집 >데이터 베이스 >MySQL 튜토리얼 >MHA官方文档翻译
Overview MHA能够在较短的时间内实现自动故障检测和故障转移,通常在10-30秒以内;在复制框架中,MHA能够很好地解决复制过程中的数据一致性问题,由于不需要在现有的replication中添加额外的服务器,仅需要一个manager节点,而一个Manager能管理多套复制,所
## If you have not installed DBD::mysql, install it like below, or install from source. # yum install perl-DBD-MySQL ## Get MHA Node rpm package from "Downloads" section. # rpm -ivh mha4mysql-node-X.Y-0.noarch.rpm
## If you have not installed DBD::mysql, install it like below, or install from source. # apt-get install libdbd-mysql-perl ## Get MHA Node deb package from "Downloads" section. # dpkg -i mha4mysql-node_X.Y_all.deb
## Install DBD::mysql if not installed $ tar -zxf mha4mysql-node-X.Y.tar.gz $ perl Makefile.PL $ make $ sudo make install
## Install dependent Perl modules # yum install perl-DBD-MySQL # yum install perl-Config-Tiny # yum install perl-Log-Dispatch # yum install perl-Parallel-ForkManager ## Install MHA Node, since MHA Manager uses some modules provided by MHA Node. # rpm -ivh mha4mysql-node-X.Y-0.noarch.rpm ## Finally you can install MHA Manager # rpm -ivh mha4mysql-manager-X.Y-0.noarch.rpm
## Install dependent Perl modules # apt-get install libdbd-mysql-perl # apt-get install libconfig-tiny-perl # apt-get install liblog-dispatch-perl # apt-get install libparallel-forkmanager-perl ## Install MHA Node, since MHA Manager uses some modules provided by MHA Node. # dpkg -i mha4mysql-node_X.Y_all.deb ## Finally you can install MHA Manager # dpkg -i mha4mysql-manager_X.Y_all.deb
## Install dependent Perl modules # MHA Node (See above) # Config::Tiny ## perl -MCPAN -e "install Config::Tiny" # Log::Dispatch ## perl -MCPAN -e "install Log::Dispatch" # Parallel::ForkManager ## perl -MCPAN -e "install Parallel::ForkManager" ## Installing MHA Manager $ tar -zxf mha4mysql-manager-X.Y.tar.gz $ perl Makefile.PL $ make $ sudo make install
下一步就是创建manager的配置文件,参数主要包括mysql server的用户名,密码,复制账户的用户名和密码,工作目录等。所有的参数列表详见parameter表。
manager_host$ cat /etc/app1.cnf [server default] # mysql user and password user=root password=mysqlpass ssh_user=root # working directory on the manager manager_workdir=/var/log/masterha/app1 # working directory on MySQL servers remote_workdir=/var/log/masterha/app1 [server1] hostname=host1 [server2] hostname=host2 [server3] hostname=host3
MHA manager通过SSH访问所有的node节点,各个node节点也同样需要通过SSH来相互发送不同的relay log 文件,所以有必要在每一个node和manager上配置SSH无密码登陆。MHAmanager可通过masterha_check_ssh脚本检测SSH连接是否配置正常。
# masterha_check_ssh --conf=/etc/app1.cnf Sat May 14 14:42:19 2011 - [warn] Global configuration file /etc/masterha_default.cnf not found. Skipping. Sat May 14 14:42:19 2011 - [info] Reading application default configurations from /etc/app1.cnf.. Sat May 14 14:42:19 2011 - [info] Reading server configurations from /etc/app1.cnf.. Sat May 14 14:42:19 2011 - [info] Starting SSH connection tests.. Sat May 14 14:42:19 2011 - [debug] Connecting via SSH from root@host1( to root@host2( Sat May 14 14:42:20 2011 - [debug] ok. Sat May 14 14:42:20 2011 - [debug] Connecting via SSH from root@host1( to root@host3( Sat May 14 14:42:20 2011 - [debug] ok. Sat May 14 14:42:21 2011 - [debug] Connecting via SSH from root@host2( to root@host1( Sat May 14 14:42:21 2011 - [debug] ok. Sat May 14 14:42:21 2011 - [debug] Connecting via SSH from root@host2( to root@host3( Sat May 14 14:42:21 2011 - [debug] ok. Sat May 14 14:42:22 2011 - [debug] Connecting via SSH from root@host3( to root@host1( Sat May 14 14:42:22 2011 - [debug] ok. Sat May 14 14:42:22 2011 - [debug] Connecting via SSH from root@host3( to root@host2( Sat May 14 14:42:22 2011 - [debug] ok. Sat May 14 14:42:22 2011 - [info] All SSH connection tests passed successfully.
