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Going with Go

2016-06-07 16:32:291073검색

As you may have read previously on the blog, the MongoDB team is adopting the Go language for a variety of projects. At last month’s New York MongoDB User Group, Sam Helman presented on how MongoDB is using Go for new and existing cloud t

As you may have read previously on the blog, the MongoDB team is adopting the Go language for a variety of projects. At last month’s New York MongoDB User Group, Sam Helman presented on how MongoDB is using Go for new and existing cloud tools. In Sam’s talk, you’ll learn how MongoDB is using Go for the backup capabilities in MongoDB Management Service and a new continuous integration tool.

Why go with Go? Between the lightweight syntax, the first-class concurrency and the well documented, idiomatic libraries such as mgo, Go is a great choice for writing anything from small scripts to large distributed applications.

Thanks to g33ktalk for recording Sam’s talk.

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