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mysql update in 报错解决

2016-06-07 15:52:332582검색

在用到mysql update in的时候报错 update area set status='ON' where id in(select id from area where status='ON' and name like '%市辖%') [SQL]update area set status='ON' where id in(select id from area where status='ON' and name like '%市辖%'

在用到mysql  update in的时候报错

update area set status='ON' where id in(select id from area where status='ON' and name like '%市辖%')

[SQL]update area set status='ON' where id in(select id from area where status='ON' and name like '%市辖%')

[Err] 1093 - You can't specify target table 'area' for update in FROM clause


update area a  inner join(select id from area where id in(select id from area where status='ON' and name like '%市辖%')) b on  a.id=b.id set a.status='OFF'

select * from area a inner join(select id from area where id in(select id from area where status='ON' and name like '%市辖%')) b on  a.id=b.id

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