>웹 프론트엔드 >JS 튜토리얼 >JS_javascript 기술의 터무니없는 valueOf 메소드 소개

JS_javascript 기술의 터무니없는 valueOf 메소드 소개

2016-05-16 17:41:441249검색

彭老湿近期月报里提到了valueOf方法,兴致来了翻了下ECMA5里关于valueOf方法的介绍,如下: Object.prototype.valueOf ( )
When the valueOf method is called, the following steps are taken:
1. Let O be the result of calling ToObject passing the this value as the argument.
2. If O is the result of calling the Object constructor with a host object (, then
a. Return either O or another value such as the host object originally passed to the constructor. The specific result that is returned is implementation-defined.
3. Return O.



参数类型   返回结果
Undefined 抛出TypeError异常
Null 抛出TypeError异常
Number 创建一个Number对象,它内部的初始值为传入的参数值
String 创建一个String对象,它内部的初始值为传入的参数值
Boolean 创建一个Boolean对象,它内部的初始值为传入的参数值
Object 返回传入的参数(无转换)

obj类型   Object.prototype.valueOf.call(obj)返回结果
Undefined 抛出TypeError异常
Null 抛出TypeError异常
Number Number类型的对象,值等于obj
String String类型的对象,值等于obj
Boolean Boolean类型的对象,值等于obj
Object obj对象本身

复制代码 代码如下:

var num = 123;
console.log(num.valueOf()); //输出:123
console.log(num.valueOf()); //输出:'number'

var unde = undefined;
console.log(Object.prototype.valueOf.call(unde)); //输出:'TypeError: Cannot convert null to object'

var obj = {name:'casper'};
var linkObj = obj.valueOf();
linkObj.name = 'change';
console.log(linkObj.name); //输出:'change' ...说明obj.valueOf()返回的是对象自身

复制代码 代码如下:

var arr = [1, 2 ,3];
var linkArr = arr.valueOf();
linkArr[0] = ['casper'];
console.log(linkArr); //输出:['casper', 2, 3]

var foo = function(){ return 1; };
var linkFoo = foo.valueOf();
linkFoo.test = 'casper';
console.log(linkFoo.test); //输出:'casper'


复制代码 代码如下:

var num = 123; //通过对象字面量声明console.log(typeof num); //输出:'number'
var num = new Number(123); //通过构造方法声明console.log(typeof num); //输出:'object'



Create a new Number object whose [[PrimitiveValue]] internal property is set to the value of the argument. See 15.7 for a description of Number objects.
复制代码 代码如下:

var num = 123;
var tmp = num.valueOf();
console.log(typeof tmp); //输出: 'number'

这是怎么回事呢?于是又仔细翻看了下,似乎有些接近真相了: Number.prototype.valueOf ( )

Returns this Number value.

The valueOf function is not generic; it throws a TypeError exception if its this value is not a Number or a Number object. Therefore, it cannot be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method.
类型     是否有属于自己的原型valueOf方法
Number 有,Number.prototype.valueOf
String 有,String.prototype.valueOf
Boolean 有,Boolean.prototype.valueOf
Object -
Apart from this, Array and Function do not have their own prototype valueOf method. See the specification:

NOTE The Array prototype object does not have a valueOf property of its own; however, it inherits the valueOf property from the standard built-in Object prototype Object.
The Function prototype object does not have a valueOf property of its own; however, it inherits the valueOf property from the Object prototype Object.
Additional notes: Number.prototype.valueOf The internal conversion rules are a little more complicated than expected and will not be expanded upon here.

After talking about it for a long time, there are still two questions that are confusing :

1. Regarding ToObject, when the parameter is a Function object, the object is returned as How to deal with it seems not to be clearly stated in the specification. At present, it is only based on experimental guesses (it may also be that I have not found it)
2.valueOf usage scenarios, I have not seen any brothers use it in actual development
The last one :

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