如果有报错,则表示SSH配置有问题,影响MHA工作。你需要修复它并重试,通常的错误都是SSH public key认证没有正确配置。
为了让MHA正常工作,所有的master和slave必须在配置文件中正确配置,MHA可通过masterha_check_repl 脚本检测复制是否正确配置。
manager_host$ masterha_check_repl --conf=/etc/app1.cnf ... MySQL Replication Health is OK.
如果有报错,可通过查看日志修复它。当前的master一定不能是slave,其他所有的slave必须正确从master中复制。常见的错误可参考 TypicalErrors 页。
当你正确配置了mysql复制,正确安装了manager和node节点,SSH配置也正确,那么下一步就是开启manager,可通过 masterha_manager 命令开启
manager_host$ masterha_manager --conf=/etc/app1.cnf .... Sat May 14 15:58:29 2011 - [info] Connecting to the master host1( and sleeping until it doesn't respond..
如果所有的配置都正确,masterha_manager会检查mastermaster是否可用直到master崩溃。如果在监控master之前masterha_manager报错,你可以检查下logs并修改配置。所有的日志都会以标准错误的方式打印出来,也可以在manager配置文件中指定错误日志位置。典型的错误有复制配置问题,ssh无访问relay log的权限问题。默认情况下masterha_manager不是运行在后台,按下crtl+c键就会终止masterha_manager。
当MHA manager启动监控以后,如果没有异常则不会打印任何信息。我们可通过masterha_check_status命令检查manager的状态,以下是范例
manager_host$ masterha_check_status --conf=/etc/app1.cnf app1 (pid:5057) is running(0:PING_OK), master:host1
manager_host$ masterha_check_status --conf=/etc/app1.cnf app1 is stopped(1:NOT_RUNNING).
你可以通过 masterha_stop命令来停止manager
manager_host$ masterha_stop --conf=/etc/app1.cnf Stopped app1 successfully.
host1$ killall -9 mysqld mysqld_safe
manager_host$ nohup masterha_manager --conf=/etc/app1.cnf < /dev/null > /var/log/masterha/app1/app1.log 2>&1 &
为了MHA正常运行,你需要创建一个配置文件并设置参数,参数主要包括每个mysql进程所在的服务器的用户名和密码,mysql服务的用户名和密码,工作目录等等。整个参数列表设置详细请见Parameters 页。
manager_host$ cat /etc/app1.cnf [server default] # mysql user and password user=root password=mysqlpass # working directory on the manager manager_workdir=/var/log/masterha/app1 # manager log file manager_log=/var/log/masterha/app1/app1.log # working directory on MySQL servers remote_workdir=/var/log/masterha/app1 [server1] hostname=host1 [server2] hostname=host2 [server3] hostname=host3 所有的参数设置必须是"param=value"格式,打个比方,以下设置时错误的。 [server1] hostname=host1 # incorrect: must be"no_master=1" no_master
Application-scope参数必须写在[server default]块下,而在 [serverN]块下,你需要设置的是local-scope参数,比如hostname是一个local-scope参数,所以必须写在这个块下面。块名称必须是字母”server”开头。
你可以在全局配置文件中设置application scope参数,例如,如果所有的mysql服务器的管理账户和密码都是一样的,你就可以在这里设置user和password
Global configuration file (/etc/masterha_default.cnf) [serverdefault] user=root password=rootpass ssh_user=root master_binlog_dir= /var/lib/mysql remote_workdir=/data/log/masterha secondary_check_script= masterha_secondary_check-s remote_host1 -s remote_host2 ping_interval=3 master_ip_failover_script=/script/masterha/master_ip_failover shutdown_script= /script/masterha/power_manager report_script= /script/masterha/send_master_failover_mail
app1: manager_host$ cat /etc/app1.cnf [server default] manager_workdir=/var/log/masterha/app1 manager_log=/var/log/masterha/app1/app1.log [server1] hostname=host1 candidate_master=1 [server2] hostname=host2 candidate_master=1 [server3] hostname=host3 [server4] hostname=host4 no_master=1 app2: manager_host$ cat /etc/app2.cnf [server default] manager_workdir=/var/log/masterha/app2 manager_log=/var/log/masterha/app2/app2.log [server1] hostname=host11 candidate_master=1 [server2] hostname=host12 candidate_master=1 [server3] hostname=host13 [server4] hostname=host14 no_master=1
