Rumah >hujung hadapan web >tutorial js >Penjelasan terperinci tentang kod sumber catur dan catur gelap dalam kemahiran JS mini-game_javascript
Contoh dalam artikel ini menerangkan kod sumber catur gelap catur permainan mini JS dan dikongsi dengan semua orang untuk rujukan anda. Butirannya adalah seperti berikut:
Selepas permainan berjalan, ia adalah seperti yang ditunjukkan di bawah:
Bahagian JavaScript:
/** chinese chess * Author: fdipzone * Date: 2012-06-24 * Ver: 1.0 */ var gameimg = ['images/a1.gif','images/a2.gif','images/a3.gif','images/a4.gif','images/a5.gif','images/a6.gif','images/a7.gif','images/b1.gif','images/b2.gif','images/b3.gif','images/b4.gif','images/b5.gif','images/b6.gif','images/b7.gif','images/bg.gif','images/bg_over.gif','images/bg_sel.gif']; var chess_obj = new ChessClass(); window.onload = function(){ $('init_btn').onclick = function(){ chess_obj.init(); } var callback = function(){ chess_obj.init(); } img_preload(gameimg, callback); } // chess class function ChessClass(){ this.chess = []; this.boardrows = 4; this.boardcols = 8; this.area = 82; this.player = 1; // 1:red 2:green this.selected = null; // selected chess this.chesstype = ['', 'a', 'b']; this.isover = 0; } // init ChessClass.prototype.init = function(){ this.reset_grade(); this.create_board(); this.create_chess(); this.create_event(); this.player = 1; this.selected = null; this.isover = 0; disp('init_div','hide'); } // create board ChessClass.prototype.create_board = function(){ var board = ''; for(var i=0; i<this.boardrows; i++){ for(var j=0; j<this.boardcols; j++){ board = board + '<div id="' + i + '_' + j + '"><img src="images/chessbg.gif" /></div>'; } } $('board').innerHTML = board; $('board').style.width = this.boardcols * (this.area + 2) + 'px'; $('board').style.height = this.boardrows * (this.area + 2) + 'px'; } // create random chess ChessClass.prototype.create_chess = function(){ // 32 chesses var chesses = ['a1','b7','a2','b7','a2','b7','a3','b7','a3','b7','a4','b6','a4','b6','a5','b5', 'a5','b5','a6','b4','a6','b4','a7','b3','a7','b3','a7','b2','a7','b2','a7','b1']; this.chess = []; while(chesses.length>0){ var rnd = Math.floor(Math.random()*chesses.length); var tmpchess = chesses.splice(rnd, 1).toString(); this.chess.push({'chess':tmpchess, 'type':tmpchess.substr(0,1), 'val':tmpchess.substr(1,1), 'status':0}); } } // create event ChessClass.prototype.create_event = function(){ var self = this; var chess_area = $_tag('div', 'board'); for(var i=0; i<chess_area.length; i++){ chess_area[i].onmouseover = function(){ // mouseover if(this.className!='onsel'){ this.className = 'on'; } } chess_area[i].onmouseout = function(){ // mouseout if(this.className!='onsel'){ this.className = ''; } } chess_area[i].onclick = function(){ // onclick self.action(this); } } } // id change index ChessClass.prototype.getindex = function(id){ var tid = id.split('_'); return parseInt(tid[0])*this.boardcols + parseInt(tid[1]); } // index change id ChessClass.prototype.getid = function(index){ return parseInt(index/this.boardcols) + '_' + parseInt(index%this.boardcols); } // action ChessClass.prototype.action = function(o){ if(this.isover==1){ // game over return false; } var index = this.getindex(; if(this.selected == null){ // 未选过棋子 if(this.chess[index]['status'] == 0){ // not opened; }else if(this.chess[index]['status'] == 1){ // opened if(this.chess[index]['type'] == this.chesstype[this.player]){; } } }else{ // 已选过棋子 if(index != this.selected['index']){ // 與selected不是同一位置 if(this.chess[index]['status'] == 0){ // 未打开的棋子; }else if(this.chess[index]['status'] == -1){ // 點空白位置 this.move(index); }else{ // 點其他棋子 if(this.chess[index]['type']==this.chesstype[this.player]){; }else{ this.kill(index); } } } } } // show chess = function(index){ $(this.getid(index)).innerHTML = '<img src="images/' + this.chess[index]['chess'] + '.gif" />'; this.chess[index]['status'] = 1; // opened if(this.selected!=null){ // 清空選中 $(this.getid(this.selected.index)).className = ''; this.selected = null; } this.change_player(); this.gameover(); } // select chess = function(index){ if(this.selected!=null){ $(this.getid(this.selected['index'])).className = ''; } this.selected = {'index':index, 'chess':this.chess[index]}; $(this.getid(index)).className = 'onsel'; } // move chess ChessClass.prototype.move = function(index){ if(this.beside(index)){ this.chess[index] = {'chess':this.selected['chess']['chess'], 'type':this.selected['chess']['type'], 'val':this.selected['chess']['val'], 'status':this.selected['chess']['status']}; this.remove(this.selected['index']);; } } // kill chess ChessClass.prototype.kill = function(index){ if(this.beside(index)==true && this.can_kill(index)==true){ this.chess[index] = {'chess':this.selected['chess']['chess'], 'type':this.selected['chess']['type'], 'val':this.selected['chess']['val'], 'status':this.selected['chess']['status']}; this.remove(this.selected['index']); var killed = this.player==1? 