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wlk 워록 출력 방법

2024-07-18 08:26:061116검색

Dear World of Warcraft fans, are you amazed by the power of Warlocks in the WLK version? Warlock can be said to be the king of AOE output in this version, but if you want to fully realize its potential, it is crucial to control hatred and master the correct output method. In order to help everyone understand the warlock's output skills in depth, PHP editor Strawberry has specially prepared this detailed guide, which will lead you step by step to appreciate the charm of the warlock, improve your output level, and shine in dungeons and team activities.

wlk 워록 출력 방법

wlk warlock output method

1. Regarding the floating critical strike mechanism of Corrosion and the characteristics of each DOT:

Corrosion can be refreshed by Draining Life, Haunting, Shadow Energy and Draining Soul. When these four skills refresh Corruption, they also refresh the power and acceleration of Corruption.

However, the critical strike of Corruption, as well as the damage bonus based on percentage, will not be automatically refreshed by the spell, (so you do not need to replenish Corruption to trigger eradication!) The critical strike of Unstable Affliction and the bonus of Unstable Affliction/Curse are based on skills. The self-buff and the debuff on the target at the moment of casting will not be automatically changed. According to the above content, 4T10, the problem of ice crystals does not want to be seen again.

2. Life Diversion or Dark Contract?

The mana absorbed by the Dark Contract is related to the mana of the character, so when the equipment is not very good, the amount of mana gained by Life Diversion is still greater than that of the Dark Contract, which can be judged by looking at the battle records). It also occupies a GCD. So don’t blindly use the Dark Contract. After all, the more mana the GCD recovers at one time, the greater the benefit. But you must also distinguish between situations. For example, when there is a thick fog of poisonous gas on the third layer of H. Rotten Gut, try to choose the Dark Contract to avoid accidental death and serious attribute overflow in version 3.35. , so in the ICC period, 3300 mana will be the dividing point, and the Dark Contract will exceed the life diversion

3. The working mechanism of Haunting and Shadow Embrace

It is also a commonly mentioned mechanism. Actual testing found that the effects of Haunting and Shadow Embrace are refreshed in real time, so here we also explain a misunderstanding. Is the Shadow skill used in the beginning of Pain to stack Shadow Embrace? (It is different from Shadow Priest. ) but for the 5% explosiveness of shadow energy,

I remember that some SS thought that the Haunting in their starting hand was thrown before the Corruption spell. In fact, it was buffed by 1 layer of Shadow Embrace. They were confused. Now I tell you, there is no need to worry at all.

4. The mana recovery mechanism of soul absorption:

The talent says that during the soul-draining process, the target Death Warlock will recover X% of its magic value. In fact, the soul-draining process requires the final blow to the monster for it to take effect.

wlk 워록 출력 방법

5. Regarding the corrosion technique of 35% small blood volume killing

After 35% health, the warlock's shadow damage to the target is increased by 12%. Many people will be entangled in whether the corrosion spell of 12% + 10% (4T10) is better, or the corrosion spell of ice crystal +10% (4T10), personal feeling It tends to be 12% + 10% (to be verified), and generally the cooldown of the ice crystal after the BOSS reaches 35% health volume has been completed.

So it shouldn’t be a problem to activate Ice Crystal again at 35% health. By the way, don’t delay the 35% refresh time of Corruption just to wait for 10% (4T10). If your face is ugly, you may miss the target health volume of 35. %-25% time to enjoy the 12% corrosion bonus in advance

6. Why do you need to use seeds to top up the Corrosion spell?

Let’s use an example: If the first Corruption spell you cast has a mana of 3000 (500 more mana due to triggering the trinket), and the trinket’s effect disappears when you get some effects,

You become 2500 mana. If you use the direct method of adding corrosion, a red text will pop up in the middle of the screen "There is a more powerful spell" (the same situation will also occur with the priest's shield). Because the mana of corrosion is With shadows being able to refresh in real time, it is difficult to control the changes in spell energy before and after. Therefore, using seeds can completely avoid this situation.

7. Additional timing regarding ghosting:

Haunting will cause an initial damage after hitting the target, and it will not cause any more damage until it disappears. Its function is to increase all your DO] damage by 23%, and novices are often advised to hit it as soon as the CD is reached. .

With 12 seconds of ghosting and 8 seconds of CD, wouldn’t the middle 4 seconds be wasted? Why not use a shadow energy? So we discussed the following issues. With the understanding of the flight time of ghosts due to flight distance, To deepen your control, you can do it before the ghost CD arrives.

Insert a Shadow Arrow according to the actual situation, or replace a DOT that happened to be broken. After all, this is how DPS is squeezed out.

8. Do I need to manually add the Unstable Pain and Curse of Pain to trigger the special effects of accessories that increase mana?

커스 오브 페인의 마지막 몇 점프의 데미지는 전작에 비해 매우 높으며, 커스 오브 페인 자체의 전체적인 데미지도 그리 높지 않기 때문에 마지막 몇 점프를 잃는 것은 비용 효율적이지 않은 느낌입니다. 그리고 작은 이익을 위해 그것을 보충합니다.

괴로움의 무상함을 계산하는 아주 간단한 방법이 있습니다.

(불안정한 고통 보너스 후 틱당 피해 - 보너스 전) *홉 수/시전 시간>보너스 그림자 화살/시전 시간

이 공식을 만족시키면 고통과 무상함을 다시 채울 수 있다

wlk 워록 출력 방법

9. 25%살상 단계에서는 고통의 무상함과 고통의 저주를 보충해야 하는 걸까요?

BOSS의 혈액량이 바닥에 도달하지 않는 한 DOT는 점프를 완료할 수 없거나 몇 초 동안만 점프할 수 있습니다. DOT의 DPCT 이점은 영혼 흡수보다 높기 때문에 여전히 보충이 필요합니다.

때에 따라 다르지!

10. 킬링 단계에서 패널 속도가 높거나 영웅적이거나 피에 굶주린 상쾌한 부식 주문의 문제(영혼 흡수 상쾌한 부식 주문 메커니즘)

버전의 중후반에서는 패널 가속도가 높을 때, 살상 단계에서 피에 굶주린 영웅이나 영웅이 켜지면 고스트와 영혼 흡수만으로는 부식 주문의 적시 새로 고침 요구 사항을 충족할 수 없습니다.

그러나 영혼 흡수는 첫 번째 피해를 입은 후에만 타락을 새로 고칩니다. 이때 영혼 흡수를 중단하고 다시 흡수하여 부패를 새로 고쳐야 합니다.

11. 원소 저주에 대하여:

팀에 Quail, 사악한 DK 또는 "Living Thunder Front"SS가 있으면 Curse of Pain을 사용하고, 그렇지 않으면 단호하게 요소를 사용하십시오.

12, 래피드 보석 20개(먹을 수 있나요?)

마법 데미지가 가장 큰 혜택입니다! 빨간색 23 마력, 노란색 12 마력+10 가속, 파란색 12 마력+10 정신력 13!

즉시 소환하세요. 너무 늦었습니다. 블러드 엘프도 Arcane Torrent를 사용할 수 있습니다.

위 내용은 wlk 워록 출력 방법의 상세 내용입니다. 자세한 내용은 PHP 중국어 웹사이트의 기타 관련 기사를 참조하세요!

본 글의 내용은 네티즌들의 자발적인 기여로 작성되었으며, 저작권은 원저작자에게 있습니다. 본 사이트는 이에 상응하는 법적 책임을 지지 않습니다. 표절이나 침해가 의심되는 콘텐츠를 발견한 경우 admin@php.cn으로 문의하세요.