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JavaScript에서 \"기본값 내보내기\"는 무엇을 의미합니까?

Barbara Streisand
Barbara Streisand원래의
2024-10-17 23:24:30825검색

What Does \

Understanding "export default" in JavaScript

Modern JavaScript frameworks heavily rely on the concept of modules, and among them, "export default" is a crucial feature. To delve into its functionality, let's dissect a real-world example:

Consider the following code snippet in the file SafeString.js:

<code class="js">// Build out our basic SafeString type
function SafeString(string) {
  this.string = string;

SafeString.prototype.toString = function() {
  return "" + this.string;

// Unfamiliar Syntax:
export default SafeString;</code>

Question: What does "export default" mean in this context?

Answer: "export default" is a part of the ES6 module system that allows the module to export a single default value. In this case, it makes the SafeString class available as the default export of this module.

Simplified Explanation:

When you export a value as default, you can import it in other modules without explicitly specifying the named export. Instead, you can import it simply like this:

<code class="js">// Example in another module
import SafeString from './SafeString.js' // Assuming you have an appropriate import statement
let mySafeString = new SafeString('Hello, world!');
console.log(mySafeString); // Output: Hello, world!</code>

The SafeString class is imported as the default export, making it accessible without the need for braces in the import statement.

Additional Note:

The ES6 module system provides a way to organize code and define dependencies. The "export default" syntax allows you to specify a single default value for a module, making it convenient for importing in other modules.

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