>백엔드 개발 >Golang >Maroto를 사용하여 Golang에서 PDF를 생성하여 오랫동안 작업하세요

Maroto를 사용하여 Golang에서 PDF를 생성하여 오랫동안 작업하세요

2024-08-30 22:35:02980검색

작가: Subha Chanda✏️

Golang이라고도 알려진 Go는 Google이 설계한 정적으로 유형이 지정되고 컴파일된 프로그래밍 언어입니다. 이는 정적으로 유형이 지정된 언어의 성능 및 보안 이점과 일반적으로 동적 유형이 지정된 언어와 관련된 사용 용이성을 결합합니다.

동시성 및 멀티스레딩 메커니즘과 훌륭한 표준 라이브러리로 인해 Go는 웹 개발, 네트워크 프로그래밍, 시스템 프로그래밍을 포함한 광범위한 애플리케이션에 널리 사용됩니다.

PDF 생성은 다양한 유형의 애플리케이션에 필요한 중요한 작업입니다. 대규모로 효율적으로 PDF를 생성하는 것은 복잡한 작업이 될 수 있습니다. 그러나 성능과 효율성으로 잘 알려진 Go는 대용량 시나리오에서 PDF를 생성하는 데 좋은 선택이 될 수 있습니다.

그러나 자신만의 PDF 생성기를 작성하는 것은 복잡한 작업이 될 수 있습니다. 여기서 마로토가 등장합니다. Bootstrap의 레이아웃 시스템에서 영감을 받은 PDF 생성 라이브러리입니다.

행과 열이 있는 그리드 시스템을 사용하면 레이아웃 관리가 더 쉬워집니다. 또한 콘텐츠 오버플로를 처리하기 위한 자동 페이지 나누기를 지원합니다. 또한 텍스트, 이미지, 바코드, QR 코드, 서명 등에 대한 기본 지원도 제공됩니다.

Maroto의 도움을 받아 Golang에서 동적 PDF를 만드는 방법에 대해 글을 쓰겠습니다.

PDF 생성이 필요한 이유는 무엇입니까?

PDF 생성 기능은 다양한 유형의 프로젝트 및 애플리케이션에 매우 유용할 수 있습니다.

  • 송장 발행 시스템 — PDF 송장을 자동으로 생성하여 고객에게 전송하면 형식의 일관성을 보장하고 송장 템플릿을 쉽게 사용자 정의할 수 있습니다.
  • 보고 도구 — PDF 생성은 비즈니스 분석, 재무제표 또는 프로젝트 상태 업데이트에 대한 세부 보고서를 작성하는 데 매우 중요합니다.
  • 티켓팅 시스템 — PDF 티켓 생성은 여행 예약, 이벤트 입장 또는 영화 상영 확인에 필수적입니다
  • 라벨 생성 — 배송, 제품 라벨링 또는 조직적 목적을 위해 동적으로 라벨을 생성하면 올바른 정보가 명확하고 정확하게 표시됩니다.
  • 인증 생성 - 과정 수료, 수상 또는 인증에 대한 인증서를 자동으로 생성하여 각 인증서를 쉽게 맞춤화하고 개인화할 수 있습니다.
  • 계약 관리 — 특정 이용 약관을 기반으로 동적 콘텐츠가 포함된 법률 문서 또는 계약서를 생성하면 정확하고 개인화된 계약을 작성하는 프로세스가 간소화됩니다.

다른 사용 사례를 상상해 보면 PDF 자동화가 일관성을 보장하고 전문적인 형식을 제공하는 이유를 알 수 있습니다.

Golang에서 Maroto를 사용하기 전에 알아야 할 사항

계속 진행하기 전에 다음 사항을 확인하세요.

  • Go에 대한 기본 이해
  • 글을 쓰는 시점에 가장 최신 버전인 1.22.2를 컴퓨터에 설치하세요.
  • 선호하는 IDE 또는 텍스트 편집기 — Visual Studio를 권장합니다
  • 가능한 경우 IDE용 Go 확장

Go에 익숙해져야 한다면 이 가이드를 따라 언어에 대한 기본적인 이해를 얻을 수 있습니다. 모든 것이 설정되었으면 이제 출발할 준비가 된 것입니다. ?

Maroto로 PDF 생성

시작하려면 먼저 Maroto를 사용하여 PDF를 생성하는 데 중요한 역할을 하는 몇 가지 핵심 개념에 대해 논의해 보겠습니다.

