>컴퓨터 튜토리얼 >문제 해결 >Windows 컴퓨터에서 블루투스를 켜는 방법

Windows 컴퓨터에서 블루투스를 켜는 방법

2024-08-05 16:30:431210검색

Windows 컴퓨터에서 Bluetooth를 켤 수 없다는 사실 때문에 고민이신가요? 이제 이 문제를 해결할 시간입니다! PHP 편집자 Xiaoxin은 Bluetooth 연결 문제가 많은 사용자를 괴롭히고 있음을 이해하고 있으므로 문제 해결 팁부터 고급 설정까지 자세한 가이드를 제공합니다. Bluetooth를 처음 사용하는 사용자이든 고급 사용자이든 이 튜토리얼에서는 Bluetooth를 켜고 발생하는 문제를 해결하는 데 도움이 되는 단계별 지침을 제공합니다. Windows 컴퓨터의 Bluetooth 연결 문제를 해결하는 효과적인 솔루션을 알아보려면 계속 읽어보세요!

Windows 컴퓨터에서 블루투스를 켜는 방법

1. Windows 컴퓨터에서 Bluetooth를 켜는 방법

Windows 컴퓨터에서 Bluetooth 기능을 켜는 방법

Bluetooth 기술은 우리 일상 생활에서 없어서는 안될 부분이 되었습니다. 다른 장치로 데이터를 전송하든 오디오 장치를 연결하든 Bluetooth 기술은 편리하고 빠른 솔루션을 제공합니다. Windows 컴퓨터에서는 Bluetooth를 켜야 하는 상황이 발생할 수 있습니다. 이 기사에서는 Windows 컴퓨터에서 Bluetooth를 켜는 방법을 설명합니다.

1단계: 설정 열기

Windows 컴퓨터에서 Bluetooth 기능을 켜려면 먼저 시스템 설정을 열어야 합니다. 바탕 화면 왼쪽 하단에 있는 Windows 로고를 마우스 오른쪽 버튼으로 클릭하고 "설정" 옵션을 클릭합니다.

2단계: "장치" 옵션을 선택하세요.

시스템 설정 창에 다양한 옵션이 표시됩니다. 여기서는 "장치" 옵션을 선택해야 합니다. 장치 옵션을 클릭하면 장치와 관련된 설정이 표시됩니다.

3단계: 블루투스 설정을 찾아서 엽니다.

기기 설정에서 블루투스 설정을 찾아서 열어야 합니다. 페이지 왼쪽 메뉴에 '블루투스 및 기타 장치' 옵션이 표시됩니다. 그것을 클릭하면 블루투스 설정 페이지로 들어갑니다.

4단계: 블루투스 켜기

블루투스 설정 페이지에 들어가면 블루투스 기능을 켜거나 끌 수 있는 슬라이딩 스위치가 표시됩니다. Bluetooth 기능이 활성화되도록 슬라이드 스위치가 켜짐 위치에 있는지 확인하십시오.

5단계: Bluetooth 장치 추가

이제 Windows 컴퓨터에서 Bluetooth 기능을 성공적으로 켰습니다. 다음으로 Bluetooth 장치를 추가하고 페어링할 수 있습니다. "Bluetooth 또는 기타 장치 추가" 버튼을 클릭하면 시스템이 근처의 Bluetooth 장치 검색을 시작합니다.

추가하려는 Bluetooth 장치를 선택하고 지시에 따라 페어링 프로세스를 완료하세요. 페어링되면 Bluetooth 장치를 사용하여 Windows 컴퓨터에 무선으로 연결할 수 있습니다.


위 단계를 따르면 Windows 컴퓨터에서 Bluetooth 기능을 쉽게 켤 수 있습니다. Bluetooth 기능을 활성화하면 더 많은 연결 옵션이 제공되고 업무 및 엔터테인먼트가 더욱 편리해집니다. 파일을 전송하든 오디오 장치를 연결하든 Bluetooth 기술은 실제로 우리 삶에 중요한 기술입니다.

Windows 버전에 따라 인터페이스와 옵션 위치가 약간 다를 수 있습니다. 그러나 기본 원칙은 동일합니다. 이 문서에 제공된 단계를 따르면 모든 Windows 컴퓨터에서 Bluetooth를 성공적으로 켤 수 있습니다.

