1. 음악 리소스 확보
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http://box.zhangmen.baidu.com/x?op =12&count=1&title=겨울에 대하여 $$Qiqin$$$$
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This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.<result><count>1</count><url><encode></encode><decode></decode><type>8</type><lrcid>14706</lrcid><flag>1</flag></url><durl><encode></encode><decode></decode><type>8</type><lrcid>14706</lrcid><flag>1</flag></durl><p2p><hash>d1cae9f7634c5aa3d54d7b1b1ad4c5b79b6e97ff</hash><url></url><type>mp3</type><size>5710896</size><bitrate>192</bitrate></p2p></result>
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4. 효과 시연
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