1 这一部分做简要翻译,安装MHA的依赖和限制
2 SSH public key认证
3 仅支持Liunx操作系统
4 只有一台master能被设置成readonly=0,其他设置为只读
5如果是Master1 -> Master2-> Slave3这样的三级复制框架,在配置文件中只需要设置master1和master2这样的二级复制结构,并设置multi_tier_slave=1来支持三级复制结构。
6 MHA仅支持mysql 5.0及以后的版本
7 mysqlbinlog必须是3.3及以上版本
8 log-bin必须在每一个可称为master的mysql服务器上设置
9 所有mysql服务器的复制过滤规则必须一致
10 必须在能成为master的服务器上设置复制账户
11所有Mysql服务器上必须设置relay_log_purge=1,使得能够保存一段时间的relay log
12 基于语句的复制时,不要使用load datainfile命令
Verifying replicationsettings and identifying the current master
Monitoring the masterserver
Detecting the masterserver failure
Verifying slaveconfigurations again
Shutting down failedmaster server (optional)
Recovering a newmaster
Activating the newmaster
Recovering the restslaves
监控master server直到master崩溃,在这一步时manager不再监控slave的状态。所以如果需要添加或删除slave节点,最好重新修改manager配置文件并重启MHA
重新选举出一个新的master。如果崩溃的主机能够通过SSH连接,则复制崩溃主机的binlog到最新的slave上,并指向他的end_log_pos。在选择新的master上遵守manager上的配置文件,如果某个slave能成为master,则设置candidate_master=1。如果某个slave永远不能成为master,则设置no_master=1。识别出最新的slave并将其选举为新的master,最新的slave即接受到最新的relay log的那台slave。
发送通告(可选),比如发送邮件,禁用新master上backup工作等,可通过 report_script脚本设置
Verifying replication settings and identifying the current master
Identifying the new mater
Rejecting writes on the current master
Waiting for all slaves to catch up replication
Granting writes on the new master
Switching replication on all the rest slaves
Slave上的IO线程is running
Salve上的SQL线程is running
在当前master上执行FLUSHTABLES WITH READ LOCK阻塞写操作防止数据一致性问题
在新的master上执行SHOW MASTER STATUS,记录下binlog文件名称和pos,并执行SET GLOBAL read_only=0授权其写操作
在其他salve上并行执行CHANGE MASTER, START SLAVE,指向新的master,并start slave
MHA manager配置参数列表如下
Parameter Name |
Required? |
Parameter Scope |
Default Value |
Example |
hostname |
Yes |
Local Only |
- |
hostname=mysql_server1, hostname=, etc |
ip |
No |
Local Only |
gethostbyname($hostname) |
ip= |
port |
No |
Local/App/Global |
3306 |
port=3306 |
ssh_host |
No |
Local Only |
same as hostname |
ssh_host=mysql_server1, ssh_host=, etc |
ssh_ip |
No |
Local Only |
gethostbyname($ssh_host) |
ssh_ip= |
ssh_port |
No |
Local/App/Global |
22 |
ssh_port=22 |
ssh_connection_timeout |
No |
Local/App/Global |
5 |
ssh_connection_timeout=20 |
ssh_options |
No |
Local/App/Global |
""(empty string) |
ssh_options="-i /root/.ssh/id_dsa2" |
candidate_master |
No |
Local Only |
0 |
candidate_master=1 |
no_master |
No |
Local Only |
0 |
no_master=1 |
ignore_fail |
No |
Local Only |
0 |
ignore_fail=1 |
skip_init_ssh_check |
No |
Local Only |
0 |
skip_init_ssh_check=1 |
skip_reset_slave |
No |
Local/App/Global |
0 |
skip_reset_slave=1 |
user |
No |
Local/App/Global |
root |
user=mysql_root |
password |
No |
Local/App/Global |
""(empty string) |
