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MongoDB tutorial  update time:2022-04-21 17:49:03

MongoDB creates database


The syntax format of MongoDB to create a database is as follows:


If the database does not exist, create the database, otherwise switch to the specified database.


In the following example we created the database php:

> use php
switched to db php
> db

If you want to view all databases, you can use the show dbs command:

> show dbs
local  0.078GB
test   0.078GB

You can see that the database php we just created is not in the list of databases. To display it we need to insert some data into the php database.

> db.php.insert({"name":"php中文网"})
WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })
> show dbs
local   0.078GB
php  0.078GB
test    0.078GB

The default database in MongoDB is test. If you do not create a new database, the collection will be stored in the test database.