>  기사  >  OceanDoge, 암호화폐와 해양 보존 노력을 결합하여 토큰 사전 판매 시작

OceanDoge, 암호화폐와 해양 보존 노력을 결합하여 토큰 사전 판매 시작

2024-09-09 18:45:14368검색

독일 프랑크푸르트 /OceanDoge/ – 독일 기반 암호화폐 프로젝트 OceanDoge가 토큰 사전 판매 공식 출시를 발표했습니다

OceanDoge, 암호화폐와 해양 보존 노력을 결합하여 토큰 사전 판매 시작

2023년 5월 20일 독일 프랑크푸르트, 체인와이어

German-based cryptocurrency project OceanDoge has announced the official launch of its token presale, offering an opportunity to participate in a blockchain initiative that merges digital asset development with marine conservation efforts. With 71% of the Earth’s surface covered by oceans and 78% of the world’s wildlife living in the seas, OceanDoge is highlighting the urgent need for action.

A central part of the project is supporting environmental organizations such as Oceana and other major foundations preserving the oceans, which will be funded through donations to protect the oceans and their inhabitants.

OceanDoge sees itself not only as a cryptocurrency but also as a movement that unites people and promotes collective action for a better planet. By supporting major environmental organizations, the project aims to make a positive impact on the environment.

With a clear token distribution, thoughtful planning, and a solid roadmap, OceanDoge aims to play a long-term role in the crypto world. The developers invite interested parties to join the “OceanDoge Revolution” and work together to protect the oceans and the planet.

The OceanDoge presale is divided into several phases, each with a different price and sales target. The presale will involve a total of 54 billion tokens and aims to raise up to $21.15 million:

The OceanDoge presale offers an opportunity for early investors who may value a tiered pricing model. A total of 54 billion tokens will be sold in three phases at varying prices, with an expected total raise of $21.15 million.

OceanDoge has outlined its roadmap in five phases, ranging from the introduction of the token to supporting marine conservation projects and strengthening its community. The key milestones include:

The total supply of OceanDoge tokens is 180 billion. Of these, 30% are allocated for the presale, with the token price starting at 0.0001 USDT and increasing through multiple phases. Long-term investors may have opportunities to earn additional rewards by holding and staking their tokens.

About OceanDoge

OceanDoge is a German-based cryptocurrency project that combines blockchain technology with a mission to support marine conservation. By funding environmental organizations and promoting sustainable practices, OceanDoge aims to create a positive impact on ocean preservation while building a long-term ecosystem for its token holders. With a clear roadmap and token distribution, the project seeks to engage a global community in protecting the planet’s oceans.

위 내용은 OceanDoge, 암호화폐와 해양 보존 노력을 결합하여 토큰 사전 판매 시작의 상세 내용입니다. 자세한 내용은 PHP 중국어 웹사이트의 기타 관련 기사를 참조하세요!

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