password=rootpass |
repl_user |
No |
Local/App/Global |
Master_User value from SHOW SLAVE STATUS |
repl_user=repl |
repl_password |
No |
Local/App/Global |
- (current replication password) |
repl_user=replpass |
disable_log_bin |
No |
Local/App/Global |
0 |
disable_log_bin=1 |
master_pid_file |
No |
Local/App/Global |
""(empty string) |
master_pid_file=/var/lib/mysql/master1.pid |
ssh_user |
No |
Local/App/Global |
current OS user |
ssh_user=root |
remote_workdir |
No |
Local/App/Global |
/var/tmp |
remote_workdir=/var/log/masterha/app1 |
master_binlog_dir |
No |
Local/App/Global |
/var/lib/mysql |
master_binlog_dir=/data/mysql1,/data/mysql2 |
log_level |
No |
App/Global |
info |
log_level=debug |
manager_workdir |
No |
App |
/var/tmp |
manager_workdir=/var/log/masterha |
client_bindir |
No |
App |
- |
client_bindir=/usr/mysql/bin |
client_libdir |
No |
App |
- |
client_libdir=/usr/lib/mysql |
manager_log |
No |
App |
manager_log=/var/log/masterha/app1.log |
check_repl_delay |
No |
App/Global |
1 |
check_repl_delay=0 |
check_repl_filter |
No |
App/Global |
1 |
check_repl_filter=0 |
latest_priority |
No |
App/Global |
1 |
latest_priority=0 |
multi_tier_slave |
No |
App/Global |
0 |
multi_tier_slave=1 |
ping_interval |
No |
App/Global |
3 |
ping_interval=5 |
ping_type |
No |
App/Global |
ping_type=CONNECT |
secondary_check_script |
No |
App/Global |
null |
secondary_check_script= masterha_secondary_check -s remote_dc1 -s remote_dc2 |
master_ip_failover_script |
No |
App/Global |
null |
master_ip_failover_script=/usr/local/custom_script/master_ip_failover |
master_ip_online_change_script |
No |
App/Global |
null |
master_ip_online_change_script= /usr/local/custom_script/master_ip_online_change |
shutdown_script |
No |
App/Global |
null |
shutdown_script= /usr/local/custom_script/master_shutdown |
report_script |
No |
App/Global |
null |
report_script= /usr/local/custom_script/report |
init_conf_load_script |
No |
App/Global |
null |
report_script= /usr/local/custom_script/init_conf_loader |
Hostname or IP address of the target MySQL server. This parameteris mandatory, and must be configured under [server_xxx]blockswithin applicationconfiguration file.
IP address of the target MySQL server. Default isgethostbyname($hostname). MHA Manager and MHA Node internally uses this IPaddress to connect via MySQL and SSH. Normally you don't need to configure thisparameter because it's automatically resolved from hostname parameter.
Port number of the target MySQL server. Default is 3306. MHAconnects to MySQL servers by using IP address and port.
(Supported from 0.53) IP address of the target MySQL server thatis used via SSH. Default is gethostbyname($ssh_host).通常不用配置
(Supported from 0.53) Port number of the target MySQL server usedvia SSH. Default is 22.
(Supported from 0.54) Default is 5 seconds. Before adding thisparameter timeout was hard coded.
(Supported from 0.53) Additional SSH command line options.
