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PHP中ereg 跟ereg _replace的配合

2016-06-13 13:08:50882검색

PHP中ereg 和ereg _replace的配合

$text = 'This is a {1} day, not {2} and {3}.';
$daytype = array( 1 => 'fine',
????????????????? 2 => 'overcast',
????????????????? 3 => 'rainy' );
while (ereg ('{([0-9]+)}', $text, $regs)) {
? $found = $regs[1];
? $text = ereg_replace("\{".$found."\}", $daytype[$found], $text);
echo "$text\n";
// This is a fine day, not overcast and rainy.

结果:This is a fine day, not overcast and rainy

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