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To import data from excel to DB

2016-06-07 15:49:001469검색

Here,I introducesome methods to import data from excel to DB, 1 By OPENDATASOURCE SELECT * FROM OPENDATASOURCE ( 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' , 'Excel 8.0;DataBase=D:/TEST.xls' )...[sheet1$] Note: Sometimes, error message will occor when exec

Here,I introduce some methods to import data from excel to DB,


    'Excel 8.0;DataBase=D:/TEST.xls')...[sheet1$]

Note: Sometimes, error message will occor when executing above script like this:
Msg 15281, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
SQL Server blocked access to STATEMENT 'OpenRowset/OpenDatasource' of component 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries' because this component is turned off as part of the security configuration for this server. A system administrator can enable the use of 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries' by using sp_configure. For more information about enabling 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries', see "Surface Area Configuration" in SQL Server Books Online.

The solution issetting Ad Hoc Distributed Queries to 1,you can refer to my post: http://www.cnblogs.com/Burgess/archive/2008/09/24/1298195.html

2   By Linked server

EXEC sp_addlinkedserver  --add linked server
    @server = N'MyExcel',
    @srvproduct = N'Jet 4.0',
    @provider = N'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',
    @datasrc = N'd:/TEST.xls',
    @provstr = N'Excel 8.0'

Note:You can also add linked server by below method:

To import data from excel to DB

exec sp_addlinkedsrvlogin 'MyExcel','false' --login without account (Optional)

select * from MyExcel...sheet1$  --query data


 3  By VBA


To import data from excel to DB To import data from excel to DB Code
 1To import data from excel to DB To import data from excel to DB Private Sub cmdInsert_Click()Sub cmdInsert_Click()
 2To import data from excel to DB
 3To import data from excel to DB     Dim LinCnt As Integer
 4To import data from excel to DB     LinCnt = 6
 5To import data from excel to DB     If InputBox("Please input password1""口令输入框", , 87004700= "password" Then
 6To import data from excel to DB         Rows("6:6").Select
 7To import data from excel to DB         Rows("6:65536").Select
 8To import data from excel to DB         Range("A6").Select
 9To import data from excel to DB         
10To import data from excel to DB         Connection.Open " Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=User_id;Password=PWD; Initial Catalog=DB_name;Data Source=Server_ip;Connect Timeout=60 "
11To import data from excel to DB         Connection.CursorLocation = adUseClient
12To import data from excel to DB         CMD.ActiveConnection = Connection
13To import data from excel to DB
14To import data from excel to DB         Do While Cells(LinCnt, "C" ""
15To import data from excel to DB             If txtSoldto.Text = "" And txtQcimat.Text = "" And Cells(LinCnt, "G"= "" Then
16To import data from excel to DB                 MsgBox "Please maintain To import data from excel to DB "
17To import data from excel to DB                 Exit Sub
18To import data from excel to DB             Else
19To import data from excel to DB                 SQLstmt = " insert into table_name values('" & VBA.Trim(txt1.Text) & "','" & VBA.Trim(txt2.Text) & "','" & Cells(LinCnt, "C"& "','" & Cells(LinCnt, "D"& "','" & Cells(LinCnt, "E"& "','" & Cells(LinCnt, "F"& "','" & Cells(LinCnt, "G"& "','" & Cells(LinCnt, "H"& "','" & Cells(LinCnt, "I"& "','" & Cells(LinCnt, "J"& "') "
20To import data from excel to DB                 CMD.CommandText = SQLstmt
21To import data from excel to DB                 CMD.Execute
22To import data from excel to DB                 LinCnt = LinCnt + 1
23To import data from excel to DB             End If
24To import data from excel to DB         Loop
25To import data from excel to DB         Connection.Close
26To import data from excel to DB         Exit Sub
27To import data from excel to DB     Else
28To import data from excel to DB         MsgBox "You have no right to insert!"
29To import data from excel to DB         Exit Sub
30To import data from excel to DB     End If
31To import data from excel to DB End Sub

 4   By SQL Server Import and Export Wizard
Detailed oprating steps is abbreviated here.

5  Other methods:
Please refer to http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/321686

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