>  기사  >  백엔드 개발  >  安装Redis前端缓存的PHP脚本


2016-07-28 08:27:571022검색

     for setup and configuration see more here:      www.jeedo.net/lightning-fast-wordpress-with-nginx-redis/      use this script at your own risk. i currently use this albeit a slightly modified version     to display a redis badge whenever a cache is displayed.  */  // change vars here $cf = 1;// set to 1 if you are using cloudflare $debug = 0;// set to 1 if you wish to see execution time and cache actions $display_powered_by_redis = 1;  // set to 1 if you want to display a powered by redis message with execution time, see below  $start = microtime();   // start timing page exec  // if cloudflare is enabled if ($cf) {     if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP'])) {         $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP'];     } }  // from wp define('WP_USE_THEMES', true);  // init predis include("predis.php"); $redis = new Predis\Client('');  // init vars $domain = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $url = "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $url = str_replace('?r=y', '', $url); $url = str_replace('?c=y', '', $url); $dkey = md5($domain); $ukey = md5($url);  // check if page isn't a comment submission (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL'] == 'max-age=0') ? $submit = 1 : $submit = 0;  // check if logged in to wp $cookie = var_export($_COOKIE, true); $loggedin = preg_match("/wordpress_logged_in/", $cookie);  // check if a cache of the page exists if ($redis->hexists($dkey, $ukey) && !$loggedin && !$submit && !strpos($url, '/feed/')) {      echo $redis->hget($dkey, $ukey);     $cached = 1;     $msg = 'this is a cache';  // if a comment was submitted or clear page cache request was made delete cache of page } else if ($submit || substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], -4) == '?r=y') {      require('./wp-blog-header.php');     $redis->hdel($dkey, $ukey);     $msg = 'cache of page deleted';  // delete entire cache, works only if logged in } else if ($loggedin && substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], -4) == '?c=y') {      require('./wp-blog-header.php');     if ($redis->exists($dkey)) {         $redis->del($dkey);         $msg = 'domain cache flushed';     } else {         $msg = 'no cache to flush';     }  // if logged in don't cache anything } else if ($loggedin) {      require('./wp-blog-header.php');     $msg = 'not cached';  // cache the page } else {      // turn on output buffering     ob_start();      require('./wp-blog-header.php');      // get contents of output buffer     $html = ob_get_contents();      // clean output buffer     ob_end_clean();     echo $html;      // Store to cache only if the page exist and is not a search result.     if (!is_404() && !is_search()) {         // store html contents to redis cache         $redis->hset($dkey, $ukey, $html);         $msg = 'cache is set';     } }  $end = microtime(); // get end execution time  // show messages if debug is enabled if ($debug) {     echo $msg.': ';     echo t_exec($start, $end); }  if ($cached && $display_powered_by_redis) { // You should move this CSS to your CSS file and change the: float:right;margin:20px 0; echo ""; echo "

"; }  // time diff function t_exec($start, $end) {     $t = (getmicrotime($end) - getmicrotime($start));     return round($t,5); }  // get time function getmicrotime($t) {     list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ",$t);     return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); }  ?>
2、 你也可以直接点击备用下载:index-with-redis.php下载地址。 Github项目:https://gist.github.com/JimWestergren/3053250#file-index-with-redis-php 
3、 如果你正在使用cloudflare,请设置cf = 1; ,如果你想在页面上看到脚本执行时间和缓存加载时间,请设置$debug = 1; display_powered_by_redis = 1表示显示powered_by信息。 
hexists($dkey, $ukey) && !$loggedin && !$submit) {     echo $redis->hget($dkey, $ukey);     if (!$debug) exit(0);     $msg = 'this is a cache'; // if a comment was submitted or clear page cache request was made delete cache of page } else if ($submit || substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], -4) == '?r=y') {     require('./wp-blog-header.php');     $redis->hdel($dkey, $ukey);     $msg = 'cache of page deleted'; // delete entire cache, works only if logged in } else if ($loggedin && substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], -4) == '?c=y') {     require('./wp-blog-header.php');     if ($redis->exists($dkey)) {         $redis->del($dkey);         $msg = 'domain cache flushed';     } else {         $msg = 'no cache to flush';     } // if logged in don't cache anything } else if ($loggedin) {     require('./wp-blog-header.php');     $msg = 'not cached'; // cache the page } else {     // turn on output buffering     ob_start();     require('./wp-blog-header.php');     // get contents of output buffer     $html = ob_get_contents();     // clean output buffer     ob_end_clean();     echo $html;     // store html contents to redis cache     $redis->hset($dkey, $ukey, $html);     $msg = 'cache is set'; } $end = microtime(); // get end execution time // show messages if debug is enabled if ($debug) {     echo $msg.': ';     echo t_exec($start, $end); } // time diff function t_exec($start, $end) {     $t = (getmicrotime($end) - getmicrotime($start));     return round($t,5); } // get time function getmicrotime($t) {     list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ",$t);     return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); } ?>

以上就介绍了 安装Redis前端缓存的PHP脚本,包括了方面的内容,希望对PHP教程有兴趣的朋友有所帮助。

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