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22 个 PHP 教程 常见问题的处理

2016-06-21 08:51:441494검색

这里包含一些 PHP 开发经常会碰见的问题的处理教程,包括图像处理、微博集成、表单处理、视频等等方面内容。

Create Instagram Filters With PHP

Display your Favorite Tweets using PHP and jQuery

Making a Page Flip Magazine with turn.js

Easy Form Generation Using FuelPHP

AJAX Contact Form

UCM Plugin: POP3/IMAP Email Ticket System

Photobooth with PHP, jQuery and CSS3

Ajax’d PHP Login, User Management & Site Security

Simple Document Mananger

Client Photo Studio – Photography CMS

Solid PHP User Management System

Lite Invoicing System

Freelance Manager

Cms Gecko

Vidplanet Youtube Video Cms

Activity Board Activity Manager

You Translate! Website Translation System

CodeIgniter ACL User Management

Pro Invoice Maker

Tycoon CRM

PHP Login & User Management

Project Management Application PHP & AJAX

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