높이로 정의되는 행은 문서의 가로 섹션을 나타냅니다. 여러 열(Col)을 포함할 수 있습니다. New 함수는 지정된 높이로 행을 초기화합니다.


열은 행 내의 수직 섹션을 나타내며 텍스트, 이미지, QR 코드 또는 바코드와 같은 다양한 구성 요소를 포함할 수 있습니다. 열은 내용과 크기 측면에서 유연합니다. Col의 New 함수는 특정 크기 또는 크기가 제공되지 않은 경우 최대 크기의 열을 생성할 수 있습니다. Add 메소드를 사용하면 열에 구성요소를 추가할 수 있습니다.


다양한 문서 요소를 구현하는 인터페이스입니다. 텍스트, 이미지, QR 코드, 바코드 등의 요소는 구성 요소로 간주됩니다. 문서 내용을 구성하기 위해 열에 추가할 수 있습니다. 이제 Go 프로젝트를 시작해 보겠습니다.

새 Go 프로젝트 초기화 및 종속성 설치

먼저 즐겨 사용하는 코드 편집기를 열고 프로젝트와 관련된 모든 코드를 저장할 폴더를 편집기에서 엽니다.

이제 터미널 창을 열고 프로젝트 위치를 찾은 후 다음 명령을 실행하세요.

go mod init github.com/USERNAME/PROJECT_NAME

위 명령에서 github.com을 Bitbucket 또는 Gitlab과 같이 파일을 저장하는 도메인으로 바꿉니다. 또한 USERNAME을 사용자 이름으로 바꾸고 PROJECT_NAME을 원하는 프로젝트 이름으로 바꾸세요.

Running this command will initialize a Go project and will create a go.mod file in the folder. This file is used to manage the dependencies of a Go project.

After the command creates a go.mod file successfully, you are ready to install the necessary packages. The only package required to follow along with this article is Maroto.

To install Maroto as a dependency, run the following command:

go get github.com/johnfercher/maroto/v2@v2

At the time of writing this article, Maroto is in its v2 stage. And, the v2 provides significant performance improvements compared to v1.

All of the logic for this code will reside in the main package. To keep the article simple, everything will be in a single file. For writing code, create a new file called main.go to the root of your project folder, and paste the following code into it:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
 fmt.Println("Hello, World!")

Now, run the command go run main.go from the terminal, and check if it prints Hello, World! in the terminal. If it does, it means you are ready to get started.

Building the application

In this article, we’ll be building a sample PDF that replicates a ticket copy. The PDF will contain a dynamic QR code, as well as a barcode, image, and other relevant details.

The core layout of Maroto is based on the 12-unit grid system. Meaning that, the width of each page is divided into an equal amount of 12 units. Based on this, you can add a structure to your PDF.

The image shown below replicates a basic ticket of a movie show, and you’ll be creating this PDF programmatically using Go: Go long by generating PDFs in Golang with Maroto  

The ticket contains three basic sections: header, body, and footer.

The header contains a logo, name and address of an imaginary company called Showbees Ticketing.

The body contains all the necessary tickets like the name of the show, language, date, venue, number of tickets, etc.. The body also contains a QR code and a barcode just to demonstrate how these can be implemented in your PDF.

The footer is very basic and contains a single text.

Let’s start by creating a struct that defines the structure of the PDF. Copy and paste the code in your main.go file:

package main

type Company struct {
    Name         string
    Address      string
    LogoLocation string

type Ticket struct {
    ID                 int
    ShowName           string
    ShowTime           string
    Language           string
    ShowVenue          string
    SeatNumber         string
    Cost               float64
    Screen             string
    TicketCount        int
    ShowPosterLocation string

func main() {
    c := Company{
        Name:         "ShowBees Ticketing",
        Address:      "1234 Main St, City, State 12345",
        LogoLocation: "./logo.png",

    t := Ticket{
        ID:                 1,
        ShowName:           "Planet of the Gophers: The War Begins",
        ShowTime:           "Sat 01/01/2022 7:00 PM",
        Language:           "English",
        ShowVenue:          "Gophedorium",
        SeatNumber:         "Platinum - A1, A2",
        Cost:               620.00,
        Screen:             "Screen 1",
        TicketCount:        2,
        ShowPosterLocation: "./poster.png",

Here, we are creating a Company struct first. This represents the details of the company. The Ticket struct defines the structure for the ticket.

