Shell passing parameters

We can pass parameters to the script when executing the Shell script. The format for obtaining parameters in the script is: $n. n represents a number, 1 is the first parameter to execute the script, 2 is the second parameter to execute the script, and so on...


The following In the example, we pass three parameters to the script and output them respectively, where $0 is the file name to be executed:

# author:php中文网

echo "Shell 传递参数实例!";
echo "执行的文件名:
$ chmod +x 
$ ./ 1 2 3
Shell 传递参数实例!
"; echo "第一个参数为:"; echo "第二个参数为:"; echo "第三个参数为:";

Set executable permissions for the script and execute the script. The output result is as follows :

# author:php中文网

echo "Shell 传递参数实例!";
echo "第一个参数为:";

echo "参数个数为:$#";
echo "传递的参数作为一个字符串显示:$*";

In addition, there are several special characters used to process parameters:

Parameter processingDescription
$#The number of parameters passed to the script
$*Displays all directions as a single string Parameters passed by the script.
If "$*" is enclosed in """, all parameters will be output in the form of "$1 $2 ... $n".
$$The current process ID number of the script running
$!Running in the background The ID number of the last process
$@ is the same as $*, but is used in quotes and returns each parameter in quotes.
If "$@" is enclosed in """, all parameters will be output in the form of "$1" "$2" ... "$n".
$-Displays the current options used by the Shell, which has the same function as the set command.
$?Displays the exit status of the last command. 0 indicates no error, any other value indicates an error.
$ chmod +x 
$ ./ 1 2 3
Shell 传递参数实例!
传递的参数作为一个字符串显示:1 2 3

Execute the script, the output result is as follows:

# author:php中文网

echo "-- $* 演示 ---"
for i in "$*"; do
    echo $i

echo "-- $@ 演示 ---"
for i in "$@"; do
    echo $i

$* and $@ Difference:

  • Same point: all parameters are quoted.

  • Difference: only reflected in double quotes. Assume that three parameters 1, 2, and 3 are written when the script is running, then " * " is equivalent to "1 2 3" (one parameter is passed), and "@" is equivalent to "1" "2" " 3" (three parameters passed).

$ chmod +x 
$ ./ 1 2 3
-- $* 演示 ---
1 2 3
-- $@ 演示 ---

Execute the script, the output result is as follows:
