最近需要写个脚本程序抓取一些网络数据,于是就有了常见的php脚本;测试代码如下: #!/usr/local/bin/php -q?php/** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: jackqqxu * Date: 14-9-12 * Time: 上午12:34 * 解析一个目录下面的文件,分析所有的静态资源然后下载下来
#!/usr/local/bin/php -q <?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: jackqqxu * Date: 14-9-12 * Time: 上午12:34 * 解析一个目录下面的文件,分析所有的静态资源然后下载下来; */ //echo "请输入需要提取的文件路径:\n"; //$path = fread(STDIN, 100); //echo "程序即将读取 $path 路径下面的文件\n"; //echo "请输入需要提取的文件类型:\n"; //$type = fread(STDIN, 100); // Open a known directory, and proceed to read its contents //$path = '/Users/jackqqxu/Desktop/task/game/a_grain_of_truth_files/css/'; $destPath = '/Users/jackqqxu/task/aliyunsvn/health/grain/views/locations/'; //静态文件html $sourcePath = '/Users/jackqqxu/task/aliyunsvn/health/grain/js/'; //静态文件html //$baseUrl = 'http://www.zamolski.com/agot/resources/stylesheets/'; $netSourceUrl = 'http://www.zamolski.com/agot/views/locations/'; //现在获取位置信息 //$type = '.css'; $type = '.js'; //很多需要获取定位的位置信息; $typeLen = strlen($type); //echo 'r=' . realpath('/Users/jackqqxu/Desktop/task/game/a_grain_of_truth_files/css/../images/ui/frame_h.png') . "\n\n"; //echo "the programe will read the $type from the $path\n"; //if (!is_dir($destPath)) { // exec('mkdir -p ' . $destPath); //} if ($dh = opendir($sourcePath)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { $fileType = filetype($sourcePath . $file); if ($fileType != 'file') { continue; } // echo 'f=' . $file . substr($file, strlen($file)-$typeLen) . "\n"; if (substr($file, strlen($file)-$typeLen) == $type) { //类型相同 // echo "filename: $file : filetype: " . filetype($path . $file) . "\n"; echo '$sourcePath . $file=' . $sourcePath . $file . "\n"; $fileContentArr = file($sourcePath . $file); foreach($fileContentArr as $fileLine) { // if ($fileLine =~ /url\((.*?)\)/){ // if (preg_match_all("/url\((.*?)\)/", $fileLine, $matches)) { //css中通过url获取其他图片; if (preg_match_all("/gotoLocation\(\"(.*?)\"\)/", $fileLine, $matches)) { //中通过关键词获取其他文件; // print_r($matches);exit; // foreach($matches[1] as $matchImgUrl) { foreach($matches[1] as $matchUrl) { $sourceUrl = $netSourceUrl . $matchUrl . '.html'; echo 'n='.$sourceUrl."\n";//exit; $descFile = $destPath . $matchUrl . '.html'; // echo 'fs=' . function_exists('realpath'); // echo 'ni=' . $newImgFile."\n";//exit; // echo 'mkdir -p=' . dirname($newImgFile); // exec('mkdir -p ' . dirname($newImgFile)); $ret = file_put_contents($descFile, file_get_contents($sourceUrl)); if ($ret) { echo "文件$descFile 写入成功\n"; // exit; } // exit; } } } } } closedir($dh); } ?>
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