Upgrade Instructions
- Upgrading from 5.7 to 5.8.0
- Cache TTL in secondsSecurity improvements for cache locksMarkdown file path changesNexmo/Slack notification channel Changes
- Container Builder and Tag ServiceSQLite Version Constraints Replace Helpers with classes for strings and arraysDeprecated Deferred service providerComply with PSR-16 specificationImprove model name endings for irregular plurals
- Add auto-increment id attribute to custom intermediate table modelSupport Pheanstalk 4.0 library
Updating from Laravel 5.7 to 5.8
Estimated upgrade time: 1 hour
Note: We try to document every possible change. Because most breaking changes are internal to the framework, only a subset of these changes may affect your application.
Update dependencies
In composer.json
, update the laravel/framework
dependency to 5.8.*
Next, check whether the installed third-party packages in the application support Laravel 5.8, and check whether the installed version is correct.
Application Contract
Possibility of impact: Very low
Illuminate /Contracts/Foundation/Application
The signature of the method has been modified. If this method is overridden in your application, you should update the signature of this method:
/** * 获取或检查当前应用程序的环境 * * @param string|array $environments * @return string|bool */public function environment(...$environments);
Newly added method
Possibility of impact: Very low
The following new methods are addedbootstrapPath
, configPath
, databasePath
, environmentPath
, resourcePath
, storagePath
, resolveProvider
, bootstrapWith
, configurationIsCached
, detectEnvironment
, environmentFile
, environmentFilePath
, getCachedConfigPath
, getCachedRoutesPath
, getLocale
, getNamespace
, getProviders
, hasBeenBootstrapped
, loadDeferredProviders
, loadEnvironmentFrom
, routesAreCached
, setLocale
, shouldSkipMiddleware
, terminate
will be added to Illuminate/Contracts/Foundation/Application
If you implement this interface, you should add these methods to the implementation class.
Reset password notification routing parameters
Possibility of impact: Low
When the user clicks the reset password link , Laravel uses the route
helper to generate the URL to create a route named with password.reset
. When using Laravel 5.7, the token will be passed to the URL without an explicit name. route
Helper, for example:
route('password.reset', $token);
When you use Laravel 5.8, the token is passed as an explicit parameter to the route
route('password.reset', ['token' => $token]);
Therefore, If you want to define your own password.reset
route, its uri must contain a token parameter.
Default password length changed
Likelihood of impact: Low
The required password length when selecting or resetting a password is changed to at least eight characters .
TTL in seconds
Possibility of impact: Very high
To allow for more granular expiration times when storing data, the cached data lifetime was changed from minutes to seconds. Illuminate\Cache\Repository
class and its extension classes put
, putMany
, add
, remember
and The setDefaultCacheTime
method, and the put
method of all cache stores accomplish this update. Please see the related PR for details.
If you are passing an integer to any of these methods, update your code to ensure that the data being passed in the cache is passed in seconds. Additionally, you can pass a DateTime
instance to indicate when the data expires:
// Laravel 5.7 - 存储数据30分钟 Cache::put('foo', 'bar', 30);// Laravel 5.8 - 存储数据30秒 Cache::put('foo', 'bar', 30);// Laravel 5.7 / 5.8 - 存储数据30秒 Cache::put('foo', 'bar', now()->addSeconds(30));
{Tip} This change makes the Laravel cache system fully compliant with the PSR-16 cache library standard.
Follow PSR-16
Possibility of impact: Medium
In addition to the changes in the above return values, this upgrade also updates Changed the TTL parameters of the put
, putMany
and add
methods in the Illuminate\Cache\Repository
class to make them more compliant with PSR-16 specification. The new feature provides a default null
, so if you do not specify a TTL value, the cache will be stored permanently and will not expire. Additionally, cache entries will be cleared if their TTL is 0 or less. See the related PR for more information.
The event has also been updated based on these changes.
Lock security improvements
Possibility of impact: High
In Laravel 5.7 and earlier versions of Laravel, some cache drivers provide The "atomic lock" feature may cause the lock to be released early due to some unexpected behavior.
