Rumah >pangkalan data >tutorial mysql >备份和恢复MongoDB
备份和恢复MongoDB 1 make sure all process which is writing mongodb are stopped. 2 dump database from GAMONGODB81 sudo ./mongodump --host gamongodb91:27017 --username GAEditor --password 9AEd!t0r --out /data/BondPrice_backup 3 compress back
1> make sure all process which is writing mongodb are stopped.
2> dump database from GAMONGODB81
sudo ./mongodump --host gamongodb91:27017 --username 'GAEditor' --password '9AEd!t0r' --out /data/BondPrice_backup
3> compress backup folder with tar, 1 hour
tar -cvf /data/BondPrice_backup.tar /data/Bondprice_backup
4> copy tar file in dallas from B37, 5 hours
sudo scp msdomain1
bhuang1@gamongodb81:/data/Bondprice_backup.tar /data/Bondprice_backup.tar
5> Uncompress tar file, 0.5 hour
tar -xvf /data/Bondprice_backup.tar
6> Drop connections from BondData
7> restore database with backup folder, 2 hours
sudo ./mongorestore /data/BondPrice_backup --host gamongodb61:27017 --username 'GAEditor' --password '9AEd!t0r'