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Why Haven&#t I Been Able to Land a Remote Job?

2024-09-23 14:31:27763검색

Why Haven

This isn’t a post about frustration, but rather a reality I've been navigating for the past year. Despite applying through various remote job platforms and leveraging LinkedIn, I have yet to land a single interview.

I’m a ReactJS, NextJS, and JavaScript developer based in Dhaka, Bangladesh, and I can't help but ask—what am I missing? Is there something I'm not doing right, or am I simply on the wrong path to achieving my remote work goals?

If anyone has resources, advice, or personal experiences on successfully landing a remote developer job, I’d be incredibly grateful for your insights.

Additionally, I believe that by sharing my experience, other aspiring remote workers might benefit as well and get one step closer to reaching their goals in the remote job market.

Thank you!

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