For example: Client A acquired a lock foo
that expired in 10 seconds. Client A actually takes 20 seconds to complete its task. During Client A task execution, the lock is automatically released by the cache system. Afterwards Client B acquires lock foo
. Eventually Client A completed its task and released the lock foo
, but inadvertently released the lock held by Client B. At this time Client C can obtain the lock again.
In order to alleviate this situation, the lock is now generated using an embedded "scope token", which ensures that under normal circumstances, only the lock holder can release the lock.
If you are using the lock using the Cache::lock()->get(Closure)
method, no changes are required:
Cache::lock('foo', 10)->get(function () { // 锁将会被安全的自动释放});
However, if To manually call Cache::lock()->release()
, you must update your code to maintain an instance of the lock. Then, after completing the task, the release
method can be called on the same lock instance. For example:
if (($lock = Cache::lock('foo', 10))->get()) { // 执行任务… $lock->release();}
Sometimes you may want to acquire a lock in one process and release it in another process. For example, you could acquire a lock during a web request and want to release the lock when the queued job triggered by that request ends. In this case, you should pass the lock's scope "owner token" to the queued job so that the job can re-instantiate the lock with the given token:
// 在控制器中…$podcast = Podcast::find(1); if (($lock = Cache::lock('foo', 120))->get()) { ProcessPodcast::dispatch($podcast, $lock->owner());}// 在进程广播队列中… Cache::restoreLock('foo', $this->owner)->release();
If you want to do this without respecting To release a lock without its current owner, you can use the following forceRelease
and Store
Potential Impact: Very Low
In order to fully comply with the requirements of PSR-16
, Illuminate\Contracts\Cache\Repository
of the contract The return values of the put
and forever
methods and the put
, putMany
of the Illuminate\Contracts\Cache\Store
contract and forever
methods have been changed from void
to bool
Possibility of impact: very low
The method parameter has been changed to match the signature of the where
method. If you are overriding this method, you should update the method's parameters to match its parent:
/** * Get the first item by the given key value pair. * * @param string $key * @param mixed $operator * @param mixed $value * @return mixed */public function firstWhere($key, $operator = null, $value = null);
Impact Likelihood: Very Low
method has been added to the Illuminate/Contracts/Console/Kernel
contract. If you implement this interface, you should add this method to the implementing class.
Generator & Tag Service
Likelihood of Impact: Medium
Method uses a PHP generator to lazily instantiate the service with the given tag. Because of this change, tagged
methods return iterable
types instead of arrays
. If your method uses a type-hinted return value, be sure to change the type hint to iterable
as well.
In addition, the tag service can no longer be accessed directly through the array offset value, such as $container->tagged('foo')[0]
Impact likelihood: Very low
Method receives a new boolean Parameter that indicates whether the event should fire/execute during object instantiation (resolution callback). If you override this method, you must update the method signature to match the parent method.
Possibility of impact: Very low
##Illuminate\Contracts\Container\Container The contract adds the
addContextualBinding method. If you want to implement this interface, you should add this method to your implementation.
Impact likelihood: Low tagged
Method now returns iterable
instead type instead of array
type. If your code parameters have type hints, find all tagged
method hints of array
type and change the type hint to iterable
Possibility of impact: Very low
The contract adds the flush
method. If you want to implement this interface, you should add this method to your implementation.
MySQL JSON value not surrounded by quotes
Likelihood of impact: Low
When using MySQL and MariaDB , the JSON value returned by the Query constructor will not be surrounded by quotes. Other databases will behave consistent with this:
$value = DB::table('users')->value('options->language'); dump($value); // Laravel 5.7... '"en"' // Laravel 5.8... 'en'
Therefore, the ->>
operator is no longer supported or required.
Likelihood of Impact: Moderate
Starting with Laravel 5.8, the earliest version of SQLite supported is SQLite 3.7.11. If you are using an earlier version of SQLite, you should upgrade (it is recommended to upgrade to SQLite 3.8.8).
