집 >데이터 베이스 >MySQL 튜토리얼 >mybatis-Mysql like语句值不固定
<code> SELECT e.`ID`,e.`EmployeeID`,e.`CHNName`,e.`ENGName`,e.`Sex`,e.`Mobile` FROM tb_pcm_coach c,tb_sys_employee e,tb_sys_employeetype tt, tb_sys_department d WHERE c.ID=e.ID AND e.ID=tt.Employee AND e.dept = d.id <!-- AND tt.EmployeeType='EB43871E-1E7C-48CB-B38D-9E3200D011F7}'--> AND e.STATUS='FDCAAF7C-8FE8-4340-993E-9E29000B6F14' <!--AND c.ID IN(SELECT coach FROM tb_mms_coachbuy) --> <if test="employeetype != null and '' != employeetype"> and tt.EmployeeType= #{employeetype} </if> <if test="dept != null and '' != dept"> and INSTR(d.TreeKey, #{dept}) = 1 </if> <if test="coachlevel != null and '' != coachlevel"> and c.CoachLevel= #{coachlevel} </if> <if test="eid != null and '' != eid"> and e.ID != #{eid} </if> <!-- Combobox精确查询 --> <if test="CHNName != null and '' != CHNName"> and e.CHNName like '%#{CHNName}%' </if>最下面like我想查e.CHNName包括传入的CHNName,也就是like的值不固定,请问应该怎么写?已解决,我从其他模块借鉴的<if test="departmentname != null and '' != departmentname"> and INSTR(d.departmentname,#{departmentname}) > 0</if>mysql中有一个方法 INSTR可以比对两个字符串。</code>