>  기사  >  백엔드 개발  >  [转]php与memcached服务器交互的分布式兑现源码分析[memcache版]


2016-06-13 11:15:38878검색





<?php $mmc = new Memcache();  $mmc->addServer('node1', 11211);  $mmc->addServer('node2', 11211, MemcacheConfig::MEMCACHE_PERSISTENT, 2);  $mmc->set('key', 'value');  echo $mmc->get('key');  $mmc->delete('key');




1. Memcache的初始化


$mmc = new Memcache();  

?对应C的代码:// Memcache类对应的方法名已经实际在c中实现过程的函数名,在接下来的分析中会用到。忽略不会分析到的方法。

static zend_function_entry php_memcache_class_functions[] = {  PHP_FALIAS(addserver, memcache_add_server, NULL)  PHP_FALIAS(set, memcache_set, NULL)  PHP_FALIAS(get, memcache_get, NULL)  PHP_FALIAS(delete, memcache_delete, NULL)  ......  };  PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(memcache)  {  // 初始化Memcache类实体,给类定在php空间中的调用名称以及类所拥有的方法  zend_class_entry memcache_class_entry;  INIT_CLASS_ENTRY(memcache_class_entry, "Memcache", php_memcache_class_functions);  memcache_class_entry_ptr = zend_register_internal_class(&memcache_class_entry TSRMLS_CC);  ......  }  

?以上过程是在Module Initialization的环节已经做好,在new的过程中,并无其余处理。


2. 添加缓存服务器,使之成为分布式存储


$mmc->addServer('node1', 11211);  $mmc->addServer('node2', 11211, MemcacheConfig::MEMCACHE_PERSISTENT, 2); 


PHP_FUNCTION(memcache_add_server)  {  zval **connection, *mmc_object = getThis(), *failure_callback = NULL;  // 整个Memcache中最重要的一个结构mmc_pool_t  mmc_pool_t *pool;  // 当前新添服务器的结构变量  mmc_t *mmc;  ......  // 如果pool之前没有初始化过,则初始化  if (zend_hash_find(Z_OBJPROP_P(mmc_object), "connection", sizeof("connection"), (void **) &connection) == FAILURE) {  // 调用mmp_pool_new完成初始化  pool = mmc_pool_new(TSRMLS_C);  ......  }  else {  ......  }  //将新增服务器添加到pool中  mmc_pool_add(pool, mmc, weight);  RETURN_TRUE;  }  


typedef struct mmc_pool {  mmc_t **servers; // 所有服务器的状态  int num_servers; // 服务器数量  mmc_t **requests; // 根据get的array key请求顺序返回的服务器数组状态  int compress_threshold; // 待存储的数据压缩的下限值  double min_compress_savings; // 待存储的数据最小的压缩百分比  zend_bool in_free; // 标记该pool是否被释放  mmc_hash_t *hash; // hash策略容器  void *hash_state; // hash函数  } mmc_pool_t;  

?然后我们看下mmc_hash_t的结构,再接下去的分析中会用到:// 结构定义中包含了四种抽象函数,作为基本结构,用于定义子结构

typedef struct mmc_hash {  mmc_hash_create_state create_state; // 创建hash策略状态,主要是接纳了hash函数算法  mmc_hash_free_state free_state; // 释放hash策略状态  mmc_hash_find_server find_server; // 根据key和分布式算法定位到某台服务器  mmc_hash_add_server add_server; // 根据hash策略、算法以及权重值添加服务器资源  } mmc_hash_t;  





typedef struct mmc_hash {  mmc_hash_create_state create_state; // 创建hash策略状态,主要是接纳了hash函数算法  mmc_hash_free_state free_state; // 释放hash策略状态  mmc_hash_find_server find_server; // 根据key和分布式算法定位到某台服务器  mmc_hash_add_server add_server; // 根据hash策略、算法以及权重值添加服务器资源  } mmc_hash_t;  


static void mmc_pool_init_hash(mmc_pool_t *pool TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */  {  mmc_hash_function hash;// 初始化hash函数  // 根据php.ini中的memcache.hash_strategy配置选择hash存储策略,默认为标准hash存储策略  switch (MEMCACHE_G(hash_strategy)) {  case MMC_CONSISTENT_HASH:  pool->hash = &mmc_consistent_hash;// 采用持久化hash存储策略  break;  default:  pool->hash = &mmc_standard_hash;// 采用标准hash存储策略  }  

