Lua loop

In many cases we need to do some regular repetitive operations, so we need to repeatedly execute certain statements in the program.

A group of statements that are executed repeatedly is called the loop body. Whether it can continue to be repeated determines the termination condition of the loop.

The loop structure is a process structure that repeatedly executes a certain program under certain conditions. The repeatedly executed program is called a loop body.

The loop statement is composed of two parts: the loop body and the loop termination condition.


Lua language provides the following loop processing methods:

Loop typeDescription
while loopLet the program execute certain statements repeatedly when the condition is true. Before executing the statement, it is checked whether the condition is true.
for loopRepeatedly executes the specified statement. The number of repetitions can be controlled in the for statement.
Lua repeat...until Repeat the loop until the specified condition is true
Loop embedding SetYou can nest one or more loop statements (while, for, do..while) inside the loop

Loop control statement

Loop control statements are used to control the flow of the program to realize various structural methods of the program.

Lua supports the following loop control statements:

Control statement Description
break Statement Exits the current loop or statement and begins script execution of the immediately following statement.

Infinite loop

If the condition is always true in the loop body, the loop statement will be executed forever. The following takes the while loop as an example:

while( true )