple basic functions such as surfing the Internet and typing, these two accessories are basically in a power-saving state.

The same goes for other accessories.

Don’t think that the sudden shortening of time means there is something wrong with the battery.

10. How to cancel the maintenance mode of laptop battery?

Open the win10 interface in the lower left corner. Find a built-in APP called "ASUSBattery Health" (if you don't have it, you can download it from the Microsoft store), turn off the battery maintenance mode and change it to the first one "Always full for outdoor use"

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