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php 用户注册与登陆程序

2016-06-08 17:29:301890검색

php 用户注册与登陆程序
 function islogin_xzy()
   $ssess_=db("session as s");
   $where="s.session_id='".Session_id()."' and u.uid is not null";
   if($user=$ssess_->join("`user` as u on u.uid=s.uid")->field("u.*,s.session_id,s.uid")->where($where)->find()){
  echo json_encode($json);

 function reg_xzy()
  $reg['sex']=$_POST['sex']=='男' || $_POST['sex']=='女'?$_POST['sex']:'';
  foreach($reg as $v){
   if(!empty($v)) $i++;
   $sessionas_=db("session as s");
   $where="s.session_id='".Session_id()."' and s.uid is not null";
   if($user=$sessionas_->join("user as u on u.uid=s.uid")->field("u.*,s.session_id,s.uid")->where($where)->find()){
  echo json_encode($json);

 function logout_xzy()

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