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docsify 설정 중국어

2024-08-15 14:25:18798검색

This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to configure Docsify to display content in Chinese. The key steps involve adding the docsify-lang library, setting the language code in the config file, and configuring the language pack path.

docsify 설정 중국어

How can I set Docsify to display content in Chinese?

To set Docsify to display content in Chinese, you can follow these steps:

  1. Add the following line to your index.html file, within the <head> tags:

    <code><script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/docsify-lang@latest/dist/lang.min.js"></script></code>
  2. Then, add the following code to your config.js file:

    lang: {
    current: 'zh',
    path: 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/docsify-lang@latest/dist/lang/zh.js',

3. Replace `zh` with the language code of your desired language. For example, to set the language to English, you would use `en` instead of `zh`.

**What is the process for changing the language of Docsify to Chinese?**

1. Open the `config.js` file located in the root directory of your Docsify project.

2. Locate the `lang` property within the `options` object.

3. Set the `current` property to the language code of your desired language. For Chinese, this would be `zh`.

4. Set the `path` property to the URL of the language pack file. For Chinese, this is `https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/docsify-lang@latest/dist/lang/zh.js`.

5. Save the changes to the `config.js` file.

**Are there any specific steps I need to follow to configure Docsify for Chinese localization?**

In addition to the steps outlined above, there are a few specific considerations for configuring Docsify for Chinese localization:

1. **Ensure that the language pack is included:** The language pack file (e.g., `lang/zh.js`) must be included in your project.

2. **Set the `current` language to `zh`:** In the `config.js` file, set the `current` property within the `lang` object to `zh`.

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