如果这个选项被设置,那么当将不同的relay log应用到各个slave的过程中,slave不产生binlog
默认是当前登陆manager的OS的用户,需要拥有读取mysql binlog和relay log的权限
每一个MHA node节点产生log文件的目录,如果不存在MHA会自动创建,需要给出相应目录的权限,默认在/var/tmp,最好自己指定
If MySQL command line utilities are installed under a non-standarddirectory, use this option to set the directory.
If MySQL libraries are installed under a non-standard directory,use this option to set the directory.
Full path file name that MHA Manager generates logs. If not set,MHA Manager prints to STDOUT/STDERR. When executing manual failover(interactive failover), MHA Manager ignores manager_log setting and alwaysprints to STDOUT/STDERR.
这个参数指定了MHA manager应该多长时间执行ping SQL一次去连接master,当超过三次连接不上master,manager将判定master已经死亡。默认3秒ping一次,所以,总的检测时间大概就是12秒。如果由于连接错误或者连接数过多而导致的错误不会计入master死亡统计。
0.53版本默认连接到master并执行select 1,即ping_type=SELECT。但是在某些场合,更好地方式是通过创建连接后又断开连接的方式,因为这个更加严格,并且能更快地发现tcp连接问题,即ping_type=CONNECT。从5.6版本以后还支持ping_type=INSERT
通常情况下,我们建议使用两个或以上的网络路由来检测master是否存活。但默认情况下,manager仅通过单个路由来检查,即from Manager节点to Master节点。MHA实际上可以支持多个路由检测,只要通过调用额外的脚本masterha_check_script即可,下面是范例。
secondary_check_script = masterha_secondary_check -s remote_host1 -s remote_host2
--user=(SSH username of the remote hosts. ssh_user parameter value will be passed)--master_host=(master's hostname) --master_ip=(master's ip address) --master_port=(master's port number)注意该脚本需要依赖于IO::Socket::INET Perl包,Perl v5.6.0中默认已经包括。而该脚本允许连接任何一个远程服务器,所以需要配置SSH public key。并且,该脚本尝试建立远程服务器到master的tcp连接,意味着如果tcp连接成功,则mysql配置文件中的max_connections设置不受影响,而aborts_connects的值会自动加1
都各有优缺点,MHA不会强制使用哪一种,允许用户使用任何的ip漂移技术。master_ip_failover_script 脚本能用于该目的。换句话说,你需要自己写脚本实现应用层连接到新的master,并且必须定义master_ip_failover_script 脚本参数,下面是使用范例
master_ip_failover_script= /usr/local/sample/bin/master_ip_failover
MHA Manager需要调用3次该脚本,第一次是在启动监控master之前(检查脚本是否可用),,第二次是在调用shutdown_script脚本之前,而第三次是在新的Master应用完所有的
relay logs之后。MHA Manager会传递如下参数(这些参数不需要你自己配置):
Checking phase --command=status --ssh_user=(current master's ssh username) --orig_master_host=(current master's hostname) --orig_master_ip=(current master's ip address) --orig_master_port=(current master's port number) Current master shutdown phase --command=stop or stopssh --ssh_user=(dead master's ssh username, if reachable via ssh) --orig_master_host=(current(dead) master's hostname) --orig_master_ip=(current(dead) master's ip address) --orig_master_port=(current(dead) master's port number) New master activation phase --command=start --ssh_user=(new master's ssh username) --orig_master_host=(dead master's hostname) --orig_master_ip=(dead master's ip address) --orig_master_port=(dead master's port number) --new_master_host=(new master's hostname) --new_master_ip=(new master's ip address) --new_master_port(new master's port number) --new_master_user=(new master's user) --new_master_password(new master's password)
MHA manager会检查这个脚本返回的运行结果,如果返回0或10,则MHA manager继续运行。如果返回的不是0或10,mangaer就会终止。默认参数空置,所以MHA manager不会做任何事。
Current master write freezing phase --command=stop or stopssh --orig_master_host=(current master's hostname) --orig_master_ip=(current master's ip address) --orig_master_port=(current master's port number) --orig_master_user=(current master's user) --orig_master_password=(current master's password) --orig_master_ssh_user=(from 0.56, current master's ssh user) --orig_master_is_new_slave=(from 0.56, notifying whether the orig master will be new slave or not) New master granting write phase --command=start --orig_master_host=(orig master's hostname) --orig_master_ip=(orig master's ip address) --orig_master_port=(orig master's port number) --new_master_host=(new master's hostname) --new_master_ip=(new master's ip address) --new_master_port(new master's port number) --new_master_user=(new master's user) --new_master_password=(new master's password) --new_master_ssh_user=(from 0.56, new master's ssh user)
shutdown_script= /usr/local/sample/bin/power_manager
MHA manager包中有一个范例脚本,在调用该命令前,MHA内部会检查master能否通过SSH连接。如果可连接(OS存活但是mysqld服务终止),MHA manager传递如下参数
--command=stopssh --ssh_user=(ssh username so that you can connect to the master) --host=(master's hostname) --ip=(master's ip address) --port=(master's port number) --pid_file=(master's pid file)If the master is not reachable via SSH, MHA Manager passes thefollowing arguments.
