Threads blocked in one of Object's wait() methods or one of Thread's join() or sleep() methods will be woken up, their interrupt status will be cleared, and they receive an InterruptedException.
Threads blocked in an I/O operation of an InterruptibleChannel will have their interrupt status set and receive an ClosedByInterruptException. Also, the channel will be closed.
Threads blocked in a Selector will have their interrupt status set and return immediately. They don't receive an exception in this case.
问题1 :
问题2 :
怪我咯2017-04-17 17:33:44
FILE 및 SOCKET의 BIO 모드는 중단할 수 없으며 AIO/NIO는 중단할 수 있으며 NIO 선택에는 중단을 구현하는 특별한 방법이 있습니다(파이프는 UNIX에서 사용됨/루프백 포트는 Windows에서 사용됨)