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기존 stgcn 코드를 호출하는 방법

2024-08-15 13:50:18679검색

How to call the extant stgcn code

To call the extant stgcn code, you can follow these steps:

  1. Clone the stgcn repository from GitHub.
  2. Install the required dependencies by running the following command in the terminal:

    <code>pip install -r requirements.txt</code>
  3. Import the stgcn module into your Python script.
  4. Create an instance of the STGCN model.
  5. Load the pre-trained weights into the model.
  6. Call the model's predict() method to make predictions on your data.

How to integrate stgcn code into your own projects?

To integrate stgcn code into your own projects, you can follow these steps:

  1. Clone the stgcn repository from GitHub.
  2. Create a new Python script in your project directory.
  3. Import the stgcn module into your script.
  4. Create an instance of the STGCN model.
  5. Load the pre-trained weights into the model.
  6. Call the model's predict() method to make predictions on your data.

Can I use stgcn code in a different programming language?

The stgcn code is currently available in Python. There are no official plans to port the code to other programming languages, but it is possible to do so if you have the necessary expertise.

Where can I find documentation or tutorials on using stgcn code?

You can find documentation and tutorials on using stgcn code on the following websites:

  • [STGCN GitHub repository](https://github.com/yysijie/STGCN)
  • [PyTorch documentation](https://pytorch.org/)
  • [TensorFlow documentation](https://www.tensorflow.org/)

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