--command=stop --host=(master's hostname) --ip=(master's ip address)该脚本以如下方式运行。如果--command=stopssh被通过,则该脚本会通过ssh在mysqld和mysqld_safe进程上执行kill -9操作。如果—pid_file同样被通过,该脚本就会尝试只杀死代理的进程,而不是所有的mysql进程,这在单个master上运行多实例时是非常有用的。如果成功地通过SSH停止了该服务,则脚本运行结果返回10,并且后续manager会通过SSH连接到master并保存必要的binlog。如果该脚本无法通过SSH连接到master或者—command命令通过的话,那么该脚本将会尝试关闭机器电源。关闭电源依赖于H/W。如果电源关闭成功,该脚本返回0,否则返回1。当MHA接到返回的0时即开始故障切换。如果返回的代码既不是0也不是10,MHA将会终止故障转移工作。缺省参数为空,所以默认情况下MHA不对其做任何事。
--command=status --host=(master's hostname) --ip=(master's ip address)当故障切换完成或返回错误的时候,你或许希望可以发送一个报告给你,report_script参数可适用于这种场合。MHA manager将会传递如下参数
--orig_master_host=(dead master's hostname) --new_master_host=(new master's hostname) --new_slave_hosts=(new slaves' hostnames, delimited by commas) --subject=(mail subject) --body=(body)默认情况下该参数为空,即MHA不对其做任何事。在MHAmanager包的
Default parameter is empty, so MHA Manager does not invokeanything by default. /samples/scripts/send_report目录下有使用范例。
#!/usr/bin/perl print "password=$ROOT_PASS\n"; print "repl_password=$REPL_PASS\n";
# masterha_manager --conf=/etc/conf/masterha/app1.cnf
$ masterha_master_switch --master_state=dead --conf=/etc/app1.cnf--dead_master_host=host1
$ masterha_master_switch --master_state=dead --conf=/etc/app1.cnf --dead_master_host=host1 --new_master_host=host5
$ masterha_master_switch --master_state=dead --conf=/etc/conf/masterha/app1.cnf --dead_master_host=host1 --new_master_host=host2 --interactive=0
$ masterha_master_switch --master_state=alive --conf=/etc/app1.cnf --new_master_host=host2
$ masterha_check_status --conf=/path/to/app1.cnf app1 (pid:8368) is running(0:PING_OK), master:host1 $ echo $? 0
Status Code(Exit code) |
Status String |
Description |
0 |
Master is running and MHA Manager is monitoring. Master state is alive. |
1 |
--- |
Unexpected error happened. For example, config file does not exist. If this error happens, check arguments are valid or not. |
2 |
MHA Manager is not running. Master state is unknown. |
3 |
MHA Manager main process is not running, but child processes are running. This should not happen and should be investigated. Master state is unknown. |
10 |
MHA Manager is just after startup and initializing. Wait for a while and see how the status changes. Master state is unknown. |
20 |
MHA Manager detects ping to master is failing. Master state is maybe down. |
21 |
MHA Manager detects either a) ping to master failed three times, b) preparing for starting master failover. Master state is maybe down. |
30 |
MHA Manager internal health check program detected that master was not reachable from manager, but after double check MHA Manager verified the master is alive, and currently waiting for retry. Master state is very likely alive. |
31 |
There are some configuration problems and MHA Manager can't monitor the target master. Check a logfile for detail. Master state is unknown. |
32 |
MHA Manager detects that ping to master is ok but status file is not updated for a long time. Check whether MHA Manager itself hangs or not. Master state is unknown. |
50 |
MHA Manager confirms that master is down and running failover. Master state is dead. |
51 |
MHA Manager confirms that master is down and running failover, but failed during failover. Master state is dead. |
manager_host$ masterha_check_repl --conf=/etc/app1.cnf ... MySQL Replication Health is OK.
