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php 操作 MACOS 剪切板

2016-06-21 08:51:261744검색

  PHP 操作 MACOS 剪切板。当然这不可能是 B/S 模式那种,操作客户端代理(浏览器所在系统)的剪切板。B/S结构我们只能使用 JAVASCRIPT 或 FLASH去操作,对于PHP来讲只能操作服务端。

  这里将讲的是通过调用系统 MACOS 下的 pbcopy、pbpaste 实现操作剪切板。

  pbcopy takes the standard input and places it in the specified pasteboard. If no pasteboard is specified, the general pasteboard will be used by default. The input is

  placed in the pasteboard as plain text data unless it begins with the Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) file header or the Rich Text Format (RTF) file header, in which case

  it is placed in the pasteboard as one of those data types.

  pbpaste removes the data from the pasteboard and writes it to the standard output. It normally looks first for plain text data in the pasteboard and writes that to the

  standard output; if no plain text data is in the pasteboard it looks for Encapsulated PostScript; if no EPS is present it looks for Rich Text. If none of those types

  is present in the pasteboard, pbpaste produces no output.

  来看下简单的使用样例,使用 exec 函数是不是很简单?呵呵!


  * 读取剪切板内容


  exec('pbpaste', $output, $return);

  var_dump($output, $return);


  * 写内容(go to clipboard)到剪切板


  exec('echo go to clipboard pbcopy', $output, $return);

  var_dump($output, $return);

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