6어떤 선생님이 좋은 선생님이라고 생각하시나요? 모두 > Yan input type="radio" name="prob6" value="C" />parent 클래스의 결과클래스의 결과 strict 클래스의 결과 클래스의 결과
form> 스타일 파일(CSS) 코드 복사 코드는 다음과 같습니다. /* YahooUI CSS 재설정 */ body,div,dl,dt,dd,ul,ol,li,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,pre,form,fieldset, input,textarea,p,blockquote,th,td { 패딩: 0; 여백: 0; } 테이블 { 테두리 접기: 접기; 테두리 간격: 0; } fieldset,img { 테두리: 0; } address,caption,cite,code,dfn,em,strong,th,var { 글꼴 무게: 일반; 글꼴 스타일: 일반; } ol,ul { 목록 스타일: 없음; } caption,th { 텍스트 정렬: 왼쪽; } h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 { 글꼴 두께: 보통; 글꼴 크기: 100%; } q:이전,q:이후 { 내용:''; } abbr,acronym { 테두리: 0;} 레이블 { 패딩: 0; 여백: 0; } /* 내 CSS */ .Choices { line-height: 150%; 여백: 5px 0; } .페이지 { 높이: 500px; 테두리: 단색 1px 회색; } #olThePaper, .Display { 패딩: 0; 너비: 500px; } /* 주의사항: .Display 및 #olThePaper의 너비는 동일해야 합니다. */ .Display { float: 왼쪽; } #divToolbar { 높이: 35px; } #divPrev, #divNext { float: 왼쪽; 너비: 100px; 높이: 30px; 테두리: 단색 1px 녹색; 배경색: #999999; } #divPageInfo { 부동: 왼쪽; 너비: 100px; 높이: 30px; } #divTimer { 부동 소수점: 왼쪽; 너비: 500px; 높이: 30px; } /*디버깅용... IE 이외의 경우에만 해당*/ /**label {개요: 점선 1px 빨간색; 배경색: 회색; }**/ /**div {개요: 점선 1px 파란색;}**/
* @param {String} PaperOlId the id value of the ol tags indicating pages.
* @param {String} ProblemClass the css class name for problem area.
* @param {String} DescClass the css class name for description area.
* @param {String} ChoicesClass the css class name for choices area.
* @param {String} LeftPageId the id of the left page.
* @param {String} RightPageId the id of the right page.
* @author ExSystem
*/ function TTestPaperProcessor(PaperOlId, ProblemClass, DescClass, ChoicesClass, LeftPageId, RightPageId) { this.FPaperOlId = PaperOlId; this.FProblemClass = ProblemClass; this.FDescClass = DescClass; this.FChoicesClass = ChoicesClass; this.FLeftPageId = LeftPageId; this.FRightPageId =RightPageId; $('#' + this.FLeftPageId).html(''); $('#' + this.FRightPageId).html(''); this._FormatProblemOptions(); this._DivideIntoPages(); this.setCurrPage(1); } TTestPaperProcessor.prototype = { FPaperOlId: '', //the id property of the ol tag contains the whole test paper. FProblemClass: '', //the css class name for problem area. FDescClass: '', //the css class name for description area. FChoicesClass: '', //the css class name for choices area. FLeftPageId: '', //the left page. FRightPageId: '', //the right page. CPageClass: 'Page', FIsDisplayTableSupported: null, //whether the browser is the EVIL M$IE6,7 that does not support display: table(-cell). FCurrPage: 0, //start from 1, 0 for no page has been displayed yet. FPageCount: 0, //page count. // /** // * Get external css stylesheet info. // * @param {String} Selector The selector in the css style sheet. // * @param {String} Property The property name. // * @return {String} The value of the property, or null for undefined property. // */ // _GetCssInfo: function(Selector, Property) { // var mCss = document.styleSheets[0].cssRules || document.styleSheets[0].rules; // for (var mIndex = 0; mIndex < mCss.length; ++mIndex) { // if (mCss[mIndex].selectorText.toLowerCase() == Selector) { // return mCss[mIndex].style[Property]; // } // } // return null; // }, /** * @return {Boolean} */ _IsDisplayTableSupported: function() { if (this.FIsDisplayTableSupported != null) { return this.FIsDisplayTableSupported; } this.FIsDisplayTableSupported = !