>데이터 베이스 >MySQL 튜토리얼 >Python 기본 학습 코드 객체 지향 프로그래밍

Python 기본 학습 코드 객체 지향 프로그래밍

2016-12-29 17:33:501770검색

class  AddrBookEntry(object):
    'address book entry class'
    def __init__(self,nm,ph):
        self.name = nm
        self.phone = ph
        print 'created instance for:',self.name
    def updatephone(self,newph):
        self.phone = newph
        print 'update phone for:',self.name
    def updatename(self,newname):
        self.name = newname
        print 'update phone for:',self.phone
john = AddrBookEntry('xiewenbin','13711710490')
print john.name
print john.phone
print john.phone
print john.name
class EmpAddrBookEntry(AddrBookEntry):
    'employee address book entry class'
    def __init__(self,nm,ph,id,em):
        self.empid = id
        self.email = em
    def updateemail(self,newem):
        self.email = newem
        print 'update email address for:',self.name
jone = EmpAddrBookEntry('jone doe','408-555-1212',42,'543361609@qq.com')
print jone.name
print jone.phone
print jone.email
print jone.phone
print jone.email
class HotelRoomCalc(object):
    'hotel room rate calculator'
    def __init__(self,rt,sales=0.084,rm=0.1):
        '''hotelroot calc  default arguments:
        sales tax == 8.5%  and room tax == 10%'''
        self.salestax = sales
        self.roomtax = rm
        self.rootrate = rt
    def cacltotal(self,days=1):
        'calculator total;default to daily rate'
        daily = round((self.rootrate * (1 + self.roomtax + self.salestax)),2)
        return float(days) * daily
sfo = HotelRoomCalc(299)
print sfo.cacltotal(3)
class TestStaticMethod(object):
    def foo():
        print 'calling static method foo()'
class TestClassMethod(object):
    def foo(cls):
        print 'calling class method foo()'
        print 'foo() is part of class:',cls.__name__
class C(object):
    foo = 100
print C.foo + 1
class Myclass(object):
    'myclass class definition'
    myversion = 19.0
    def showmyversion(self):
        print Myclass.myversion
mc = Myclass()
print dir(Myclass)
print Myclass.__dict__
class InstCt(object):
    count = 0
    def __init__(self):
        InstCt.count += 1
    def __del__(self):
        InstCt.count -= 1
    def howmany(self):
        return InstCt.count
a = InstCt()
b = InstCt()"""
x = 3 + 0.14j
print x.__class__
print [type(getattr(x,i)) for i in ('conjugate','imag','real')]
class Foo(object):
    x = {2003:'poe2'}
foo = Foo()
print foo.x
foo.x[2004] = 'xie'
print foo.x
print Foo.x
del foo.x
print foo.x
print Foo.x

위 내용은 Python 기본 학습 코드의 객체지향 프로그래밍 내용입니다. 더 많은 관련 내용은 PHP 중국어 홈페이지(www.php.cn)를 참고해주세요!

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