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MariaDB & MySQL Community Event videos & sli_MySQL

2016-06-01 13:13:32970검색


If you couldn’t attend the MariaDB & MySQL Community Event in April 2014, held at the Hilton Santa Clara, fret not as there areslidesand videos uploaded for you to watch at your leisure. There is likely to be at least one more community event later this year, sowatch the space.

Currently on the page, you’ll find most of the talks with slides and the videos are professionally done – with slide overlays. The audio could be better on some, but for an event that was pulled together by Monty in less than 3 weeks, it’s not too shabby. You can learnWhat’s new in MariaDB 10, a little more about theSPIDER storage engine, more about theMariaDB optimizer(I found this to be very insightful),ScaleDB,Vitess & YouTube,Big data with NEO,InfiniDB,mysqlv8udfs, andMariaDB with Fusion-io.

Some of these products will make its way into code for MariaDB 10.1 (no promises, but look at the above to see what might be popped in). All that’s missing now are transcripts!

Do you like the videos? Do you think more events should have recordings available? Let us know in the comments below.

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