이 기사가 도움이 되기를 바랍니다. 질문이나 의문 사항이 있는 경우 아래 댓글 영역에 메시지를 남겨주시면 최선을 다해 답변해 드리겠습니다.

2. Lenovo 데스크톱 컴퓨터에서 Bluetooth를 켜는 방법

Lenovo 데스크톱 컴퓨터에서 Bluetooth를 켜는 방법

Lenovo 데스크톱 컴퓨터에서 Bluetooth를 켜는 방법

오늘날의 스마트 시대에는 Bluetooth 기술 사람들이 선호하는 장비 방법 중 하나를 전송하고 연결하는 가장 중요한 도구가 되었습니다. 그러나 많은 사람들은 Lenovo 데스크탑 컴퓨터에서 Bluetooth를 켜는 방법을 모릅니다. 이 문서에서는 Lenovo 데스크탑 컴퓨터에서 Bluetooth를 켜는 방법에 대한 질문에 답변하고 자세한 단계별 지침을 제공합니다.

1. 컴퓨터가 블루투스 기능을 지원하는지 확인하세요

먼저, Lenovo 데스크톱 컴퓨터가 블루투스 기능을 지원하는지 확인해야 합니다. 대부분의 Lenovo 데스크탑 컴퓨터에는 Bluetooth 모듈이 내장되어 있지만 일부 구형 모델에는 이 기능이 없을 수도 있습니다. 컴퓨터 사양이나 공식 웹사이트에서 관련 정보를 찾을 수 있습니다. 컴퓨터가 Bluetooth를 지원하는지 확인하면 다음 설정 단계로 진행할 수 있습니다.

2. 컴퓨터의 설정 메뉴를 엽니다.

먼저 화면 왼쪽 하단에 있는 Windows 아이콘을 클릭하고 팝업 메뉴에서 "설정"을 선택합니다. Windows 키와 문자 키 "I"를 동시에 눌러 설정 메뉴를 빠르게 열 수도 있습니다.

3. 장치 설정 입력

설정 메뉴에서 "장치" 옵션을 찾아 클릭하세요. 그러면 다양한 장치 옵션과 설정이 표시되는 장치 설정 페이지가 열립니다.

4. 블루투스 설정 열기

기기 설정 페이지의 왼쪽 메뉴에 다양한 기기 옵션이 표시됩니다. "블루투스 및 기타 장치" 옵션을 찾아서 클릭하세요. 오른쪽 창에는 Bluetooth 설정과 관련된 옵션이 표시됩니다.

5. Turn on the Bluetooth function

On the Bluetooth settings page, you will see a switch button. If the button says "Off," your Bluetooth functionality is currently turned off. Click the button to toggle it to "On".

Please note that if your Lenovo desktop computer is equipped with a Bluetooth hardware switch, you will also need to ensure that this physical switch is turned on. Some models of Lenovo desktop computers have a Bluetooth hardware switch located somewhere on the front or back of the computer.

6. Pairing Bluetooth Devices

Once you turn on the Bluetooth function of your Lenovo desktop computer, you can start pairing other Bluetooth devices. Click the "Add Bluetooth or other device" button, select the type of device you want to connect, and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the device pairing process.

After the Bluetooth function of Lenovo desktop computer is turned on, you can connect various Bluetooth devices, such as wireless keyboards, mice, audio devices and mobile phones. Through Bluetooth connection, you can achieve wireless transmission and wireless control, improving the convenience of work and entertainment.


With a few simple steps, you can enable Bluetooth on your Lenovo desktop computer. First make sure your computer supports Bluetooth and enter the device settings page. In the Bluetooth settings, turn on the Bluetooth function switch and make sure the physical switch is also on. Finally, you can pair other Bluetooth devices and enjoy the convenience of wireless transmission and control.

With the support of Bluetooth function, you can connect and use various Bluetooth devices more conveniently. Whether it is for office work or entertainment, Bluetooth technology can bring you great convenience. I hope this article helps you on how to turn on Bluetooth on your Lenovo desktop computer!

3. How to turn on computer Bluetooth in win7

How to turn on computer Bluetooth function in Windows 7

With the continuous development of technology, Bluetooth technology has become an indispensable part of our daily life. Embedded in electronic devices, Bluetooth technology makes wireless communication between devices very easy. Whether you are connecting Bluetooth headphones at home or transferring files to and from other devices, computer Bluetooth is a very convenient tool. In this article, I will show you how to turn on the Bluetooth function of your computer in Windows 7.

