>php教程 >PHP源码 >php 操作文件大小辅助类

php 操作文件大小辅助类

2016-05-25 17:00:301291검색


require ("filesizeHelper.php");
$filesizeHelper = new FilesizeHelper();
$file = &#39;F:codepearl.text&#39;;
//$file ="/media/disk-1/Just.A.Very.Large.File.avi";
$filesize = $filesizeHelper->getFileSize($file);
echo"<pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">";
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 * FileSizeHelper
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Class for manipulating large files (bigger than 2GB)
 * This class detects the real file size of a specified file even if the 
 * file size is begger than 2GB, the class also able to format the resulted
 * file size in KB, MB, GB, TB units which make it more readable.
 * The class uses several methods to detect bigger file sizes:
 * 1. The native filesize() function
 * 2. Using the cURL module
 * 3. Using the php native seek function
 * 4. Windows COM interface (on windows server)
 * 5. Using external program (exec() function needed)

class FilesizeHelper {

 * File path
 * @var string
 * @accessprivate
private $path;

 * File size in bytes
 * @var float
 * @accessprivate
private $byteSize;

 * Whether we are on Windows platform or another OS (*nix and MacOS)
 * @var bool
 * @accessprivate
private $isWindows;

 * Constructor
 * @accesspublic
 * @param void
 * @return void
public function __construct() {

// Check if we are on Windows platform
$this->isWindows = (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == &#39;WIN&#39;);

 * Gets the size of the specified file
 * @accesspublic
 * @paramstringThe file path
 * @paramboolWhether to format the file size in KB, MB, GB, TB
 * @return mixed
public function getFileSize($file, $formatted = true) {

// Set the path of the file
$this->path = $file;

// Check for a valid file path

// Get the file size in bytes
$this->byteSize = (float) $this->__getByteSize();

// If failed to get the file size or the file size is zero, return a blank result
if (!$this->byteSize) {
if (!$formatted) {
return 0;

// Return a blank array
$blank_size = $this->__formatFileSize();
return array(0, $blank_size[0], $blank_size[1]);

// Return the bytesize if no formatting is needed
if (!$formatted) {
return $this->byteSize;

// Return an array containing the file size information
return $this->__formatFileSize();

 * Formats the file size in KB, MB, GB, TB units
 * @accessprivate
 * @param void
 * @return arrayReturn arry containing the file size information
private function __formatFileSize() {

// If the file size is zero return a blank result
$_size = $this->byteSize;
if (!$_size || $_size < 0) {
return array(0, &#39;0 B&#39;, array(0, &#39;B&#39;));

// If the file size is smaller than 1KB
if ($_size <= 1024) {
return array(0, &#39;1 KB&#39;, array(1, &#39;KB&#39;));

// Set an array of all file size units
$size_units = Array(&#39;B&#39;, &#39;KB&#39;, &#39;MB&#39;, &#39;GB&#39;, &#39;TB&#39;, &#39;PB&#39;, &#39;EB&#39;);
// Set the initial unit to Bytes
$unit = $size_units[0];

// Loop through all file size units
for ($i = 1; ($i < count($size_units) && $_size >= 1024); $i++) {
$_size = $_size / 1024;
$unit = $size_units[$i];

// Set the number of digits after the decimal place in the resulted file size
$round = 2;

// If the file size is in KiloByte we do not need any decimal numbers
if ($unit == &#39;KB&#39;) {
$round = 0;

// Round the file size
$formatted = round((float) $_size, $round);

// Return the file size data
return array($this->byteSize, $formatted ."". $unit, array($formatted, $unit));

 * Chek if the file is exist
 * @accessprivate
 * @param void
 * @return void
private function __checkFilePath() {

if (!file_exists($this->path)) {
throw new Exception("File not found at $this->path");

 * Gets the size of the specified file in bytes
 * @accessprivate
 * @param void
 * @return stringThe file size in bytes
private function __getByteSize() {