In the main function, we are creating a variable called c which holds the company details and another variable called t which holds the ticket details. The field name, and the variable are pretty self-explanatory.

One thing to mention here is that the logo and the poster are stored in the root of the folder. If you are following along, you can either add any two images in this place, or you can download the images of the article from this repo.

Now, let’s create the header.

Creating a header

To create a header, we’ll be creating a new function. The function will take a parameter of type Company and will return a core.Row. The header is pretty simple. Let’s check out the code first:

func getPageHeader(c Company) core.Row {
    return row.New(16).Add(
        image.NewFromFileCol(4, c.LogoLocation, props.Rect{
            Center:  false,
            Percent: 100,
            text.New(c.Name, props.Text{
                Style: fontstyle.Bold,
                Size:  10,
            text.New(c.Address, props.Text{
                Top:  6,
                Size: 10,

The header consists of three columns: an image column, an empty column, and a column containing text components. Let’s look at the code step-by-step.

The first line row.New(16) creates a new row component with a height of 16. This row will serve as the container for the header columns.

To render the image, you’ll need to use the image.NewFromFileCol method. This function is available in the image component.

This line image.NewFromFileCol(4, c.LogoLocation, props.Rect{...}) creates an image column with a size of 4. It loads an image from the file specified by c.LogoLocation and sets some properties for the image, such as its alignment and size.

The next line col.New(2) creates an empty column with a size of 2. This column is used to create space between the image column and the text column.

The following line col.New(6).Add(...) creates a column with a size of 6.

Inside this column, there are two text components created using the text.New function. The first text component displays the company name (c.Name) with some text properties like bold style, left alignment, and font size of 10.

The second text component displays the company address (c.Address) with different text properties, including a top margin of 6 pixels, left alignment, and font size of 10.

Finally, the image column and the text column are then added to the row using the Add method. So, a row contains all the columns, and columns can be added in a row.

Let’s now create a function called getMaroto which will be responsible for registering necessary components and returning a core.Maroto interface which wraps the basic methods of Maroto.

Using the methods from these interfaces, we’ll be generating the PDF from the main function. Let’s take a look at the function first:

func getMaroto(c Company, t Ticket) core.Maroto {
    cfg := config.NewBuilder().WithDimensions(120, 200).Build()

    mrt := maroto.New(cfg)

    err := mrt.RegisterHeader(getPageHeader(c))

    if err != nil {
        log.Println("Error registering header")

    return mrt

At this point, we only have a header component. As we add more components to the PDF, this function will grow larger. The function takes two parameters: a company object and a ticket object.

The function begins by creating a new PDF configuration using config.NewBuilder(), which is customized with width and height for the PDF document through the WithDimensions method. This configuration is then used to instantiate a new Maroto PDF document (mrt) with the specified dimensions.

After setting the desired configuration options, Build() is called to finalize and return the configuration object.

If you do not prefer to set up dimensions like we have done in this article and want to use a standard paper size, Maroto provides a WithPageSize function as well where you can add a standard page size like A4, Letter, etc..

Here’s a sample:

cfg := config.NewBuilder().WithPageSize(pagesize.Letter).Build()

After the cfg variable is initialized, it’s time to register the header for the PDF document. This is done by calling mrt.RegisterHeader(getPageHeader(c)), where getPageHeader(c) generates a header row based on the provided Company object.

The RegisterHeader method adds the header row to the PDF and calculates its height to ensure it fits within the page's useful area. If the header's height exceeds the available space, an error is logged, and the mrt variable is returned from the function.

Update the main function as shown below:

func main() {
  // ...
    // ...

    m := getMaroto(c, t)

    document, err := m.Generate()

    filename := fmt.Sprintf("ticket-%d.pdf", t.ID)

    if err != nil {
        log.Println("Error generating PDF")

    // Check if temp folder exists, if not create it
    if _, err := os.Stat("temp"); os.IsNotExist(err) {
        err = os.Mkdir("temp", 0755)
        if err != nil {
            log.Println("Error creating directory:", err)

    err = document.Save("temp/" + filename)
    if err != nil {
        log.Println("Unable to save file:", err)

The code here is pretty straightforward. The company and ticket details are passed into the getMaroto function. The Generate method of the Maroto type is then called to actually generate the PDF document.

