Rumah >pangkalan data >tutorial mysql >考勤问题思路和解决
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[kaoqin]( [user_name] [varchar](50) NULL, [card_time] [datetime] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO插入测试数据
INSERT INTO [master].[dbo].[kaoqin] select '张三', '2014-08-03 09:36:00' union all select '张三', '2014-08-03 18:10:00' union all select '张三', '2014-08-04 08:32:00' union all select '张三', '2014-08-04 15:15:00' union all select '张三', '2014-08-05 09:32:00' union all select '张三', '2014-08-05 15:15:00' union all select '张三', '2014-08-01 08:36:00' union all select '张三', '2014-08-01 18:10:00' union all select '张三', '2014-08-02 08:32:00' union all select '张三', '2014-08-02 18:15:00' union all select '张三', '2014-08-25 08:00:00' union all select '张三', '2014-08-24 19:00:00' union all select '张三', '2014-08-27 08:00:00' union all select '张三', '2014-08-27 17:00:00' union all select '张三', '2014-08-26 10:00:00' union all select '张三', '2014-08-26 18:30:00' union all select '张三', '2014-08-26 8:00:00' union all select '张三', '2014-08-27 18:56:00' GO我的思路是用一张临时表得到这个月的所有工作日,将该临时表与用户进行交叉连接,这样每个用户在这个月的每个工作日都有一条记录。假设早上9点为上班时间,18点为下班时间,这个可以后续做成变量的形式。
declare @time_start datetime declare @time_end datetime set @time_start = '2014-08-01 00:00:00' set @time_end = DATEADD(M,1,@time_start) -- 一个月的工作日 IF object_id('tempdb..#tempDate') is not null BEGIN drop table #tempDate END CREATE table #tempDate ( stat_day varchar(10) ) IF object_id('tempdb..#tempUserDate') is not null BEGIN drop table #tempUserDate END CREATE table #tempUserDate ( stat_day varchar(10), [user_name] varchar(40) ) CREATE clustered index tempUserDate_Index1 on #tempUserDate ([user_name],stat_day) declare @time_temp datetime set @time_temp = @time_start while @time_temp < @time_end begin if datepart(weekday,@time_temp)>1 and datepart(weekday,@time_temp)<7 begin insert into #tempDate (stat_day) values (CONVERT(varchar(10),@time_temp,121)) end set @time_temp= dateadd(d,1,@time_temp) end insert into #tempUserDate select * from #tempDate cross join (select distinct [user_name] from [kaoqin]) t从原始的kaoqin表中查询出每个用户的上班时间和下班时间,如果用户一天的打开记录超过两条,那么就会取最早和最晚的一条分别作为上班时间和下班时间。
select [user_name],CONVERT(varchar(10),card_time,121) as stat_day, MIN(card_time) as on_time,MAX(card_time) as off_time from [kaoqin] group by [user_name],CONVERT(varchar(10),card_time,121)通过临时表#tempUserDate和上面的查询结果关联,如果左联接为空,则证明该人员缺勤。
--缺勤 select * from #tempUserDate a left join ( select [user_name],CONVERT(varchar(10),card_time,121) as stat_day, MIN(card_time) as on_time,MAX(card_time) as off_time from [kaoqin] group by [user_name],CONVERT(varchar(10),card_time,121) ) b on a.[user_name]=b.[user_name] and a.stat_day=b.stat_day where [b].[user_name] is null下面是迟到和早退的实现SQL。
--迟到 select * from #tempUserDate a left join ( select [user_name],CONVERT(varchar(10),card_time,121) as stat_day, MIN(card_time) as on_time,MAX(card_time) as off_time from [kaoqin] group by [user_name],CONVERT(varchar(10),card_time,121) ) b on a.[user_name]=b.[user_name] and a.stat_day=b.stat_day where CONVERT(varchar(100), [b].[on_time], 8)>'09:00:00' --早退 select * from #tempUserDate a left join ( select [user_name],CONVERT(varchar(10),card_time,121) as stat_day, MIN(card_time) as on_time,MAX(card_time) as off_time from [kaoqin] group by [user_name],CONVERT(varchar(10),card_time,121) ) b on a.[user_name]=b.[user_name] and a.stat_day=b.stat_day where CONVERT(varchar(100), [b].[off_time], 8)<'18:00:00'得到的结果