Irregular plural endings in model names
Likelihood of impact: Moderate
As of Laravel 5.8, included Model names with compound names ending in irregular plurals are now pluralized correctly.
// Laravel 5.7... App\Feedback.php -> feedback (正确的复数形式) App\UserFeedback.php -> user_feedbacks (错误的复数形式) // Laravel 5.8 App\Feedback.php -> feedback (正确的复数形式) App\UserFeedback.php -> user_feedback (正确的复数形式)
If your model name does not correctly use the plural name, you define $table
in the model You can still continue to use it after the attribute:
/** * 与模型关联的数据表名称。 * * @var string */protected $table = 'user_feedbacks';
Custom relay model with increasing ID
If you define a many-to-many relationship with a custom relay model, Moreover, this relay model has an auto-incremented primary key. You should ensure that this custom relay model class defines an incrementing
attribute with a value of true
/** * 标识 ID 是否自增 * * @var bool */public $incrementing = true;
Possibility of impact: Low
Added in base classIlluminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
method. If your application also defines the loadCount
method, it may conflict with the one in Eloquent.
Likelihood of Impact: Very Low
Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Concerns\HasAttributes The
originalIsEquivalent member method in the
trait has been changed from protected
to public
Automatic soft-deletion conversion of attributes
Likelihood of impact: Low
When your Eloquent model uses the Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\SoftDeletes
trait, the deleted_at
member attribute will now be automatically converted to a Carbon
instance. You can override this behavior by writing your custom accessor for the member property or by manually adding it to the casts
protected $casts = ['deleted_at' => 'string'];
Impact Likelihood: Low
and # in the relationship The ##getQualifiedForeignKey methods have been renamed to
getForeignKeyName and
getQualifiedForeignKeyName respectively, making the method names consistent with other relationships provided by Laravel.
fire Method
Impact likelihood: Low
The fire
method in the Illuminate/Events/Dispatcher class (deprecated in Larevel 5.4) has been removed.
You should use its alternative
dispatch .
ExceptionHandler Contract
Likelihood of impact: Low
Illuminate \Contracts\Debug\ExceptionHandler A new
shouldReport method has been added to the contract. Now when you implement the exception handler interface, you need to implement this method as well.
renderHttpException Method
Impact likelihood: Low
##Illuminate\Foundation\Exceptions\Handler The signature of the renderHttpException
method in the class has been changed. Now if you override this method in an exception handler, you should change the signature of the method to be consistent with its parent class:
* 将给定的 Http 异常转换为 Http 响应。
* @参数 \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\HttpExceptionInterface $e
* @返回 \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
*/protected function renderHttpException(HttpExceptionInterface $e);
Facade Service Resolution
Possibility of impact: LowgetFacadeAccessor
method can now only return a string representing the service container identity, previously the method would return an object instance. Mail
Markdown file path change
Likelihood of impact: HighIf you are already using
The vendor:publish command publishes Laravel's Markdown email component. You need to rename the /resources/views/vendor/mail/markdown
path to text
. And the
method has been renamed to textComponentPaths
. If you are overriding this method, you should update the method name to match its parent class.
Change of method parameters in the class
Possibility of impact: very lowThe send Likelihood of Impact: Medium ~4.0 Possibility of impact: Very low isReleased Potential Impact: Very Low FailingJob::handle Illuminate\Queue\Jobs\Job Possibility of impact: Very low :notify Impact Likelihood: Low Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest,
later and # in the
class The ##fill method has been changed to accept an
Illuminate\Contracts\Mail\Mailable instance as parameter instead of an
Illuminate\Mail\Mailable instance. If you want to override a method, you need to update its parameters to be consistent with its parent class.
Release version of the Pheanstalk queue. If you are using the Pheanstalk library in your application, please upgrade your library to the
~4.0 release version through Composer.
hasFailed The and
markAsFailed methods have been added to the
Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\Job contract. If you are implementing this interface, you should add these methods to your implementation code.
