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linux - vim插件powerline速度慢

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모든 응답(1)나는 대답할 것이다

  • 伊谢尔伦

    伊谢尔伦2017-04-17 16:19:36

    Powerline 的概念很有意思,所以GitHub上很多类似的项目。
    但是,Powerline 这个项目本身有点过时了。


    • vim-airline: 开箱即用的类Powerline 插件,对很多第三方插件都做了良好适配

    There's already powerline, why yet another statusline?

    • 100% vimscript; no python needed.

    What about vim-powerline?

    • vim-powerline has been deprecated in favor of the newer, unifying powerline, which is under active development; the new version is written in python at the core and exposes various bindings such that it can style statuslines not only in vim, but also tmux, bash, zsh, and others.

    • lightline.vim: 高自由度的类Powerline 插件, 需要自己动手对第三方插件做适配,作者有提供参考配置

    Why yet another clone of powerline?

    • vim-powerline is a nice plugin, but deprecated.

    • powerline is a nice plugin, but difficult to configure.

    • vim-airline is a nice plugin, but it uses too much functions of other plugins, which should be done by users in .vimrc.


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