After generating the PDF, a filename for the PDF is created using the fmt.Sprintf function, incorporating the ticket's ID into the filename. It then checks if a "temp" directory exists using os.Stat, and if it doesn't, the directory is created with os.Mkdir with appropriate permissions. If any error occurs in this stage, the error is logged in.

Finally, the generated PDF document is saved to the temp directory using the Save method, which internally uses os.WriteFile to write the PDF bytes to a file. The permissions for the file are set to allow any operation by the user.

If you run the code using go run main.go, you’ll be able to see that a new folder called temp is created, and the folder contains a file called ticket-1.pdf. Your PDF should look like this image now: Go long by generating PDFs in Golang with Maroto

Let’s move on and create the body of the PDF. This is the longest of the functions, but now that you understand the basics of how Maroto works, it should be a breeze.

Creating a body

Create a new function called getShowDetails which accepts a ticket struct and returns an array of core.Row interface. First, copy and paste the below code into your main.go function:

func getShowDetails(t Ticket) []core.Row {
    rows := []core.Row{
            image.NewFromFileCol(4, t.ShowPosterLocation, props.Rect{
                Center:  true,
                Percent: 100,
                text.New(t.ShowName, props.Text{
                    Style: fontstyle.Bold,
                    Size:  10,
                text.New(t.Language, props.Text{
                    Top:   6,
                    Style: fontstyle.Normal,
                    Size:  8,
                    Color: &props.Color{Red: 95, Green: 95, Blue: 95},
                text.New(t.ShowTime, props.Text{
                    Top:   12,
                    Style: fontstyle.Bold,
                    Size:  10,
                text.New(t.ShowVenue, props.Text{
                    Top:   18,
                    Style: fontstyle.Normal,
                    Size:  8,
                    Color: &props.Color{Red: 95, Green: 95, Blue: 95},
            line.NewCol(12, props.Line{
                Thickness:   0.2,
                Color:       &props.Color{Red: 200, Green: 200, Blue: 200},
                SizePercent: 100,
                Style:       linestyle.Dashed,
                text.New(strconv.Itoa(t.TicketCount), props.Text{
                    Style: fontstyle.Bold,
                    Size:  24,
                    Align: align.Center,
                text.New("Tickets", props.Text{
                    Top:   12,
                    Style: fontstyle.Normal,
                    Size:  8,
                    Color: &props.Color{Red: 95, Green: 95, Blue: 95},
                    Align: align.Center,
                text.New(t.Screen, props.Text{
                    Size:  8,
                    Color: &props.Color{Red: 95, Green: 95, Blue: 95},
                text.New(t.SeatNumber, props.Text{
                    Top:   6,
                    Style: fontstyle.Bold,
                    Size:  14,
            line.NewCol(12, props.Line{
                Thickness:   0.2,
                Color:       &props.Color{Red: 200, Green: 200, Blue: 200},
                SizePercent: 100,
                Style:       linestyle.Dashed,
                fmt.Sprintf("%v\n%v\n%v\n%v", t.ID, t.ShowName, t.ShowTime, t.ShowVenue),
                    Center:  true,
                    Percent: 100,
            col.New(12).Add(text.New(fmt.Sprintf("Booking ID: %v", t.ID), props.Text{
                Style: fontstyle.Normal,
                Size:  8,
                Align: align.Center,
                Top:   2,
            line.NewCol(12, props.Line{
                Thickness:   0.2,
                Color:       &props.Color{Red: 200, Green: 200, Blue: 200},
                SizePercent: 100,
                Style:       linestyle.Solid,
            code.NewBarCol(12, strconv.Itoa(t.ID),
                    Center:  true,
                    Percent: 100,

    return rows

The code starts by initializing a new variable called rows, which consists of all the rows that will be returned from the function.

The rows slice starts by initializing a first row of height 30. In this row, an image is first added to the column which takes a third of the available area. The t.ShowPosterLocation is rendered here, with a few properties like centre alignment and size in percentage.

In the remaining 2/3rd space, a new column is added, which renders the show name, show language and the show time. Each of the text has a different size, top position, and color. For defining the colors, the props.Color struct is used, where the value of red, green, and blue is defined.

The next row is added to add a blank space in the PDF. After the blank space, a new line is added to the rows slice. A new line can be added using the line module available in the Maroto package.

The line.NewCol function takes two arguments, one being the area to be taken, and another one for defining the properties of the line. In this case, the line takes the complete width, and different properties like the thickness, color, and size are defined. For the style, a dashed line is added.