?// 根据php.ini中的memcache.hash_function配置选择hash函数,默认为crc32算法

switch (MEMCACHE_G(hash_function)) {  case MMC_HASH_FNV1A:  hash = &mmc_hash_fnv1a; // 采用fnv1a算法  break;  default:  hash = &mmc_hash_crc32; // 采用crc32算法  }  // hash策略中根据选择的hash函数创建对应的状态  pool->hash_state = pool->hash->create_state(hash);  }  




先看下mmc_consistent_hash结构:// 根据mmc_hash_t的定义包含了四种具体函数实现

mmc_hash_t mmc_standard_hash = {  mmc_standard_create_state,  mmc_standard_free_state,  mmc_standard_find_server,  mmc_standard_add_server  };


// hash策略状态  typedef struct mmc_standard_state {  int num_servers; // 服务器数量  mmc_t **buckets; // 哈希桶,和权重值相关  int num_buckets; // 哈系桶的数量  mmc_hash_function hash; // hash算法  } mmc_standard_state_t;    void *mmc_standard_create_state(mmc_hash_function hash) /* {{{ */  {  // 初始化状态  mmc_standard_state_t *state = emalloc(sizeof(mmc_standard_state_t));  memset(state, 0, sizeof(mmc_standard_state_t));  // 选择的hash函数赋给hash属性  state->hash = hash;  return state;  }  


static unsigned int mmc_hash_crc32(const char *key, int key_len) /* CRC32 hash {{{ */  {  unsigned int crc = ~0;  int z;    for (z=0; z<key_len z crc32 key return><p><span style="color: #393939; font-family: verdana, 'ms song', 微软雅黑, 宋体, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; line-height: 1.5;">?</span><span style="color: #393939; font-family: verdana, 'ms song', 微软雅黑, 宋体, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; line-height: 1.5; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;">有关CRC32再深入的实现可以参考</span>Cyclic redundancy check</p>
<p style="margin: 10px auto; color: #393939; font-family: verdana, 'ms song', 微软雅黑, 宋体, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">然后来看看fnv算法实现:</p>
<pre name="code" class="c">/* 32 bit magic FNV-1a prime and init */  #define FNV_32_PRIME 0x01000193  #define FNV_32_INIT 0x811c9dc5  static unsigned int mmc_hash_fnv1a(const char *key, int key_len) /* FNV-1a hash {{{ */  {  unsigned int hval = FNV_32_INIT;  int z;    for (z=0; z<key_len z hval int fnv_32_prime return><p>?<span style="line-height: 1.5; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;">具体fnv算法的深入实现可以参考</span>Fowler–Noll–Vo hash function</p>
<p style="margin: 10px auto; color: #393939; font-family: verdana, 'ms song', 微软雅黑, 宋体, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">最后我们看看mmc_consistent_hash结构:</p>
<pre name="code" class="c">mmc_hash_t mmc_consistent_hash = {  mmc_consistent_create_state,  mmc_consistent_free_state,  mmc_consistent_find_server,  mmc_consistent_add_server  };