// Try the php native filesize() function.
$bytesize = @filesize($this->path);
if (false !== $bytesize && $bytesize >= 0) {
return $bytesize;

// If filesize() fails with larger files, try to get the size using curl module.
$bytesize = $this->__useCurl();
if ($bytesize) {
return $bytesize;

// If curl fails to get the file size try using the php native seek function.
$bytesize = $this->__useNativeSeek();
if ($bytesize) {
return $bytesize;

// If the native seek fails to get the file size and we are on windows try using Windows COM interface
$bytesize = $this->__useCom();
if ($bytesize) {
return $bytesize;

// If all the above methods failed to get the file size try using external program (exec() function needed)
$bytesize = $this->__useExec();
if ($bytesize) {
return $bytesize;

// Unable to get the file size in bytes
throw new Exception("Unable to get the file size for the file". $this->path ."!");

 * Gets the file size using curl module
 * @accessprivate
 * @param void
 * @returnmixedThe file size as string or false when fail or cUrl module not available
 * @seehttp://www.php.net/manual/en/function.filesize.php#100434
private function __useCurl() {

// If the curl module is not available return false
if (!function_exists("curl_init")) {
return false;

$ch = curl_init("file://". $this->path);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, true);
$data = curl_exec($ch);

if ($data !== false && preg_match(&#39;/Content-Length: (d+)/&#39;, $data, $matches)) {
return (string) $matches[1];

 * Gets the file size by using native fseek function
 * @accessprivate
 * @param void
 * @returnmixedThe file size as string or false when fail
 * @seehttp://www.php.net/manual/en/function.filesize.php#79023
 * @seehttp://www.php.net/manual/en/function.filesize.php#102135
private function __useNativeSeek() {

// This should work for large files on 64bit platforms and for small files every where
$fp = @fopen($this->path,"rb");

// If failed to open the file return false
if (!$fp) {
return false;

flock($fp, LOCK_SH);

// Seeks past the end-of-file
$res = fseek($fp, 0, SEEK_END);
if ($res === 0) {
// Get the current position of the file pointer
$pos = ftell($fp);

flock($fp, LOCK_UN);

// $pos will be positive int if file is <2GB
// if is >2GB <4GB it will be negative number
if ($pos >= 0) {
return (string) $pos;
else {
return sprintf("%u", $pos);
else {
flock($fp, LOCK_UN);
return false;

 * Gets the file size by using Windows COM interface
 * @accessprivate
 * @param void
 * @returnmixedThe file size as string or false when fail or COM not available
private function __useCom() {

if (!$this->isWindows || !class_exists("COM")) {
return false;

// Use the Windows COM interface
$fsobj = new COM(&#39;Scripting.FileSystemObject&#39;);

if (dirname($this->path) == &#39;.&#39;) {
$this->path = ((substr(getcwd(), -1) == DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) ? getcwd() . basename($this->path) : getcwd() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename($this->path));

// Get the file data
$f = $fsobj->GetFile($this->path);

// Convert to string
return (string) $f->Size;

 * Gets the file size by using external program (exec needed)
 * @accessprivate
 * @param void
 * @return mixedThe file size as string or false when fail or or exec is disabled
private function __useExec() {

// If exeec is disable return false
if (!function_exists("exec")) {
return false;

//Escape the file path string to be used as a shell argument
$escapedPath = escapeshellarg($this->path);

// If we are on Windows
if ($this->isWindows) {
// Try using the NT substition modifier %~z
$size = trim(exec("for %F in ($escapedPath) do @echo %~zF"));

// If other OS (*nix and MacOS)
else {
// If the platform is not Windows, use the stat command (should work for *nix and MacOS)
$size = trim(exec("stat -c%s $escapedPath"));

// If the return is not blank, not zero, and is number
if ($size && ctype_digit($size)) {
return (string) $size;

// An error has occured
return false;
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