After adding the line, another empty row is added, and after the empty row, the ticket count, screen name, and seat number are added.

Similar to the other columns, different props for the text are added for enhancing the look of the document. To display the ticket count, you must have noticed that we are using the strconv package to convert the integer type to string because the text.New function takes the value as a string.

A blank space area and a line is added to the document after the details.

In the next step, a new row of size 20 is created. Inside this row, a column is added. This column contains a QR code generated from a formatted string that includes the ticket ID, show name, show time, and show venue.

The QR code is centered and occupies 100 percent of the column's width. The NewQrCol function is used to create this column by generating a QR code with the specified properties and adding it to a new column of a specified size.

Next, a new row with a height of 10 units is created, and a column is added to it. This column contains a text component displaying the booking ID with centered positioning. Following that, a row with a height of 1 unit is added, containing a single column with a line.

The line's color, thickness, and style are specified, and it spans 100 percent of the column's width. This is used as a separator between sections of the document. An empty row with a height of 3 units is then added to create some vertical spacing in the document.

Finally, a row with a height of 10 units is created, containing a column. The column contains a barcode generated from the ticket ID. The barcode is generated using the code.NewBarCol function. It is centered and occupies 100 percent of the column's width.

With the above complete, let’s move on to the footer.

Creating a footer

The footer contains just a single text. The aim is to demonstrate how a footer can be registered in your PDF:

func getPageFooter() core.Row {
    return row.New(2).Add(
            text.New("Powered by ShowBees Ticketing System", props.Text{
                Style: fontstyle.Italic,
                Size:  8,
                Align: align.Center,
                Color: &props.Color{Red: 255, Green: 120, Blue: 218},

The footer displays a single text in a column. The text has a size of 8 pixels, center aligned with an RGB color value.

Now, to register this footer and the getShowDetails function into the getMaroto function, update this accordingly:

func getMaroto(c Company, t Ticket) core.Maroto {
    cfg := config.NewBuilder().WithDimensions(120, 200).Build()

    // ...
    // ...


    mrt.AddRow(4, line.NewCol(12, props.Line{
        Thickness:   0.2,
        Color:       &props.Color{Red: 200, Green: 200, Blue: 200},
        SizePercent: 100,




    err = mrt.RegisterFooter(getPageFooter())

    if err != nil {
        log.Println("Error registering footer")

    return mrt

If you generate the PDF by running go run main.go, you should get a PDF that resembles the image shown earlier in the article. Here is a video demonstration of the PDF generation.

The complete code for the article is available in this GitHub repo.

What makes Maroto stand out?

Maroto uses a grid system similar to Bootstrap, making it intuitive for developers familiar with web development. This system allows for easy layout management using rows and columns, which can contain various components like text, images, QR codes, and barcodes.

Maroto makes it easy for developers to create complex PDF layouts without extensive boilerplate code, a significant advantage over more complex libraries like UniDoc and pdfcpu.

Maroto is built on top of gofpdf but offers significant performance improvements, especially in v2. This makes it suitable for high-volume PDF generation tasks.

Maroto also handles content overflow by automatically adding page breaks without manual intervention.

Finally, Maroto has a growing community and comprehensive documentation. The library is open-source and actively maintained, which ensures that it stays up-to-date with the latest features and improvements.


Generating PDF documents using the Maroto library in Go is a straightforward and efficient process. This powerful library provides an intuitive API that allows developers to create complex layout structures with ease.

The use of rows and columns to manage content positioning, alongside the built-in support for various elements such as text, images, QR codes, and barcodes, makes Maroto a highly versatile tool.

To explore more about the package, you can check out their documentation.

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Script Tag:

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<script src="https://cdn.lr-ingest.com/LogRocket.min.js"></script>
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위 내용은 Maroto를 사용하여 Golang에서 PDF를 생성하여 오랫동안 작업하세요의 상세 내용입니다. 자세한 내용은 PHP 중국어 웹사이트의 기타 관련 기사를 참조하세요!

본 글의 내용은 네티즌들의 자발적인 기여로 작성되었으며, 저작권은 원저작자에게 있습니다. 본 사이트는 이에 상응하는 법적 책임을 지지 않습니다. 표절이나 침해가 의심되는 콘텐츠를 발견한 경우 admin@php.cn으로 문의하세요.