Rumah >pangkalan data >tutorial mysql >最小公约数
[摘要]一个朋友在展BOM的时候有这样的需求,两列字段(数值):A ,B A=用量,B=底数,组成用量=用量/底数。A/B,若能被整除,显示整除的结果,若不能整除显示分数形式A/B(分数形式要是约分后的格式)3/6=1/3。 我的思路: 1.SQL取余判断是否能被整除 2.撰
[摘要]一个朋友在展BOM的时候有这样的需求,两列字段(数值):A ,B A=用量,B=底数,组成用量=用量/底数。A/B,若能被整除,显示整除的结果,若不能整除显示分数形式A/B(分数形式要是约分后的格式)3/6=1/3。
Create FUNCTION [dbo].[GetMaxgongyue] ( @num1 int , @num2 int ) RETURNS int as begin DECLARE @times INT DECLARE @min INT DECLARE @result BIGINT IF( @num1 >= @num2 ) SET @min=@num2 ELSE SET @min=@num1 SET @times=@min WHILE(@times <= @min ) BEGIN IF( @num1%@times = 0 AND @num2%@times = 0 ) BEGIN SET @result=@times BREAK END SET @times=@times - 1 END return @result end二、测试
drop table tt Create table tt(t1 int,t2 int) insert into tt(t1 ,t2 )values(1,3) insert into tt(t1 ,t2 )values(2,4) insert into tt(t1 ,t2 )values(3,9) insert into tt(t1 ,t2 )values(6,3) insert into tt(t1 ,t2 )values(4,2) insert into tt(t1 ,t2 )values(2,331) select t1,t2,t1%t2 取余, case when t1%t2<>0 and dbo.GetMaxgongyue(t1,t2)=1 then CAST(t1 as NCHAR(4))+'/'+ CAST(t2 as NCHAR(4)) when t1%t2<>0 and dbo.GetMaxgongyue(t1,t2)<>1 then CAST(t1/dbo.GetMaxgongyue(t1,t2) as NCHAR(4))+'/'+ CAST(t2/dbo.GetMaxgongyue(t1,t2) as NCHAR(4)) else cast(cast(t1/t2 as decimal(9,5)) as NCHAR(20)) end result from tt