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Google (Local) Search API的简单使用介绍_javascript技巧

2016-05-16 17:12:051115검색




这其实是创建了一个LocalSearch的Service,这个Service和其他Service(News, Blog, Web)一样,是供SearchControl使用的。这些Service决定了SearchControl的能力。


localSearch.setRestriction(google.search.Search.RESTRICT_TYPE, google.search.LocalSearch.TYPE_KMLONLY_RESULTS)





设置Search Service(Searcher)的属性,作为SearchControl.addSearcher()的一个属性使用,有以下选项可以选择:


2.  设置档没有搜索结果时显示的文字

•  searcherOptions.setNoResultsString(google.search.SearchControl.NO_RESULTS_DEFAULT_STRING);

3.  设置结果显示的位置


•new google.search.DrawOptions();

设置Google Search Control的显示方式







•searchControl.setOnKeepCallback(this, LocalSearchKeepHandler);


复制代码 代码如下:

function LocalSearchKeepHandler(result) {
  var from = document.getElementById("from");
  alert("result.tilte = " + result.title);
  from.value = ProcessString(result.title);
  alert("from.value = " + from.value);
 // alert(result.title);

复制代码 代码如下:

google.load("search", "1", {"language": "zh-CN"});
 function initialize() {
     //LocalSearch Object used to create a local search service for the maps
        var localSearch = new google.search.LocalSearch(); 
        //restrict the local search resutls to kml and geocode results only, no business ones
        localSearch.setRestriction(google.search.Search.RESTRICT_TYPE, google.search.LocalSearch.TYPE_KMLONLY_RESULTS);            
        // Set the Local Search center point
  //It's about local search, which are used to set where the results will appear, a param of options
  var resultCanvas = document.getElementById("resultCanvas");      
  //options: open, alternate root
  var searcherOptions = new google.search.SearcherOptions();
  //show many results
  //no results message
  //options.setDrawMode(google.search.SearchControl.DRAW_MODE_TABBED);//web, local... in a tab show
  searcherOptions.setRoot(resultCanvas); //show the results in another place--

     //SearchControl Object used to create a search service which will include a local search service                  
  var searchControl = new google.search.SearchControl(null);
  searchControl.addSearcher(localSearch, searcherOptions); 
  searchControl.addSearcher(new google.search.WebSearch());
  searchControl.addSearcher(new google.search.NewsSearch());
  searchControl.addSearcher(new google.search.BlogSearch());
  //draw options and set it to a tabbed view,
  var drawOptions = new google.search.DrawOptions();
  //make the searchControl return a result:GResult
  searchControl.setOnKeepCallback(this, LocalSearchKeepHandler);//keeping a search result
  //this option is used to set the search box position in a DOM tree.
  //set the input box to a user defined element 
  // tell the search box to draw itself and tell it where to attach
 // searchControl.draw(document.getElementById("searchBox"), drawOptions);//Here I changed fromaddress and toaddress to search, a new place
  //another user defined input box
  /** The codes below is about google Ajax Map Search API
  //this code segment is used to add a sidebar to show the results of the search
  //I wonder why no 'var' exists here
   optinos = new Object();
   options.resultList = resultCanvas;
   options.resultFormat = "multi-line1";
   var lsc2 = new google.elements.LocalSearch(options);
   map.addControl(lsc2, new GControlPosition(G_ANCHOR_TOP_LEFT, new GSize(-282, -2)));

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