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php simpleXML添加CDATA格式数据

2016-05-25 16:42:12862검색

我们知道php中的simpleXML没办法直接很方便的添加CDATA格式的数据,这样对我们操作时会有一定的问题,下面我来给各位同学介绍php simpleXML添加CDATA格式数据一种办法,php实例代码如下:

* to show <title><![CDATA[Site Title]]></title>   instead of <title>Site Title</title> 
class SimpleXMLExtended extends SimpleXMLElement 
    public function addCData($cdata_text) 
        $node = dom_import_simplexml($this); 
        $no   = $node->ownerDocument; 
$xmlFile    = &#39;config.xml&#39;; 
// instead of $xml = new SimpleXMLElement(&#39;<sites/>&#39;); 
$xml = new SimpleXMLExtended(&#39;<sites/>&#39;); 
$site = $xml->addChild(&#39;site&#39;); 
// instead of $site->addChild(&#39;site&#39;, &#39;Site Title&#39;); 
$site->title = NULL; // VERY IMPORTANT! We need a node where to append 
$site->title->addCData(&#39;Site Title&#39;); 
$site->title->addAttribute(&#39;lang&#39;, &#39;en&#39;); 

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