(jQuery.browser.msie && jQuery.browser.version < 8.0); return this.FIsDisplayTableSupported; }, /** * Formats radios and checkboxes for the Choices quiz. */ _FormatProblemOptions: function() { var mThis = this; var mSelector = '.' + this.FProblemClass + ' .' + this.FChoicesClass; $(mSelector).each(function() { //Rearrange the options for each problem ordered by offsetWidth of the label tag. var mLabels = new Array(); mLabels = jQuery.makeArray($('label', this)); mLabels.sort(function(First, Second) { return $(Second).outerWidth(true) > $(First).outerWidth(true); }); $(mLabels).appendTo(this); //Layout the options into the appropreate form. var mSlots = -1; //Force to create a new row, inside the while() loop. var mSlotWidth = $(mSelector).width() / 4.0; var mCellSize = 0; if (mThis._IsDisplayTableSupported()) { while (mLabels.length > 0) { //alert($(mLabels[0]).outerWidth(true) + '::' + $(mLabels[0]).outerHeight(true) + '::' + $(mLabels[0]).html()); if (mSlots <= 0) { //If no empty slot, create a new row. mCurrRow = $('
'); mCurrRow.appendTo(this); mSlots = 4; mCellSize = 0; var mRealCellWidth = $(mLabels[0]).outerWidth(true); if (mRealCellWidth < mSlotWidth) { mCellSize = 1; } if (mRealCellWidth >= mSlotWidth && mRealCellWidth < mSlotWidth * 2) { mCellSize = 2; } if (mRealCellWidth >= mSlotWidth * 2) { mCellSize = 4; } } mSlots -= mCellSize; if (mSlots >= 0) { //If empty slots exists, put the cell into the row. mLabel = mLabels.shift(); $(mLabel).addClass('___cell'); $(mLabel).css('display', 'table-cell'); $(mLabel).appendTo(mCurrRow); } } $('.___table').each(function() { //Align all the tables and cells. $(this).css('width', '100%'); var mCellWidth = 100 / $('.___cell', this).length; $('.___cell', this).css('width', mCellWidth + '%'); }); } else { // for the evil M$IE6, use table, tr, td tags. while (mLabels.length > 0) { if (mSlots <= 0) { //If no empty slot, create a new row. mCurrRow = $(''); mRow = $(' '); mRow.appendTo(mCurrRow); mCurrRow.appendTo(this); mSlots = 4; mCellSize = 0; var mRealCellWidth = $(mLabels[0]).attr('offsetWidth'); //The EVIL IE only: //be sure to use this css reset: table { border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0; } //otherwise, 2 lines will be occupied by some long problem options instead of 1. //or use this code instead: var mRealCellWidth = $(mLabels[0]).attr('offsetWidth') * 1.3; if (mRealCellWidth <= mSlotWidth) { mCellSize = 1; } if (mRealCellWidth > mSlotWidth && mRealCellWidth <= mSlotWidth * 2) { mCellSize = 2; } if (mRealCellWidth > mSlotWidth * 2) { mCellSize = 4; } } mSlots -= mCellSize; if (mSlots >= 0) { //If empty slots exists, put the cell into the row. mLabel = mLabels.shift(); mCell = $(' '); $(mLabel).appendTo(mCell); mCell.appendTo($('tr', mCurrRow)[0]); } } $('.___table').each(function() { //Align all the tables and cells. $(this).css('width', '100%'); var mCellWidth = 100 / $('tbody tr .___cell', this).length; $('tbody tr .___cell', this).css('width', mCellWidth + '%'); }); } }); }, /** * Create a new page, and add it to the paper. * @return {jQuery} the new page. */ _CreateNewPage: function() { ++this.FPageCount; mPage = $('