/* number of precomputed buckets, should be power of 2 */  #define MMC_CONSISTENT_BUCKETS 1024    typedef struct mmc_consistent_point {  mmc_t *server; // 服务器状态  unsigned int point; // 对应的指针  } mmc_consistent_point_t;    typedef struct mmc_consistent_state {  int num_servers; // 服务器数量  mmc_consistent_point_t *points; // 持久化服务器指针  int num_points; // 指针数量  mmc_t *buckets[MMC_CONSISTENT_BUCKETS]; // 哈希桶  int buckets_populated; //标记哈希桶是否计算过  mmc_hash_function hash; // hash函数  } mmc_consistent_state_t;    void *mmc_consistent_create_state(mmc_hash_function hash) /* {{{ */  {  // 初始化state  mmc_consistent_state_t *state = emalloc(sizeof(mmc_consistent_state_t));  memset(state, 0, sizeof(mmc_consistent_state_t));  // 将hash函数赋值给hash属性  state->hash = hash;  return state;  }  




void mmc_pool_add(mmc_pool_t *pool, mmc_t *mmc, unsigned int weight) /* {{{ */  {  /* add server and a preallocated request pointer */  if (pool->num_servers) {  pool->servers = erealloc(pool->servers, sizeof(mmc_t *) * (pool->num_servers + 1));  pool->requests = erealloc(pool->requests, sizeof(mmc_t *) * (pool->num_servers + 1));  }  else {  pool->servers = emalloc(sizeof(mmc_t *));  pool->requests = emalloc(sizeof(mmc_t *));  }    pool->servers[pool->num_servers] = mmc;  pool->num_servers++;  // 根据pool状态,当前要添加的服务器状态和权重调用add_server函数  pool->hash->add_server(pool->hash_state, mmc, weight);  }


void mmc_standard_add_server(void *s, mmc_t *mmc, unsigned int weight) /* {{{ */  {  mmc_standard_state_t *state = s;  int i;    // 哈希桶初始化或重新分配相应的权重数值对应的空间  if (state->num_buckets) {  state->buckets = erealloc(state->buckets, sizeof(mmc_t *) * (state->num_buckets + weight));  }  else {  state->buckets = emalloc(sizeof(mmc_t *) * (weight));  }  // 在某个区间内为哈希桶赋予服务器状态  for (i=0; i<weight i buckets>num_buckets + i] = mmc;  }    state->num_buckets += weight;  state->num_servers++;  }  </weight>


#define MMC_CONSISTENT_POINTS 160 /* points per server */    void mmc_consistent_add_server(void *s, mmc_t *mmc, unsigned int weight) /* {{{ */  {  mmc_consistent_state_t *state = s;  int i, key_len, points = weight * MMC_CONSISTENT_POINTS;    /* buffer for "host:port-i\0" */  char *key = emalloc(strlen(mmc->host) + MAX_LENGTH_OF_LONG * 2 + 3);    /* add weight * MMC_CONSISTENT_POINTS number of points for this server */  state->points = erealloc(state->points, sizeof(mmc_consistent_point_t) * (state->num_points + points));    // 将区块内的server赋予当前服务器状态,point赋予hash函数处理后的值  for (i=0; i<points i key_len="sprintf(key," mmc->host, mmc->port, i);  state->points[state->num_points + i].server = mmc;  state->points[state->num_points + i].point = state->hash(key, key_len);  MMC_DEBUG(("mmc_consistent_add_server: key %s, point %lu", key, state->points[state->num_points + i].point));  }    state->num_points += points;  state->num_servers++;    // 新增加服务器后需重新计算buckets顺序  state->buckets_populated = 0;    efree(key);  }  </points>

?以上代码有持久化hash算法的赋值实现,具体深入的了解请看Consistent hashing和国内大侠charlee翻译的小日本的文章memcached全面剖析–PDF总结篇



Consistent hashing 算法最大的特点是当你的缓存服务器数量变更的时候,它能够最大化的保留原有的缓存不变,而不需要重新分布原有缓存的服务器位置。
3. 向缓存服务器保存数据


$mmc->set('key', 'value'); 


