집 >데이터 베이스 >MySQL 튜토리얼 >mysql测试小工具mybench试用
小型的mysql测试工具,主要有自带的mysqlslap、super-smack和mybench。嗯,我这里的小型的意思是指工具安装过程简单。mysqlslap的使用方法遍地都是,就不先详细写了。根据个人偏好写写mybench吧,毕竟是perl的。安装很简单,如下: cpanm DBI DBD::mysql Tim
小型的mysql测试工具,主要有自带的mysqlslap、super-smack和mybench。嗯,我这里的小型的意思是指工具安装过程简单。 mysqlslap的使用方法遍地都是,就不先详细写了。根据个人偏好写写mybench吧,毕竟是perl的。 安装很简单,如下:
cpanm DBI DBD::mysql Time::HiRes wget http://jeremy.zawodny.com/mysql/mybench/mybench-1.0.tar.gz tar zxvf mybench-1.0.tar.gz cd mybench-1.0 perl MakeFile.PL && make && make install
但是使用就不是太简单了——mysqlslap会自己生成(-a选项)sql,super-smack则带了一个gen-data程序生成数据然后自动导入,但是mybench没有,所以只能自己搞定数据。 不过mybench还是自己生成了一个测试模版的脚本在/usr/bin/bench_example,很简单的就知道怎么做了。 example如下:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -w -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' if 0; # not running under some shell use strict; use MyBench; use Getopt::Std; use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval); use DBI; my %opt; Getopt::Std::getopt('n:r:h:', \%opt); #这是我见过的最hardcode的perl脚本了(呃,除了我自己写的垃圾),连db库、用户名、密码都不给运行参数的 my $num_kids = $opt{n} || 10; my $num_runs = $opt{r} || 100; my $db = "test"; my $user = "test"; my $pass = ""; my $port = 3306; my $host = $opt{h} || ""; my $dsn = "DBI:mysql:$db:$host;port=$port"; my $callback = sub { my $id = shift; my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $pass, { RaiseError => 1 }); #为测试准备的请求,测select就写select,测insert就写insert呗~ #如果不修改,也就是说测试用的是test.mytable表,而且必须有一个列叫id my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE ID = ?"); my $cnt = 0; my @times = (); ## wait for the parent to HUP me local $SIG{HUP} = sub { }; sleep 600; #脚本定义的每个进程执行多少次请求 while ($cnt execute($v); #通过前后两次gettimeofday获得sql的exec耗时 my $t1 = tv_interval($t0, [gettimeofday]); #完成一次请求执行,加入数组 push @times, $t1; $sth->finish(); $cnt++; } ## cleanup $dbh->disconnect(); #计算本进程全部请求的各项数据,几个大小和均来自MyBench模块 my @r = ($id, scalar(@times), min(@times), max(@times), avg(@times), tot(@times)); return @r; }; #将上面这个函数交给MyBench模块的fork_and_work执行,即并发指定数量请求,返回总的结果 my @results = MyBench::fork_and_work($num_kids, $callback); #计算总的数据 MyBench::compute_results('test', @results); exit; __END__
package MyBench; use strict; $main::VERSION = '1.0'; use Exporter; @MyBench::ISA = 'Exporter'; #导出求最大值、最小值、平均值、综合值的函数给外面用 @MyBench::EXPORT = qw(max min avg tot); sub fork_and_work($$) { #关闭输出缓冲 $|=1; use strict; use IO::Pipe; use IO::Select; $SIG{CHLD} = 'IGNORE'; ## let the kids die my $kids_to_fork = shift; my $callback = shift; my $num_kids = 0; my @pipes = (); my @pids = (); my $pid = undef; print "forking: "; while ($num_kids reader(); push @pipes, $pipe; push @pids, $pid; } elsif (defined $pid) { ## child #打开管道写入数据的功能 $pipe->writer(); #执行select_example脚本传入的mysql请求测试函数 my @result = $callback->($num_kids); #把结果写入管道 print $pipe "@result\n"; #关闭管道 $pipe->close(); exit 0; } else { print "fork failed: $!\n"; } } print "\n"; ## give them a bit of time to setup my $time = int($num_kids / 10) + 1; print "sleeping for $time seconds while kids get ready\n"; sleep $time; #发送SIGHUP信号给callback函数 kill 1, @pids; ## collect the results my @results; print "waiting: "; #从管道中读取数据到数组 for my $pipe (@pipes) { my $data = ; push @results, $data; $pipe->close(); print "-"; } print "\n"; return @results; } sub compute_results(@) { my $name = shift; my $recs = 0; my ($Cnt, $Min, $Max, $Avg, $Tot, @Min, @Max); while (@_) { ## 6 elements per record my $rec = shift; chomp $rec; my ($id, $cnt, $min, $max, $avg, $tot) = split /\s+/, $rec; $Cnt += $cnt; $Avg += $avg; $Tot += $tot; push @Min, $min; push @Max, $max; $recs++; } $Avg = $Avg / $recs; $Min = min(@Min); $Max = max(@Max); my $Qps = $Cnt / ($Tot / $recs); print "$name: $Cnt $Min $Max $Avg $Tot $Qps\n"; print " clients : $recs\n"; print " queries : $Cnt\n"; print " fastest : $Min\n"; print " slowest : $Max\n"; print " average : $Avg\n"; print " serial : $Tot\n"; print " q/sec : $Qps\n"; } ## some numerical helper functions for arrays sub max { my $val = $_[0]; for (@_) { if ($_ > $val) { $val = $_; } } return $val; } sub min { my $val = $_[0]; for (@_) { if ($_ <p>好了,开始准备数据,比较懒,直接用super-smack的gen-data先出了一些./gen-data -n 100000 -f %n,%80-12s%12n,%512-512s,%d > /root/data,然后进mysql里执行:</p> <p class="highlight"></p><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">USE test; CREATE TABLE mytable (id INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, col1 CHAR(100), col2 CHAR(100), col3 INT(11), PRIMARY KEY (id) )ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'data' REPLACE INTO TABLE 'mytable' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n'; INSERT INTO mytable (col1,col2,col3) SELECT col1,col2,col3 FROM mytable;
最后执行./select_bench -h -n 10 -r 1000就能看到结果了: forking: ++++++++++ sleeping for 2 seconds while kids get ready waiting: ———- test: 10000 0.00017 0.006809 0.0010413514 10.413514 9602.9063772325 clients : 10 queries : 10000 fastest : 0.00017 slowest : 0.006809 average : 0.0010413514 serial : 10.413514 q/sec : 9602.9063772325
原文地址:mysql测试小工具mybench试用, 感谢原作者分享。