>  기사  >  DeltaPrime, Uniswap 및 Trader Joe의 토큰 생성 이벤트(TGE) 발표, $PRIME 및 $sPRIME 토큰 출시

DeltaPrime, Uniswap 및 Trader Joe의 토큰 생성 이벤트(TGE) 발표, $PRIME 및 $sPRIME 토큰 출시

2024-06-27 10:22:22547검색

NEWYORK,NY/ACCESSWIRE/2024년 6월 26일/분산형 대출 및 투자 플랫폼인 DeltaPrime은 Uniswap 및 TraderJoe에서 토큰 생성 이벤트(TGE)를 발표하게 되어 기쁘게 생각합니다.

DeltaPrime Announces Token Generation Event (TGE) on Uniswap and Trader Joe, Launches $PRIME and $sPRIME Tokens

NEWYORK,NY/ACCESSWIRE/June26,2024/DeltaPrime, a cutting-edge decentralized borrowing and investing platform, is thrilled to announce their Token Generation Event (TGE) on Uniswap and TraderJoe. The TGE will mark another groundbreaking innovation in crypto with the launch of the $PRIME and $sPRIME tokens on July 1st, 2024. Forged in the bear market and operating on the Arbitrum and Avalanche networks, DeltaPrime's tokenomics design focuses on stable growth of its liquidity pools, as well as enhanced community rewards and governance capabilities. Community-focused and transparent from the ground up, DeltaPrime has developed a novel protocol with uncompromising security measures for trustless, undercollateralized borrowing of crypto assets to be used for trading, yield farming, and liquidity providing on other whitelisted protocols. The Q1 protocol revenue this year has surpassed $1.5M, and the community Seed round of ColonyLab was 58% oversubscribed, demonstrating unwavering investor confidence in DeltaPrime's vision and execution. Additionally, a significant LTIPP grant of 750,000ARB, the same size as those received by well-established platforms like Lido and Aave, highlights DeltaPrime's emerging stature and reliability in the DeFi space. But unlike Aave, DeltaPrime propels the DeFi industry from the overcollateralized past to the future of undercollateralized crypto loans. By launching $PRIME and $sPRIME, DeltaPrime preserves its sustainable business model while also rewarding and steadily transitioning governance to its biggest supporters, its community. Revolutionizing DeFi: Advanced Trading and Governance $PRIME and $sPRIME empower users by providing enhanced trade and LP capabilities utilizing idle capital and robust governance structures, setting new standards for participation and profitability in the decentralized finance (DeFi) landscape. $PRIME, the primary tradable token of the DeltaPrime ecosystem, is integral to the platform's liquidity framework. As a versatile ERC20 token, $PRIME can be traded on open markets, utilized in liquidity pools on decentralized exchanges (DEXs), and transferred between entities, facilitating seamless market interactions. $PRIME embodies community. Unique to $PRIME is its role in creating $sPRIME through liquidity pairings, such as PRIME-AVAX or PRIME-ETH, embedding it deeply within DeltaPrime's operational and governance mechanisms. Contribution to the LP is simplified through the DeltaPrime app, making $sPRIME acquisition a breeze. $sPRIME marks a significant innovation in the realm of DeFi governance and revenue sharing. This LP-token serves as a utility token within the DeltaPrime ecosystem and also as a vehicle for governance, enabling holders to actively participate in decision-making processes. $sPRIME holders that support the platform's growth enjoy the dual benefits of influencing the platform's direction and contributing to-and sharing in its financial success, which notably amassed $1.65 million in Q1 of 2024. $PRIME emissions are dynamically calibrated based on current market conditions to ensure economic stability and sustainable growth. This adaptive supply strategy helps stabilize $PRIME's value during market fluctuations, with mechanisms in place to increase supply during high demand and initiate buybacks when demand wanes. $PRIME is not a stablecoin, however, and therefore is susceptible to price variations based on its supply and demand. $sPRIME stands out by being the first concentrated LP-token used as a platform's main currency, in addition to generating governance power. The token becomes 'active' by keeping the underlying liquidity centered around the current price, increasing its value to those that support the platform's growth. DeltaPrime Leads with Community-Driven Governance At the core of DeltaPrime's approach is a commitment to transparency and a governance model that places decision-making directly in the hands of its users. $sPRIME holders that contribute to the platform's growth not only프로토콜 수익의 놀라운 33%를 받지만 플랫폼의 정책과 방향을 형성하는 투표권도 얻습니다. 사용자는 플랫폼의 차용자 또는 대출자로서 프로토콜 사용량에 대한 $sPRIME의 10:1 비율을 보유함으로써 거버넌스 포인트를 받습니다. 이 민주적 ​​프로세스는 모든 결정이 플랫폼을 사용하는 사람들의 집단적 의지반영하고 활성 DeltaPrime 사용자로 구성된 진정한 분산형 거버넌스 구조를 조성하도록 보장합니다. 보안 우선순위 DeltaPrime은 무엇보다도 사용자 자금의 보안을 우선순위로 생각합니다. 보안에 대한 이러한 약속은 DeltaPrime의 전략적 확장과 결합되어 DeFi 환경에서 신뢰할 수 있고 지속적인 존재로서의 입지를 강화했습니다. 고유한 위험을 완화하기 위해 DeltaPrime은 사용자 자산을 보호하고 플랫폼의 보안을 유지하도록 설계된 포괄적인 제품군 안전 기능을 구축했습니다. 빌린 자금은 허용된 프로토콜과 토큰에서만 사용할 수 있으며 사용자는 실행할 수 없습니다. 대출금을 상환하지 않고 대출 건전성을 감독하는 청산 봇을 통해 파산 보호가 가능합니다. 7차 성공적인 감사🎜를 준비 중입니다.

위 내용은 DeltaPrime, Uniswap 및 Trader Joe의 토큰 생성 이벤트(TGE) 발표, $PRIME 및 $sPRIME 토큰 출시의 상세 내용입니다. 자세한 내용은 PHP 중국어 웹사이트의 기타 관련 기사를 참조하세요!

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