/* {{{ proto bool memcache_set( object memcache, string key, mixed var [, int flag [, int expire ] ] ) Sets the value of an item. Item may exist or not */  PHP_FUNCTION(memcache_set)  {  // Memcache对象中的add,set和replace皆会走该函数  php_mmc_store(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, "set", sizeof("set") - 1);  } 


static void php_mmc_store(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, char *command, int command_len) /* {{{ */  {  mmc_pool_t *pool;  ......  // 获得pool  if (!mmc_get_pool(mmc_object, &pool TSRMLS_CC) || !pool->num_servers) {  RETURN_FALSE;  }  // 对不同的存储的值类型进行不同的处理  switch (Z_TYPE_P(value)) {  // 字符串类型  case IS_STRING:  result = mmc_pool_store(  pool, command, command_len, key_tmp, key_tmp_len, flags, expire,   Z_STRVAL_P(value), Z_STRLEN_P(value) TSRMLS_CC);  break;  // 长整型,浮点型,布尔型  case IS_LONG:  case IS_DOUBLE:  case IS_BOOL: {  ......  result = mmc_pool_store(  pool, command, command_len, key_tmp, key_tmp_len, flags, expire,   Z_STRVAL(value_copy), Z_STRLEN(value_copy) TSRMLS_CC);    zval_dtor(&value_copy);  break;  }  // 默认为数组类型  default: {  ......  result = mmc_pool_store(  pool, command, command_len, key_tmp, key_tmp_len, flags, expire,   buf.c, buf.len TSRMLS_CC);  }  }  ......  }  


int mmc_pool_store(mmc_pool_t *pool, const char *command, int command_len, const char *key, int key_len, int flags, int expire, const char *value, int value_len TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */  {  /* 该省略过程处理数据压缩,处理待发送的请求数据 */  ......    // 通过key确定待保存的服务器  while (result <p><span style="color: #393939; font-family: verdana, 'ms song', 微软雅黑, 宋体, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; line-height: 1.5;">?</span><span style="color: #393939; font-family: verdana, 'ms song', 微软雅黑, 宋体, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; line-height: 1.5;">接着我们看下mmc_pool_find是处理的</span></p><pre name="code" class="c">#define mmc_pool_find(pool, key, key_len) \  pool->hash->find_server(pool->hash_state, key, key_len)  


mmc_standard_find_servermmc_t *mmc_standard_find_server(void *s, const char *key, int key_len TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */  {  mmc_standard_state_t *state = s;  mmc_t *mmc;    if (state->num_servers > 1) {  // 用设定的hash函数算法,找到对应的服务器  unsigned int hash = mmc_hash(state, key, key_len), i;  mmc = state->buckets[hash % state->num_buckets];    // 如果获取到的服务器状态有问题,则重新hash遍历寻找到可用的缓存服务器为止   for (i=0; !mmc_open(mmc, 0, NULL, NULL TSRMLS_CC) && MEMCACHE_G(allow_failover) && i<memcache_g i char emalloc max_length_of_long int next_len="sprintf(next_key," key mmc_debug failed to connect server status trying next mmc->host, mmc->port, mmc->status));    hash += mmc_hash(state, next_key, next_len);  mmc = state->buckets[hash % state->num_buckets];    efree(next_key);  }  }  else {  mmc = state->buckets[0];  mmc_open(mmc, 0, NULL, NULL TSRMLS_CC);  }    return mmc->status != MMC_STATUS_FAILED ? mmc : NULL;  }  </memcache_g>


