>  기사  >  웹 프론트엔드  >  HTML5+jQuery实现支持桌面和移动拖动iPhone风格插件


2016-05-17 09:08:141588검색



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$(document).ready(function() {


        // The length of every row. Default is 10 items per row

        rowLength : 10,

        // The default width of the box.

        boxWidth  : 660,

        // The default height of the box.

        boxHeight : 500,

        // The rate at which grabbing pans across items

        // The default is 1.3. Increasing makes it go slower.

        rate      : 1.3,

        // Sets whether or not the UI will snap to the last

        // element when the user stops grabbing

        round     : true,

        // This amount a user can drag (in pixels) while still

        // being able to click an object. Usually clicking is

        // disabled on drag, but within a (by default) 20px movement

        // clicking will still be enabled

        mistake   : 20




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