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php 保留远程图片到本地

2016-06-13 13:11:38736검색

php 保存远程图片到本地

    echo file_get_contents("http://www.baidu.com/img/baidu_logo.gif");    

第一种: 精确型

    // 变量说明:     
    // $url 是远程图片的完整URL地址,不能为空。    
    // $filename 是可选变量: 如果为空,本地文件名将基于时间和日期     
    // 自动生成.     
    function get_photo($url,$filename='',$savefile='test/')   
        $imgArr = array('gif','bmp','png','ico','jpg','jepg');  
        if(!$url) return false;  
        if(!$filename) {     
          if(!in_array($ext,$imgArr)) return false;  
        if(!is_dir($savefile)) mkdir($savefile, 0777);  
        if(!is_readable($savefile)) chmod($savefile, 0777);  
        $filename = $savefile.$filename;  
        $img = ob_get_contents();     
        $size = strlen($img);     
        $fp2=@fopen($filename, "a");     
        return $filename;     
     echo $img ? '<pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><img  src="'.$img.'" alt=" php 保留远程图片到本地 " >
' : "false";


    function getImg($str){  
        $str = stripslashes($str);  
        $pattern = "/<img [^ alt=" php 保留远程图片到本地 " >]*src\=\"(([^>]*)(jpg|gif|png|bmp|jpeg))\"/i";   //获取所有图片标签的全部信息  
        preg_match_all($pattern, $str, $matches);  
        return $matches[1];   //$matches[1]中就是所想匹配的结果,结果为数组  
        $str = <<<EOT  
    Money has been moving into Brazilian stocks over the last couple of days, despite mostly flat trading activity in the U.S. equity markets. During Thursday's session, the iShares MSCI Brazil Index ETF (NYSE: EWZ) has risen 1.12% after outperforming the U.S. indices yesterday as well.  
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    SonySony Playstation Phone Rumors Heat Up  
    A South Korean Army soldier walks up steps of a guard post near the demilitarised zone separating the two Koreas.S. Korea waves olive branch  
    <img    style="max-width:90%"  style="max-width:90%" alt="" src="http://img.ibtimes.com/www/site/us/images/1px.gif" sized="yes">  
    Two giant resource companies make up a big chunk of the Brazilian Bovespa. They are PetroBras (NYSE: PBR), with a market cap of $163.44 billion, and miner Vale (NYSE: VALE), which has a market cap of $178.95 billion. PBR shares have risen 1.47% thus far today and VALE is trading 0.77% higher at $34.03.  
    <img alt="Sony" src="http://img.ibtimes.com/www/thumb/mainpage/13463-12079-sony.jpg" sized="yes">  
    This article was originally published on Benzinga, and is republished here with permission.   
    foreach( getImg($str) as $url)  

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