Step 1: Open Device Manager

In Windows 7, you can use Device Manager to manage and configure your hardware devices. First, click on the Start menu and type "Device Manager" to search.

Once you find Device Manager, click to open it. Device Manager will list all hardware devices installed on your computer.

Step 2: Find the Bluetooth device

In the Device Manager, you can see an option called "Bluetooth" or "Wireless". Double-click to open the option to expand its sub-items.

If your computer is already equipped with a Bluetooth adapter, you should be able to find the device under "Bluetooth" or "Radio." If this option is not available in Device Manager, your computer may not have Bluetooth hardware installed or may need to install a driver.

Step Three: Enable Bluetooth Function

Now, you need to check the status of your Bluetooth device. Double-click to open the Bluetooth device in the device manager and enter the device properties interface.

In the device properties interface, select the "Driver" tab. In that tab, you'll see a section called "Device Usage."

Make sure the checkbox under "Device Usage" is checked. If the checkbox is not checked, check it to enable the Bluetooth device.

Step 4: Configure the Bluetooth device

Once you have enabled the Bluetooth device, you need to perform some basic configuration. Click on the Bluetooth device in Device Manager and select the "Properties" option.

In the properties window, you can make various configurations to meet your needs. You can change the name of your Bluetooth device, add a security code, and more.

Also, make sure your Bluetooth device is visible so other devices can discover and pair with it.

Step 5: Connect other Bluetooth devices

Now, you have successfully enabled the Bluetooth function of your computer in Windows 7. Next steps include connecting and pairing other Bluetooth devices.

Click the "Bluetooth" icon in the notification area of ​​the taskbar, or enter the "Bluetooth Settings" option in the control panel.

In Bluetooth settings you can see other nearby Bluetooth devices. Select the device you want to connect to and click the "Pair" button.

Depending on device requirements, you may need to enter a security code on your device to complete the pairing process. The security code can be found in your device manual.

Once paired successfully, you can start using the Bluetooth device on your computer. You can transfer files, connect Bluetooth headsets, use Bluetooth keyboards, and more.


Through the above steps, you have learned to turn on the Bluetooth function of your computer in Windows 7. Bluetooth technology provides us with the convenience of wireless connection and plays an important role in various scenarios.

However, if you cannot find the Bluetooth option in the Device Manager, or cannot enable the Bluetooth device, it is possible that your computer does not have Bluetooth hardware installed, or the corresponding driver needs to be installed. Please contact your computer manufacturer for further assistance.

I hope this article is helpful to you, and I wish you a happy and worry-free time using your computer’s Bluetooth!

4. How to turn on Bluetooth on the computer?

Answer, the method to turn on Bluetooth on your computer is as follows

1. Open it through Cortana Assistant search or voice search, type the word Bluetooth, or say "Turn on Bluetooth".

2. Manually enter Bluetooth. Click the win key on the keyboard, or find the start menu icon, find the gear icon and click to enter.

3. After entering the settings, find the device options, which include Bluetooth, printer and mouse. Go directly to find Bluetooth.

4. After entering the computer Bluetooth, click the Bluetooth enable button, turn on Bluetooth, search and add your paired device.

5. Look for Bluetooth in the taskbar. Generally speaking, there will be a Bluetooth icon in the system taskbar. You can manage Bluetooth here, turn it on or off, add devices and other functions.

6. Search in the device manager. Find the device manager in the settings, or search and enter. Look for the Bluetooth icon. There will be more functions to manage Bluetooth here.

5. How to turn on Bluetooth on Lenovo computers?

First turn on the switch under the machine, next to the headphone jack, and then press FN+F5. The LENOVO wireless device settings will appear. Just select Bluetooth to turn on; or go to the control panel and set Bluetooth to turn on automatically.

6. How to turn on Bluetooth on computers in Internet cafes?

If you want to use the computer in the Internet cafe to connect your own Bluetooth headset, because the computers in the Internet cafe are desktop hosts and there is no Bluetooth receiving device in them. So you need to buy a USB Bluetooth receiver yourself to pair your Bluetooth headset.

Plug the USB Bluetooth receiver into the USB port of the Internet cafe computer, and then install the driver.