mmc_consistent_find_servermmc_t *mmc_consistent_find_server(void *s, const char *key, int key_len TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */  {  mmc_consistent_state_t *state = s;  mmc_t *mmc;    if (state->num_servers > 1) {  unsigned int i, hash = state->hash(key, key_len);  // 如果哈希桶没有进行过排序,则进行圆环排序操作  if (!state->buckets_populated) {  mmc_consistent_populate_buckets(state);  }  mmc = state->buckets[hash % MMC_CONSISTENT_BUCKETS];    // 如果获取到的服务器状态有问题,则重新hash遍历寻找到可用的缓存服务器为止   for (i=0; !mmc_open(mmc, 0, NULL, NULL TSRMLS_CC) && MEMCACHE_G(allow_failover) && i<memcache_g i char emalloc max_length_of_long int next_len="sprintf(next_key," key mmc_debug failed to connect server status trying next mmc->host, mmc->port, mmc->status));    hash = state->hash(next_key, next_len);  mmc = state->buckets[hash % MMC_CONSISTENT_BUCKETS];    efree(next_key);  }  }  else {  mmc = state->points[0].server;  mmc_open(mmc, 0, NULL, NULL TSRMLS_CC);  }    return mmc->status != MMC_STATUS_FAILED ? mmc : NULL;  }  // 持久化哈希算法的核心部分  static void mmc_consistent_populate_buckets(mmc_consistent_state_t *state) /* {{{ */  {  unsigned int z, step = 0xffffffff / MMC_CONSISTENT_BUCKETS;    qsort((void *)state->points, state->num_points, sizeof(mmc_consistent_point_t), mmc_consistent_compare);  for (z=0; z<mmc_consistent_buckets z state->buckets[z] = mmc_consistent_find(state, step * z);  }    state->buckets_populated = 1;  }  static int mmc_consistent_compare(const void *a, const void *b) /* {{{ */  {  if (((mmc_consistent_point_t *)a)->point point) {  return -1;  }  if (((mmc_consistent_point_t *)a)->point > ((mmc_consistent_point_t *)b)->point) {  return 1;  }  return 0;  }  static mmc_t *mmc_consistent_find(mmc_consistent_state_t *state, unsigned int point) /* {{{ */  {  int lo = 0, hi = state->num_points - 1, mid;    while (1) {  /* point is outside interval or lo >= hi, wrap-around */  if (point points[lo].point || point > state->points[hi].point) {  return state->points[lo].server;  }    /* test middle point */  mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2;  MMC_DEBUG(("mmc_consistent_find: lo %d, hi %d, mid %d, point %u, midpoint %u", lo, hi, mid, point, state->points[mid].point));    /* perfect match */  if (point points[mid].point && point > (mid ? state->points[mid-1].point : 0)) {  return state->points[mid].server;  }    /* too low, go up */  if (state->points[mid].point <p><span style="color: #393939; font-family: verdana, 'ms song', 微软雅黑, 宋体, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; line-height: 1.5;">?</span><span style="color: #393939; font-family: verdana, 'ms song', 微软雅黑, 宋体, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; line-height: 1.5;">至此,memcache_set过程结束。</span></p>
<p style="margin: 10px auto; color: #393939; font-family: verdana, 'ms song', 微软雅黑, 宋体, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><strong style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px;">4. 向缓存服务器获得已保存的数据</strong></p>
<p style="margin: 10px auto; color: #393939; font-family: verdana, 'ms song', 微软雅黑, 宋体, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">对应PHP的代码:</p>
<pre name="code" class="php">echo $mmc->get('key');  


