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AI-powered collaboration for seamless meeting alignment.Dec-12,2024

Maklumat Produk
What is FogTeams ai chrome extension?
FogTeams is a collaboration AI platform designed to enhance alignment, prioritization, and visibility for all meeting participants in asynchronous settings. It automates tasks related to meeting minutes, action item extraction, and progress tracking, ensuring efficient and effective meetings.
How to use FogTeams ai chrome extension?
1. Sign up on the FogTeams platform 2. Use the AI assistant to generate meeting minutes and action items 3. Collaborate on notes with team members 4. Access meeting notes and action items from previous meetings 5. Utilize real-time updates and auto-generated reports 6. Explore the full dashboard on Slack for comprehensive task and meeting information.
FogTeams ai chrome extension's Core Features
AI-enabled meeting minutes generation
Real-time collaboration on meeting notes
Automated action item assignment with deadlines
Email reports with meeting notes
Personal notes for individual use
Integration with Slack for task management
FogTeams ai chrome extension's Use Cases
Streamline meeting processes and enhance productivity
Facilitate seamless collaboration among team members
Efficiently track project progress and action items
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