After the driver is successfully installed, open these music playing software such as Kugou Music, and you can directly transmit the sound to your Bluetooth headset.

7. How to turn on Bluetooth on Dell computers?

The method is as follows: 1. First, confirm whether there is a Bluetooth device on your Dell computer, which can be viewed in the control panel. 2. Open the Bluetooth function option of the computer. You can usually find the Bluetooth icon in the taskbar. Right-click and select "Turn on Bluetooth". 3. After turning on Bluetooth, check whether Bluetooth has been turned on in the settings of the device that needs to be connected (such as Bluetooth headsets, mice, keyboards, etc.). 4. Find the device you want to connect to in the device list and click Connect to complete pairing. Therefore, to turn on Bluetooth on a Dell computer, you need to confirm whether the computer itself has a Bluetooth device, then turn on the Bluetooth function, and then turn on the Bluetooth function on the device that needs to be connected.

8. How to turn on Bluetooth on an old computer?


Open your computer’s “Control Panel”.


Enter the "System and Security" interface.


Enter the "Management Tools" module.


Double-click "Service" to enter the computer's service interface

9. How to turn on Bluetooth on viewsonic computer?

Click on the Start menu, select the Settings icon, click on Devices, select Bluetooth and other devices, select the Bluetooth option to On, and the Bluetooth function will be turned on successfully. If the Bluetooth function fails to turn on, remember to install the Bluetooth driver first.

Extended knowledge:

Bluetooth technology is an open global specification for wireless data and voice communications. It is a special short-range wireless technology based on low-cost short-range wireless connections to establish a communication environment for fixed and mobile devices. connect.

Bluetooth enables some of today's portable mobile devices and computer devices to connect to the Internet without cables and to access the Internet wirelessly


Bluetooth is a device that supports short-range communication (generally within 10m) The wireless technology enables wireless information exchange between many devices including mobile phones, PDAs, wireless headsets, laptops, related peripherals, etc. The use of "Bluetooth" technology can effectively simplify the communication between mobile communication terminal devices, and can also successfully simplify the communication between the device and the Internet, so that data transmission becomes faster and more efficient, broadening the path for wireless communication.

As a small-range wireless connection technology, Bluetooth can achieve convenient, fast, flexible, secure, low-cost, and low-power consumption data communication and voice communication between devices. Therefore, it is currently one of the mainstream technologies for wireless personal area network communication. one. Connecting with other networks allows for a wider range of applications. It is a cutting-edge open wireless communication that allows various digital devices to communicate wirelessly. It is a type of wireless network transmission technology and was originally used to replace infrared.

Bluetooth technology is an open global specification for wireless data and voice communications. It is based on low-cost, short-range wireless connections and establishes a special connection for fixed and mobile device communication environments. Its essence is to establish a universal radio air interface (Radio Air Interface) for the communication environment between fixed devices or mobile devices, and further combine communication technology with computer technology to enable various 3C devices to be connected to each other without wires or cables. Under certain circumstances, mutual communication or operation can be achieved within a short range. Simply put, Bluetooth technology is a technology that uses low-power radio to transmit data between various 3C devices. Bluetooth works in the globally common 2.4GHz ISM (ie Industrial, Scientific, Medical) frequency band and uses the IEEE802.15 protocol. As an emerging short-distance wireless communication technology, it is vigorously promoting the development of low-rate wireless personal area networks.

10. How to turn on Bluetooth on Philips computer?

Taking the Win10 system as an example, there are two ways to open it:

  1. You can click on the lower right and select Open in the shortcut menu below;

  2. You can also open the menu and select;

3. Then in the system settings, select;

  4. Click to turn on the Bluetooth switch;

  The above is the detailed operation method of turning on Bluetooth on the computer. I hope it can help you!

위 내용은 Windows 컴퓨터에서 블루투스를 켜는 방법의 상세 내용입니다. 자세한 내용은 PHP 중국어 웹사이트의 기타 관련 기사를 참조하세요!

본 글의 내용은 네티즌들의 자발적인 기여로 작성되었으며, 저작권은 원저작자에게 있습니다. 본 사이트는 이에 상응하는 법적 책임을 지지 않습니다. 표절이나 침해가 의심되는 콘텐츠를 발견한 경우 admin@php.cn으로 문의하세요.