>  기사  >  데이터 베이스  >  ORA-32701 错误接解决

ORA-32701 错误接解决

2016-06-07 16:42:132433검색



操作系统版本:AIX 61009




 Sat Dec 06 09:44:00 2014
Errors in file /oracle/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/egmmdb/egmmdb2/trace/egmmdb2_dia0_13500888.trc  (incident=1041128):
ORA-32701: Possible hangs up to hang ID=0 detected
Incident details in: /oracle/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/egmmdb/egmmdb2/incident/incdir_1041128/egmmdb2_dia0_13500888_i1041128.trc
DIA0 terminating blocker (ospid: 15335610 sid: 1299 ser#: 5849) of hang with ID = 3
    requested by master DIA0 process on instance 1
    Hang Resolution Reason: Although the number of affected sessions did not
    justify automatic hang resolution initially, this previously ignored
    hang was automatically resolved.
    by terminating session sid: 1299 ospid: 15335610
Sat Dec 06 09:44:01 2014
Sweep [inc][1041128]: completed
Sweep [inc2][1041128]: completed
DIA0 successfully terminated session sid:1299 ospid:15335610 with status 31.
Sat Dec 06 09:45:35 2014
Errors in file /oracle/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/egmmdb/egmmdb2/trace/egmmdb2_dia0_13500888.trc  (incident=1041129):
ORA-32701: Possible hangs up to hang ID=0 detected
Incident details in: /oracle/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/egmmdb/egmmdb2/incident/incdir_1041129/egmmdb2_dia0_13500888_i1041129.trc
DIA0 terminating blocker (ospid: 15335610 sid: 1299 ser#: 5849) of hang with ID = 3
    requested by master DIA0 process on instance 1
    Hang Resolution Reason: Although the number of affected sessions did not
    justify automatic hang resolution initially, this previously ignored
    hang was automatically resolved.
   by terminating the process
DIA0 successfully terminated process ospid:15335610.
Sat Dec 06 09:45:37 2014
Sweep [inc][1041129]: completed
Sweep [inc2][1041129]: completed
Sat Dec 06 10:45:12 2014
Errors in file /oracle/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/egmmdb/egmmdb2/trace/egmmdb2_dia0_13500888.trc  (incident=1041130):
ORA-32701: Possible hangs up to hang ID=0 detected
Incident details in: /oracle/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/egmmdb/egmmdb2/incident/incdir_1041130/egmmdb2_dia0_13500888_i1041130.trc
Sat Dec 06 10:45:13 2014
Sweep [inc][1041130]: completed
Sweep [inc2][1041130]: completed


*** 2014-12-06 09:45:35.770
Resolvable Hangs in the System
                      Root      Chain Total              Hang             
  Hang Hang          Inst Root  #hung #hung  Hang  Hang  Resolution       
    ID Type Status  Num  Sess  Sess  Sess  Conf  Span  Action           
  ----- ---- -------- ---- ----- ----- ----- ------ ------ -------------------
      3 HANG RSLNPEND    2  1299    2    2  HIGH GLOBAL Terminate Process 
  Hang Resolution Reason: Although the number of affected sessions did not
    justify automatic hang resolution initially, this previously ignored
    hang was automatically resolved.
      inst# SessId  Ser#    OSPID PrcNm Event
      ----- ------ ----- --------- ----- -----
          1  1444  7855  10420452  M000 enq: FU - contention
          2  1299  5849  15335610  M000 not in wait   


Dumping process info of pid[155.15335610] (sid:1299, ser#:5849)
    requested by master DIA0 process on instance 1.

*** 2014-12-06 09:45:35.770
Process diagnostic dump for oracle@egmmdb2 (M000), OS id=15335610,
pid: 155, proc_ser: 153, sid: 1299, sess_ser: 5849
os thread scheduling delay history: (sampling every 1.000000 secs)
  0.000000 secs at [ 09:45:35 ]
    NOTE: scheduling delay has not been sampled for 0.376554 secs  0.000000 secs from [ 09:45:31 - 09:45:36 ], 5 sec avg
  0.000000 secs from [ 09:44:36 - 09:45:36 ], 1 min avg
  0.000000 secs from [ 09:40:36 - 09:45:36 ], 5 min avg
loadavg : 2.68 2.42 2.41
swap info: free_mem = 19881.13M rsv = 256.00M
          alloc = 138.07M avail = 65536.00M swap_free = 65397.93M
      F S      UID      PID    PPID  C PRI NI ADDR    SZ    WCHAN    STIME    TTY  TIME CMD
  240001 A  oracle 15335610        1  0  60 20 948d16590 209136 f1000a01500d48b0 08:37:22      -  0:01 ora_m000_egmmdb2
Short stack dump:
Process diagnostic dump actual duration=0.084000 sec
  (max dump time=15.000000 sec)

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