ChessBuddy AI
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Personal AI assistant for chess improvementDec-12,2024

Maklumat Produk
What is ChessBuddy AI ai chrome extension?
ChessBuddy AI is your personal AI assistant for Lichess, designed to enhance your chess game through real-time improvement and analysis. It offers a chat window where you can interact with an advanced AI that simulates a chess coach.
How to use ChessBuddy AI ai chrome extension?
To use ChessBuddy AI, simply integrate it with and engage with the AI through the chat window. Choose from three specialized modes to receive tailored guidance for your chess journey.
ChessBuddy AI ai chrome extension's Core Features
Tailored guidance for skill improvement
Advanced AI analysis of games and moves
Specific chess-related question answering
ChessBuddy AI ai chrome extension's Use Cases
As a personal trainer for targeted exercises
For detailed game analysis and insights
To get specific answers to chess queries
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