FailingJob Class
method. In Laravel 5.8, the logic in the
FailingJob class has been migrated to the
fail method, which is defined in this task class. Because of this, the
fail method is included in the
Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\Job contract.
The base class contains the implementation of
fail, and there is no need to change any code in regular applications. However, if you are building a custom queue driver and have a task class that
does not inherit from the task base class provided by Laravel, you should implement it manually in your custom task classfail method. As a reference for implementation, you can check out Laravel's task base class.
transform method will receive the "fully qualified" request input key:
'employee' => [ 'name' => 'Taylor Otwell',],/**
* 转换给定的值.
* @param string $key
* @param mixed $value
* @return mixed
*/protected function transform($key, $value){ dump($key); // 'employee.name' (Laravel 5.8) dump($key); // 'name' (Laravel 5.7)}
UrlGenerator Protocol
Possibility of impact: Very low
Method has been added to Illuminate\Contracts\Routing\UrlGenerator
contract. If you want to call this interface, you should add this method to your implementation.
Features in
Possibility of impact: Very low
## The$cachedSchema property in
#Illuminate/Routing/UrlGenerator (deprecated in Laravel 5.7) has been changed to
StartSession Middleware
Possibility of impact: Very low
Persistence of Session The logic has been moved from theterminate() method to the
handle() method. If you override methods within them, you should update them to reflect the changes.
Likelihood of impact: Medium
Allarray_* and
str_* global helper functions are deprecated. You need to use the methods provided by
Illuminate\Support\Arr and
Illuminate\Support\Str directly.
Impact Likelihood: Medium
Service provider'sdefer indicating whether to deferred the provider Boolean properties have been deprecated. Now, if you want to mark a service provider as deferred, you need to implement the
Illuminate\Contracts\Support\DeferrableProvider contract.
Possibility of impact: Optional
By default, Laravel 5.8 uses PHPUnit 7. However, you can upgrade to PHPUnit 8, but this requires PHP >= 7.2. Please read the PHPUnit 8 release announcement for more details.setUp and
tearDown methods now require a void return type:
protected function setUp(): voidprotected function tearDown(): voidValidation
Validator Contract
Possibility of impact: Very low
method added in Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\Validator:
/** * 获取已验证的属性和值。 * * @return array */public function validated();If you call this interface, you need to add the implementation of this method.
ValidatesAttributes Attributes
Likelihood of Impact: Very Low
##Illuminate\Validation\Concerns\ValidatesAttributes The visibility of the parseTable
, getQueryColumn
and requireParameterCount
methods in the attribute is adjusted from protected
to public
Likelihood of Impact: Very Low Illuminate\Validation\DatabasePresenceVerifier
Class The Likelihood of Impact: Very Low Impact possibility: very low Email verification rules now check whether the email address is compatible with RFC5630, so that the verification logic and SwiftMailer remain consistent. In Laravel 5.7, the So when using Laravel 5.8, email addresses that were previously considered invalid will now be considered valid, such as (e.g Possibility of impact: Very low Illuminate\Contracts\View A new Potential impact: High Nexmo and Slack notification channels have been advanced Official expansion is in progress. To use these channels in your own application, you need to install the following extension packages: We also encourage you to check the change log of the table
method visibility is adjusted from protected
to public
. Validator
Class Illuminate\Validation\Validator
Class getPresenceVerifierFor
method visibility adjusted from protected
to public
. Email verification
rule only verifies that email addresses are RFC822 compliant. hej@bär.se
). Normally, this is considered a bug fix; however, we include it here as a reminder. If you encounter any issues with this change, please let us know. View
method has been added to the \View contract. If you call this interface, you need to add the implementation of this method. Notifications
Nexmo / Slack notification channels
composer require laravel/nexmo-notification-channel
composer require laravel/slack-notification-channel
code repository. Although many of these updates are not required, you can keep these files in your application in sync with the code repository. Some of these updates are already mentioned in this upgrade guide, but there are many other minor updates (such as changes to configuration files or annotations) that are not listed. You can see which updates are more important to you through the GitHub comparison tool.