'); mPage.appendTo($('#' this.FPaperOlId)); mPage를 반환합니다. }, /** * * @param {Number} 페이지 번호 * @return {jQuery} */ _GetPage: function(PageNumber) { if (PageNumber < 1 || PageNumber > this.FPageCount) { throw new Error('잘못된 페이지 번호: ' PageNumber '.'); } return $('#___page_' 페이지 번호); }, /** * */ _DivideIntoPages: function() { var mProblems = $('.' this.FProblemClass ', .' this.FDescClass) ; var mProblemsCount = mProblems.length; var mCurrPage = this._CreateNewPage(); //var mPageHeight = mCurrPage.attr('offsetHeight'); chrome: 때때로 0. safari: 항상 0, $(window).ready()에 넣은 경우. var mPageHeight = mCurrPage.outerHeight(true); //위의 코드와 동일합니다. 수정: $(window).load()에 넣으세요. var mUsedPageHeight = 0; for (var mCurrProblem = 0; mCurrProblem < mProblemsCount; mCurrProblem) { if (mUsedPageHeight $(mProblems[mCurrProblem]).outerHeight(true) > mPageHeight) { mCurrPage.hide(); mCurrPage = this._CreateNewPage(); mPageHeight = mCurrPage.outerHeight(true); mUsedPageHeight = 0; } $(mProblems[mCurrProblem]).appendTo(mCurrPage); mUsedPageHeight = $(mProblems[mCurrProblem]).outerHeight(true); } mCurrPage.hide(); }, /** * 1부터 시작하여 왼쪽의 현재 페이지를 가져옵니다. * @return {Number} 현재 페이지입니다. */ getCurrPage: function() { if (this.FPageCount == 0) { throw new Error('페이지가 없습니다. 아직 생성되지 않았습니다.'); } return this.FCurrPage; }, /** * 왼쪽의 특정 페이지로 이동합니다. * @param {Number} 값 페이지 번호입니다. */ setCurrPage: function(Value) { if (Value < 1 || Value > this.FPageCount) { throw new Error('해당 페이지가 없습니다: ' 값 '.'); } this.FCurrPage =parseInt(Value / 2) * 2 1; // 홀수를 얻으려면. $('#' this.FLeftPageId ' .' this.CPageClass).hide(); $('#' this.FRightPageId ' .' this.CPageClass).hide(); if (this.FCurrPage >= 0) { $('#___page_' this.FCurrPage).appendTo($('#' this.FLeftPageId)); $('#___page_' this.FCurrPage).show('fast'); if (this.FCurrPage < this.FPageCount) { this.FCurrPage; $('#___page_' this.FCurrPage).appendTo($('#' this.FRightPageId)); $('#___page_' this.FCurrPage).show('fast'); --this.FCurrPage; } } }, /** * @retrun {번호} */ getPageCount: function() { return this.FPageCount; }, /** * */ 이전: function() { this.setCurrPage(this.FCurrPage - 2); }, /** * */ 다음: function() { this.setCurrPage(this.FCurrPage 2); } }; //클라이언트 코드는 여기에 있습니다... $(window).load(function() { var obj = new TTestPaperProcessor('olThePaper', 'Problem', 'Desc', '선택', 'divLeft', 'divRight'); $('#divPrev').click(function() { try { obj.Prev(); $(' #divPageInfo').text(obj.getCurrPage() ' of ' obj.getPageCount()); } catch (e) { alert('해당 페이지가 없습니다!'); } }); $('#divNext').click(function() { try { obj.Next(); $('#divPageInfo').text (obj.getCurrPage() ' of ' obj.getPageCount()); } catch (e) { alert('해당 페이지가 없습니다!') } }) ; //USAGE: http://keith-wood.name/countdown.html function TimeUp() { $('#formPaper').submit() } $('#divTimer').countdown({ until: ' 90m', compact: true, format: 'HMS', description: '', onExpiry: TimeUp }); $('#divPageInfo').text(obj.getCurrPage() ' of ' obj.getPageCount()) });
嘿嘿,其实这是一个俺们school校一位博导老师的项目的一分~~托给我做了。马上要 Out门了,回来放源文件下载,就可以看到效果了~~昨天回来太晚了,现在放Get源代码文件下载:点击此处 /201007/yuanma/TestPaperProcessor.rar