Rumah >pangkalan data >tutorial mysql >用SQL得到全组合
现有一个users表,如下: NAME VALUE ID ---------- ---------- ---------- 甲 a 1 乙 b 2 丙 c 3 丁 d 4 现在,需要对他们进行两两组合,比如说ab和ba就是一样的,现在需要利用select语句查询出所有abcd的两两组合的情况,最后的结果应该是6个,ab,ac,ad,bc,bd,cd。
现有一个users表,如下:create table users (name char(2),value char(1),id number); insert into users values('甲','a',1); insert into users values('乙','b',2); insert into users values('丙','c',3); insert into users values('丁','d',4); commit;
select a.value||b.value result from test_j a,test_j b where a.rowid<>b.rowid and a.value <b.value order by result;
select replace (a.combo, '#') as "组合" from (select id,sys_connect_by_path (value, '#') || '#' combo from (select 1 as id,value,1 as ctrl from users) connect by prior id = id and value > prior value ) a, (select 1 as id,value,1 as ctrl from users) b where = and instr (a.combo, '#' || b.value || '#') > 0 group by, a.combo having sum (b.ctrl) = 2;
select replace (a.combo, '#') as "组合" from (select id,sys_connect_by_path (value, '#') || '#' combo from (select 1 as id,value,1 as ctrl from users) connect by prior id = id and value > prior value ) a, (select 1 as id,value,1 as ctrl from users) b where = and instr (a.combo, '#' || b.value || '#') > 0 group by, a.combo having sum (b.ctrl) = 3;
select replace (a.combo, '#') as "组合" from (select id,sys_connect_by_path (value, '#') || '#' combo from (select 1 as id,value,1 as ctrl from users) connect by prior id = id and value > prior value ) a, (select 1 as id,value,1 as ctrl from users) b where = and instr (a.combo, '#' || b.value || '#') > 0 group by, a.combo having sum (b.ctrl) = 4;