PHP_FUNCTION(memcache_get)  {  ......  // 获得pool  if (!mmc_get_pool(mmc_object, &pool TSRMLS_CC) || !pool->num_servers) {  RETURN_FALSE;  }  // 当key不为数组的情况下处理  if (Z_TYPE_P(zkey) != IS_ARRAY) {  // 检查key的合法性  if (mmc_prepare_key(zkey, key, &key_len TSRMLS_CC) == MMC_OK) {  // 获取key获取value  if (mmc_exec_retrieval_cmd(pool, key, key_len, &return_value, flags TSRMLS_CC) <p style="margin: 10px auto; color: #393939; font-family: verdana, 'ms song', 微软雅黑, 宋体, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><span style="line-height: 1.5;">?</span><span style="line-height: 1.5;">接着看mmc_exec_retrieval_cmd和mmc_exec_retrieval_cmd_multi函数:</span></p><pre name="code" class="c">int mmc_exec_retrieval_cmd(mmc_pool_t *pool, const char *key, int key_len, zval **return_value, zval *return_flags TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */  {  mmc_t *mmc;  char *command, *value;  int result = -1, command_len, response_len, value_len, flags = 0;    MMC_DEBUG(("mmc_exec_retrieval_cmd: key '%s'", key));    command_len = spprintf(&command, 0, "get %s", key);  // 遍历寻找到key对应的value值  while (result requests中  while (zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(Z_ARRVAL_P(keys), (void **)&zkey, &pos) == SUCCESS) {  if (mmc_prepare_key(*zkey, key, &key_len TSRMLS_CC) == MMC_OK) {  /* schedule key if first round or if missing from result */  if ((!i || !zend_hash_exists(Z_ARRVAL_PP(return_value), key, key_len)) &&  // 根据key寻找到服务器  (mmc = mmc_pool_find(pool, key, key_len TSRMLS_CC)) != NULL) {  if (!(mmc->outbuf.len)) {  smart_str_appendl(&(mmc->outbuf), "get", sizeof("get")-1);  pool->requests[num_requests++] = mmc;  }    smart_str_appendl(&(mmc->outbuf), " ", 1);  smart_str_appendl(&(mmc->outbuf), key, key_len);  MMC_DEBUG(("mmc_exec_retrieval_cmd_multi: scheduled key '%s' for '%s:%d' request length '%d'", key, mmc->host, mmc->port, mmc->outbuf.len));  }  }    zend_hash_move_forward_ex(Z_ARRVAL_P(keys), &pos);  }    ......    } while (result_status <p style="margin: 10px auto; color: #393939; font-family: verdana, 'ms song', 微软雅黑, 宋体, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><span style="line-height: 1.5;">?</span><span style="line-height: 1.5;">由上可见分布式hash的核心函数皆为mmc_pool_find,首先找到key对应的服务器资源,然后根据服务器资源请求数据。</span></p><p><span style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; color: #393939; font-family: verdana, 'ms song', 微软雅黑, 宋体, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">至此,memcache_get的过程结束。</span><br style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; color: #393939; font-family: verdana, 'ms song', 微软雅黑, 宋体, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><strong style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; color: #393939; font-family: verdana, 'ms song', 微软雅黑, 宋体, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">5.向缓存服务器删除已保存的数据</strong><br style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; color: #393939; font-family: verdana, 'ms song', 微软雅黑, 宋体, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><span style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; color: #393939; font-family: verdana, 'ms song', 微软雅黑, 宋体, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">对应的php代码:</span></p><pre name="code" class="php">$mmc->delete('key');  


memcache_delete:/* {{{ proto bool memcache_delete( object memcache, string key [, int expire ]) Deletes existing item */  PHP_FUNCTION(memcache_delete)  {  mmc_t *mmc;  mmc_pool_t *pool;  int result = -1, key_len;  zval *mmc_object = getThis();  char *key;  long time = 0;  char key_tmp[MMC_KEY_MAX_SIZE];  unsigned int key_tmp_len;    if (mmc_object == NULL) {  if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "Os|l", &mmc_object, memcache_class_entry_ptr, &key, &key_len, &time) == FAILURE) {  return;  }  }  else {  if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "s|l", &key, &key_len, &time) == FAILURE) {  return;  }  }    if (!mmc_get_pool(mmc_object, &pool TSRMLS_CC) || !pool->num_servers) {  RETURN_FALSE;  }    if (mmc_prepare_key_ex(key, key_len, key_tmp, &key_tmp_len TSRMLS_CC) != MMC_OK) {  RETURN_FALSE;  }    // 先获得服务器资源  while (result  0) {  RETURN_TRUE;  }  RETURN_FALSE;  }  /* }}} */ 





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