
oracle database access object


Calling example:
$conn = OCILogon("www_cec", "webchn99", "unicorn");
#or you can just inclued file like "include("modcec_OCI_conn.php3");"

$newOda= new ODA($conn);
#or you can use login method like this
#$newOda-=new ODA();
$newOda->CmdString=" update test set nouse='dfs' where login_name='guoyafeng'";
if(!$newOda->Execute()) {
echo $newOda->err;
echo $newOda->Rows;  #get the affected row number.
#or you can call execute like this####


#the following demostrate the open method.
$newOda->Open("select * from test")) or die $newOda->err;

#Get data from RS
echo "count is" .$newOda->Rows;
       echo $newOda->RS[$i][$j];


   file://$conn = OCILogon("www_ce", "ceonline99", "wsgp");
  // $conn = OCILogon("www_cec", "webchn99", "unicorn");
//  if ($SERVER_NAME == "")
//          $SERVER_NAME = $HTTP_HOST;

class ODA

  function ODA($cn="") {

    return TRUE;
  function Logon($user,$pass,$db) {
    if(!($this->conn = OCILogon($user, $pass, $db))){
     $this->err="Error 106: Failed to logon.";
     return FALSE;
    return TRUE;
  function Open($sql="") file://$this->CmdString
     if($this->conn=="") {
        $this->err="Error 100,Connection Object Required.";
        return FALSE;
     if($sql=="" and $this->CmdString=="") {
        $this->err="Error 101,SQL Statement Required.";
        return FALSE;
    if(!($cursor=OCIParse($this->conn,$sql))) {
       $this->err="Server Internal Error: Failed to parse SQL Statement.";
       return FALSE;
    if(!OCIExecute($cursor))  {
      $this->err="Server Internal Error: Failed to execute SQL Statement.";
      return FALSE;

    if($this->Rows==0) {
     $this->err="Warning: No rows affectted.RS result is not available.";

     return TRUE;
    function Execute($sql="") {
     if($this->conn=="") {
        $this->err="Error 100,Connection Object Required.";
        return FALSE;
     if($sql=="" and $this->CmdString=="") {
        $this->err="Error 101,SQL Statement Required.";
        return FALSE;
    if(!($cursor=OCIParse($this->conn,$sql))) {
       $this->err="Server Internal Error: Failed to parse SQL Statement.";
       return FALSE;
    if(!OCIExecute($cursor))  {
      $this->err="Server Internal Error: Failed to execute SQL Statement.";
      return FALSE;
    return TRUE;
  function LogOff(){
    $this->err="Server Internal Error: Failed to logoff database.";
    return FALSE;
  return TRUE;