2 : 1; $('grade_num' + killed).innerHTML = parseInt($('grade_num' + killed).innerHTML)-1;; } } // remove chess ChessClass.prototype.remove = function(index){ this.chess[index]['status'] = -1; // empty $(this.getid(index)).innerHTML = ''; $(this.getid(index)).className = ''; } /* check is beside * @param index 目標棋子index * @param selindex 执行的棋子index,可为空, 为空则读取选中的棋子 */ ChessClass.prototype.beside = function(index,selindex){ if(typeof(selindex)=='undefined'){ if(this.selected!=null){ selindex = this.selected['index']; }else{ return false; } } if(typeof(this.chess[index])=='undefined'){ return false; } var from_info = this.getid(selindex).split('_'); var to_info = this.getid(index).split('_'); var fw = parseInt(from_info[0]); var fc = parseInt(from_info[1]); var tw = parseInt(to_info[0]); var tc = parseInt(to_info[1]); if(fw==tw && Math.abs(fc-tc)==1 || fc==tc && Math.abs(fw-tw)==1){ // row or colunm is same and interval=1 return true; }else{ return false; } } /* check can kill * @param index 被消灭的棋子index * @param selindex 执行消灭的棋子index,可为空, 为空则读取选中的棋子 */ ChessClass.prototype.can_kill = function(index,selindex){ if(typeof(selindex)=='undefined'){ // 没有指定执行消灭的棋子 if(this.selected!=null){ // 有选中的棋子 selindex = this.selected['index']; }else{ return false; } } if(this.chess[index]['type']!=this.chesstype[this.player]){ if(parseInt(this.chess[selindex]['val'])==7 && parseInt(this.chess[index]['val'])==1){ // 7 can kill 1 return true; }else if(parseInt(this.chess[selindex]['val'])==1 && parseInt(this.chess[index]['val'])==7){ // 1 can't kill 7 return false; }else if(parseInt(this.chess[selindex]['val']) <= parseInt(this.chess[index]['val'])){ // small kill big return true; } } return false; } // change player ChessClass.prototype.change_player = function(){ if(this.player == 1){ this.player = 2; // to green $('grade_img2').className = 'img_on'; $('grade_img1').className = 'img'; }else{ this.player = 1; // to red $('grade_img1').className = 'img_on'; $('grade_img2').className = 'img'; } } // reset grade ChessClass.prototype.reset_grade = function(){ $('grade_img1').className = 'img_on'; $('grade_img2').className = 'img'; $('grade_num1').innerHTML = $('grade_num2').innerHTML = 16; $('grade_res1').className = $('grade_res2').className = 'none'; $('grade_res1').innerHTML = $('grade_res2').innerHTML = ''; } // game over ChessClass.prototype.gameover = function(){ if($('grade_num1').innerHTML==0 || $('grade_num2').innerHTML==0){ // 任一方棋子为0 this.isover = 1; this.show_grade(); disp('init_div','show'); }else{ if(this.can_action()==false){ this.isover = 1; this.show_grade(); disp('init_div','show'); } } } // show grade ChessClass.prototype.show_grade = function(){ var num1 = parseInt($('grade_num1').innerHTML); var num2 = parseInt($('grade_num2').innerHTML); if(num1>num2){ // 红方胜 $('grade_res2').innerHTML = 'LOSS'; $('grade_res2').className = 'loss'; $('grade_res1').innerHTML = 'WIN'; $('grade_res1').className = 'win'; }else if(num1<num2){ // 黑方胜 $('grade_res1').innerHTML = 'LOSS'; $('grade_res1').className = 'loss'; $('grade_res2').innerHTML = 'WIN'; $('grade_res2').className = 'win'; }else{ // 平局 $('grade_res1').innerHTML = $('grade_res2').innerHTML = 'DRAW'; $('grade_res1').className = $('grade_res2').className = 'draw'; } } // check chess can action ChessClass.prototype.can_action = function(){ var chess = this.chess; for(var i=0,max=chess.length; i<max; i++){ if(chess[i].status==0){ // 有未翻开的棋子 return true; }else{ if(chess[i].status==1 && chess[i].type==this.chesstype[this.player]){ // 己方已翻开的棋子 if(this.beside(i-this.boardcols, i) && (chess[i-this.boardcols].status==-1 || this.can_kill(i-this.boardcols,i) )){ // 上 return true; } if(this.beside(i+this.boardcols, i) && (chess[i+this.boardcols].status==-1 || this.can_kill(i+this.boardcols,i) )){ // 下 return true; } if(this.beside(i-1, i) && (chess[i-1].status==-1 || this.can_kill(i-1,i) )){ // 左 return true; } if(this.beside(i+1, i) && (chess[i+1].status==-1 || this.can_kill(i+1,i) )){ // 右 return true; } } } } return false; } /** common function */ // get document.getElementBy(id) function $(id){ = id; return document.getElementById(id); } // get document.getElementsByTagName function $_tag(name, id){ if(typeof(id)!='undefined'){ return $(id).getElementsByTagName(name); }else{ return document.getElementsByTagName(name); } } /* div show and hide * @param id dom id * @param handle show or hide */ function disp(id, handle){ if(handle=='show'){ $(id).style.display = 'block'; }else{ $(id).style.display = 'none'; } } /* img preload * @param img 要加载的图片数组 * @param callback 图片加载成功后回调方法 */ function img_preload(img, callback){ var onload_img = 0; var tmp_img = []; for(var i=0,imgnum=img.length; i<imgnum; i++){ tmp_img[i] = new Image(); tmp_img[i].src = img[i]; if(tmp_img[i].complete){ onload_img ++; }else{ tmp_img[i].onload = function(){ onload_img ++; } } } var et = setInterval( function(){ if(onload_img==img.length){ // 定时器,判断图片完全加载后调用callback clearInterval(et); callback(); } },200); }
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