manager_host$ masterha_stop --conf=/etc/app1.cnf Stopped app1 successfully.
# masterha_conf_host --command=add--conf=/etc/conf/masterha/app1.cnf --hostname=db101 Then the following lines will be added to theconf file. [server_db101] hostname=db101 You can add several parameters in the configfile by passing --param parameters, separated by semi-colon(;). # masterha_conf_host --command=add--conf=/etc/conf/masterha/app1.cnf --hostname=db101 --block=server100--params="no_master=1;ignore_fail=1" The following lines will be added to the conffile. [server100] hostname=db101 no_master=1 ignore_fail=1 You can also remove specified block. Thebelow command will remove the etire block server100. # masterha_conf_host --command=delete--conf=/etc/conf/masterha/app1.cnf --block=server100 masterha_conf_host takes below arguments
# masterha_check_ssh --conf=/etc/app1.cnf Sat May 14 14:42:19 2011 - [warn] Global configuration file /etc/masterha_default.cnf not found. Skipping. Sat May 14 14:42:19 2011 - [info] Reading application default configurations from /etc/app1.cnf.. Sat May 14 14:42:19 2011 - [info] Reading server configurations from /etc/app1.cnf.. Sat May 14 14:42:19 2011 - [info] Starting SSH connection tests.. Sat May 14 14:42:19 2011 - [debug] Connecting via SSH from root@host1( to root@host2( Sat May 14 14:42:20 2011 - [debug] ok. Sat May 14 14:42:20 2011 - [debug] Connecting via SSH from root@host1( to root@host3( Sat May 14 14:42:20 2011 - [debug] ok. Sat May 14 14:42:21 2011 - [debug] Connecting via SSH from root@host2( to root@host1( Sat May 14 14:42:21 2011 - [debug] ok. Sat May 14 14:42:21 2011 - [debug] Connecting via SSH from root@host2( to root@host3( Sat May 14 14:42:21 2011 - [debug] ok. Sat May 14 14:42:22 2011 - [debug] Connecting via SSH from root@host3( to root@host1( Sat May 14 14:42:22 2011 - [debug] ok. Sat May 14 14:42:22 2011 - [debug] Connecting via SSH from root@host3( to root@host2( Sat May 14 14:42:22 2011 - [debug] ok. Sat May 14 14:42:22 2011 - [info] All SSH connection tests passed successfully.
[app@slave_host1]$ cat /etc/cron.d/purge_relay_logs # purge relay logs at 5am 0 5 * * * app /usr/bin/purge_relay_logs --user=root --password=PASSWORD --disable_relay_log_purge >> /var/log/masterha/purge_relay_logs.log 2>&1
# masterha_manager --conf=/etc/conf/masterha/app1.cnf # masterha_manager --conf=/etc/conf/masterha/app2.cnf
下面是一个简要的Pacemaker配置(Heartbeat v1 模式)
# /etc/ha.d/haresources on host2
host2 failover_start IPaddr::
# failover_start script example
`masterha_master_switch --master_state=dead--interactive=0 --wait_on_failover_error=0 --dead_master_host=host1--new_master_host=host2`
# do nothing
# Application configuration file: